CSharp OOP Basics – OOP Basics Exam – System Split (Solution)

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You have been given the task to gather statistics about The System. The System is a network of components, connected together to build something which functions logically, but you don’t need to know that. You need to build a program which processes statistics about The System.
The System consists, mainly, of two types of components – Hardware and Software components.
Hardware components have a name, a type, a maximum capacity and a maximum memory.
There are 2 types of Hardware components:
• Power Hardware – decreases 75% of its given capacity, and increases its memory by 75%.
• Heavy Hardware – decreases 25% of its given memory and doubles its given capacity.
Software components have a name, a type, capacity consumption and memory consumption.
• Express Software – doubles its given memory consumption.
• Light Software – increases its given capacity consumption by 50% and decreases its given memory consumption by 50%.
Example: If a Power Hardware has 150 given capacity, his capacity will be – 75% from 150 =
150 – ((150 * 3) / 4) =
150 – (450 / 4) =
150 – 112 = 38
Note that you are working with INTEGERS.
Software components are stored on Hardware components. Each Software component takes up a specific amount of capacity and a specific amount of memory from the Hardware, in order to function properly. When registered, a Software component is stored on a specified Hardware Component.
There are several main commands you should configure in order for your program to function as needed.
• RegisterPowerHardware(name, capacity, memory)
• RegisterHeavyHardware(name, capacity, memory) o Registers a Hardware component of the specified type on The System with the given name, capacity, and memory.
• RegisterExpressSoftware(hardwareComponentName, name, capacity, memory)
• RegisterLightSoftware(hardwareComponentName, name, capacity, memory) o Registers a Software component of the specified type on the given Hardware component, with the given name. The Software Component takes up from the hardware’s capacity and memory – the given capacity and memory.
o If the given Hardware component does NOT exist in The System, the command should do nothing.
o If the given Hardware component does NOT have enough capacity or memory to contain the Software component, the command should do nothing.
• ReleaseSoftwareComponent(hardwareComponentName, softwareComponentName) o Destroys the Software Component with the given name, from the Hardware Component with the given name.
o In case there is NO such Hardware Component, in The System, the command should do nothing.
o In case there is NO such Software Component, on the given Hardware Component, the command should do nothing.
• Analyze() o Shows statistics about the components currently in The System in the following format:
“System Analysis
Hardware Components: {countOfHardwareComponents}
Software Components: {countOfSoftwareComponents}
Total Operational Memory: {totalOperationalMemoryInUse} | {maximumMemory}
Total Capacity Taken: {totalCapacityTaken} | {maximumCapacity}” o The total operational memory in use and total capacity taken is calculated from all the Software components currently in The System. You must also print the maximum memory and capacity available from all the Hardware Components currently in The System.
• System Split o This command finalizes the work of the program, and prints information about the whole System. o The System is split, and all of the Hardware components are to be printed one by one.
o The format of printing is the following:
“Hardware Component – {componentName}
Express Software Components: {countOfExpressSoftwareComponents}
Light Software Components: {countOfLightSoftwareComponents}
Memory Usage: {memoryUsed} | {maximumMemory}
Capacity Usage: {capacityUsed} | {maximumCapacity}
Type: {Power/Heavy}
Software Components: {softwareComponent1, softwareComponent2…}” o Power Hardware Components must be printed before the Heavy Hardware Components.
o When printing the Software Components, print only their names. o In case the Hardware component does not have any Software Components, print “None”. o The general order of output for all of the components is – by order of entrance.
• The input will come in the form of commands, in the format – specified above.
• The input will consist only of the commands specified above.
• The input ends when you receive the command “System Split”.
• The only output you must print is the one specified for the Analyze command, and the final output.
• All of the output must be exactly in the format specified above.
• The names of the components will be strings, and will consist of English alphabet letters and digits.
• The names of the Hardware Components will always be unique.
• The names of the Software Components will be unique for every Hardware Component.
• The memory and capacity of each component will be integer numbers in range [0, 231 – 1].
• The type of a Hardware Component can be “Power”or “Heavy”.
• The type of a Software Component can be “Express” or “Light”.
• There will be NO invalid input commands.
• Allowed time/memory: 250ms / 32MB.
Input Output
RegisterPowerHardware(HDD, 200, 200)
RegisterHeavyHardware(SSD, 400, 400)
RegisterLightSoftware(HDD, Test, 0, 10)
RegisterExpressSoftware(HDD, Test2, 100, 100)
RegisterExpressSoftware(HDD, Test3, 50, 100)
RegisterLightSoftware(SSD, Windows, 20, 50)
RegisterExpressSoftware(SSD, Linux, 50, 100)
RegisterLightSoftware(SSD, Unix, 20, 50)
ReleaseSoftwareComponent(SSD, Linux) System Split System Analysis
Hardware Components: 2
Software Components: 0
Total Operational Memory: 0 / 650
Total Capacity Taken: 0 / 850
System Analysis
Hardware Components: 2
Software Components: 5
Total Operational Memory: 455 / 650
Total Capacity Taken: 160 / 850
Hardware Component – HDD
Express Software Components – 1
Light Software Components – 1
Memory Usage: 205 / 350
Capacity Usage: 50 / 50
Type: Power
Software Components: Test, Test3
Hardware Component – SSD
Express Software Components – 0
Light Software Components – 2
Memory Usage: 50 / 300
Capacity Usage: 60 / 800
Type: Heavy
Software Components: Windows, Unix
BONUS TASK: Dump Analysis
There is also a bonus task for you to implement in your program.
The System is hyper-dynamic – it is constantly changing its infrastructure. Addition and removal of components are frequent actions. For data safety reasons, The System contains a Dump. The Dump contains all elements that are temporarily deleted, so they can be restored if needed. If, however, the temporarily deleted components are deleted from The Dump itself, restoring them would be impossible.
• Dump(hardwareComponentName)
o Removes from The System the Hardware component with the given name, and throws it into The Dump, along with all of its Software components.
o Dumped units do NOT take any memory or capacity on The System.
o In case there is no component with the given name in The System, the command should do nothing.
• Restore(hardwareComponentName) o Restores the given Hardware component, from The Dump, to The System.
o In case there is NO such component in The Dump, the command should do nothing.
• Destroy(hardwareComponentName) o Removes the given Hardware component from The Dump. After this action the component should no longer exist.
o In case there is NO such component in The Dump, the command should do nothing.
• DumpAnalyze() o Shows statistics about the whole System in the following format:
“Dump Analysis
Power Hardware Components: {countOfPowerHardwareComponents}
Heavy Hardware Components: {countOfHeavyHardwareComponents}
Express Software Components: {countOfExpressSoftwareComponents}
Light Software Components: {countOfLightSoftwareComponents}
Total Dumped Memory: {totalDumpedMemory}
Total Dumped Capacity: {totalDumpedCapacity}” o The dumped memory, capacity, and is calculated from all the components, currently in The Dump.

Input Output
RegisterPowerHardware(HDD, 300, 250)
RegisterHeavyHardware(SSD, 600, 1200)
RegisterExpressSoftware(HDD, Test1, 1, 1)
RegisterExpressSoftware(HDD, Test2, 1, 1)
RegisterExpressSoftware(HDD, Test3, 1, 1)
RegisterLightSoftware(SSD, Test1, 5, 10)
RegisterLightSoftware(SSD, Test2, 5, 10)
System Split System Analysis
Hardware Components: 0
Software Components: 0
Total Operational Memory: 0 / 0
Total Capacity Taken: 0 / 0
Dump Analysis
Power Hardware Components: 1
Heavy Hardware Components: 1
Express Software Components: 3
Light Software Components: 2
Total Dumped Memory: 16
Total Dumped Capacity: 17

Input Output
RegisterPowerHardware(CPU, 150, 235)
RegisterHeavyHardware(RAM, 450, 750)
RegisterExpressSoftware(CPU, ALU2, 10, 0)
RegisterPowerHardware(SSD, 3000, 5000)
RegisterExpressSoftware(SSD, Windows, 400, 1750)
RegisterExpressSoftware(SSD, Skype, 50, 200)
RegisterExpressSoftware(SSD, Linux, 250, 300)
System Split System Analysis
Hardware Components: 1
Software Components: 0
Total Operational Memory: 0 / 563
Total Capacity Taken: 0 / 900
System Analysis
Hardware Components: 2
Software Components: 1
Total Operational Memory: 0 / 974
Total Capacity Taken: 10 / 938
System Analysis
Hardware Components: 2
Software Components: 3
Total Operational Memory: 4500 / 9313
Total Capacity Taken: 700 / 1650
Hardware Component – SSD
Express Software Components – 3
Light Software Components – 0
Memory Usage: 4500 / 8750
Capacity Usage: 700 / 750
Type: Power
Software Components: Windows, Skype,
Hardware Component – RAM
Express Software Components – 0
Light Software Components – 0
Memory Usage: 0 / 563
Capacity Usage: 0 / 900
Type: Heavy
Software Components: None


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