CSIS2300 – Assignment 2- SQL Queries (Solution)

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Provide the required SQL query for each number.
Note: This assignment builds on your previous exercise where you have the salesman and customer table.
1. Using your create query, create the following table
Order1(Orderno,customer_id, prod_id, date1, qty, salesman_id)

2. Enter the following data:

Provide at least one insert query that enters a record in the Order1 table.

3. Choose an appropriate primary key for this table. Using the alter SQL statement, alter the table to apply a primary key constraint.

4. Using the alter SQL statement, add another column in the customer table name it as referred.

5. Using update query update the customer records as follows:

6. Retrieve all records in orders1 and sort it by quantity in a descending order.

7. Retrieve all records of customer 3006 in the order1 table.

9. Select all salesman with names that has “au” in them. Display all the names in upper case format.

10. Retrieve the salesman name that has orders in the order table. Remove repetitions in the results.

11. Show the customer names and the customer who referred them. Use an alias to differentiate between the two columns.

12. Using outer join, show all the customers with orders and without orders.
Output is similar to the one below:

13. Using the UNION operator combine the cities between customer and salesman. The final list should not have repetitions.

14. Using the intersect operator, show only the common cities between salesman and customer.

15. Show the cities of customer without the cities that are common between salesman and customer. In other words, remove the cities that are common between salesman and customer
16. Sum the quantity of the order1 table by order number. Include the salesman name and the order number in the results.

17. Revise your number 15 by further filtering the results. Show only those records with a sum of quantity that is greater than 10.

18. Using a subquery, display all customers that has a grade greater than customer 3002.

19. Using a subquery in the select statement display the cust_name, grade and the overall average of the grade table.

Sample output.

20. Retrieve all records of customer that has a grade greater than the grade of salesman who has a commission rate greater than .14. A subquery should be used.

Sample output:

21. Group the customers by salesman ID and from this group get the maximum grade. Based from this query retrieve customers whose grade are in the grade of your first query. Hint: You have to use multiple column.
Sample output:

22. Multiply the commission of salesman to 7890.80. Round the results.

23. Show the customers names and the referred columns. Using a function, replace the null values to “no referral”. Hint: To able to this you have to convert the referral to a character first by using another function.

Sample Results:

24. Extract the first 3 characters of the customer name in the customer table.


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