CSharp OOP Basics – Exercise – Static Members (Solution)

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Problem 1. Students
Define class Student. Add string field for a student’s name that you are going to receive as a console input. Then add a static Integer field to keep track of how many students’ instances are created. Initialize the static field with 0 (zero) and increment in the constructor. When you receive command “End” stop reading more students names and print their total count on the console.
Input Output
Input Output
End 2 Minka End 1
Problem 2. Unique Student Names
Input Output
24 Celsius
101 Fahrenheit
End 75.20 Fahrenheit
38.33 Celsius
Define class Student containing a single field – name. Now Define class StudentGroup with HashSet<String> field that will keep all unique students. You are going to receive user input containing student’s names as single parameter on the line until you receive command “End”. Create new instances of Students class and keep track of all unique names using static counter within the StudentGroup class. Then print the count of unique names.
Input Output
Input Output Input Output
End 1 Minka End 1 Minka
End 3
Problem 3. Temperature Converter
Create a program that converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. Use static methods. The input data will be in format: {temperature} {unit}. Temperatures will be in integer number and units will be one of these two values: Celsius / Fahrenheit. Output value must be double value following of empty space and the converted unit. You are going to receive input, until you receive command “End”. The output must be formatted 2 digits after floating point.
Problem 4. Beer Counter
Define class BeerCounter holding static field beerInStock that shows how many beers you bought and static field beersDrankCount that shows how many beers you have drunk. Manipulate the static fields through static methods BuyBeer(int bottlesCount) and DrinkBeer(int bottlesCount). On every input line you will get pair of beers you bought and beers you drank, until you receive command “End”.
• BuyBeer – add beers to the beers in stock
• DrinkBeer – add beers to the drunk beers counter and subtract beers in stock
After that print beersInStock and beersDrankCount on the same line separated by 1 space.
Input Output
50 49
9 10
End 0 59
Problem 5. Animal Clinic
Define two classes: Animal (name, breed) and AnimalClinic (static field patientId, static field healedAnimalsCount and static field rehabilitedAnimalsCount). You will be given animal data (name and breed) and information whether the animal should be healed or rehabilitated. Keep track on the rehabilitated animals, on the healed animals and overall patients. If the animal has been healed, you need to print on the console the following message:
Patient {patientID} [{name} ({breed})] has been healed!
Otherwise print:
Patient {patientID} [{name} ({breed})] has been rehabilitated!
You will receive information about animals until you receive command “End”.
After you receive command “End” print total healed animals and total rehabilitated animals in format:
Total healed animals: {count}
Total rehabilitated animals: {count}
After that you will receive one of the following commands heal or rehabilitate and you must print all the names and breed of the healed or rehabilitated animals in format {name} {breed} each animal on new line.
Input Output
Toshko Terrier heal End heal Patient 1: [Toshko(Terrier)] has been healed!
Total healed animals: 1
Total rehabilitated animals: 0
Toshko Terrier
Input Output
Toshko Terrier rehabilitate Patient 1: [Toshko(Terrier)] has been rehabilitated!
Toshko Terrier rehabilitate End rehabilitate Patient 2: [Toshko(Terrier)] has been rehabilitated!
Total healed animals: 0
Total rehabilitated animals: 2
Toshko Terrier
Toshko Terrier
Input Output
Toshko Terrier heal
Goshko Bulldog rehabilitate End rehabilitate Patient 1: [Toshko (Terrier)] has been healed!
Patient 2: [Goshko (Bulldog)] has been rehabilitated!
Total healed animals: 1
Total rehabilitated animals: 1
Goshko Bulldog
Problem 6. Planck Constant
Create class Calculation. Define static constant with value 6.62606896e-34 (Planck constant) and 3.14159 (Pi). Add static method that returns reduced Planck constant by the formula:
{Planck constant} / (2 * {Pi constant})
Print the result of the method on a single line on the console. Do not format in any way the result.
Problem 7. Basic Math
Define MathUtil class that supports basic mathematical operations:
• Sum <first number> <second number>
• Subtract <first number> <second number>
• Multiply <first number> <second number>
• Divide <dividend> <divisor>
• Percentage <total number> <percent of that number>
Use static methods and make sure that the application will work with floating point numbers.
Read from the console until you receive command “End”. Results must be formatted with 2 digits after the floating point.
Input Output
Sum 5 5
Multiply 5.5 11
Percentage 1500 99
Divide 12.24 2
Subtract 10.6 0.6
End 10.00
Problem 8. Shapes Volume
Define class TriangularPrism that has base side, height from base side and length. Define class Cube that has side length and class Cylinder that has radius and height. Define class VolumeCalculator that holds static methods for calculating the volume of these three figures. The input will be read from the console until command “End” is received and will be in some of these formats:
• TriangularPrism <base side> <height> <length>
• Cube <side length>
• Cylinder <radius> <height>
The volume in the output must be rounded 3 digits after the floating point.
Input Output
Cube 5
Cylinder 5 11.4
TrianglePrism 1 2 3
End 125.000


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