CSS344 – Final Exam (Solution)

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Name: Ryan Coslove
NetID: rmc326
1. Do not forget to write your name and NetID above, and to sign Rutgers honor pledge below.
2. The exam contains 4 problems worth 100 points in total plus one extra credit problem worth 10 points.
3. This is a take-home exam. You have exactly 48 hours to finish the exam.
The only exception to this rule is the extra credit problem: you do not get any credit for leaving the extra credit problem blank, and it is harder to get partial credit on that problem.

Rutgers honor pledge:
On my honor, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this examination.
Signature: Ryan Coslove

Problem. # Points Score
1 25
2 25
3 25
4 25
5 +10
Total 100 + 10
Problem 1.
(a) Mark each of the assertions below as True or False and provide a short justification for your answer.
(i) If f(n) = 2 logn and g(n) = n, then f(n) = Ω(g(n)).
False (2.5 points)

(ii) If T(n) = T(n/3) + T(n/4) + O(n), then T(n) = O(n). (2.5 points)
Consider the recursion tree. At the root we have C∗n time. In the next level, we have (
. In the level after that, we have ( . In general, at level i, we have ( time.
So the total runtime is upper bounded by
This means T(n) = O(n)
(iii) If P = NP, then all NP-complete problems can be solved in polynomial time. (2.5 points)
All NP-complete problems are also in NP by definition and so if P=NP, they all can be solved in polynomial time also.
(iv) If P 6= NP, then no problem in NP can be solved in polynomial time. (2.5 points)
We know that P is a subset of NP. That is, any problem that can be solved in polynomial time can also be verified in NP. P 6= NP would imply that the decision version of the problem cannot be solved in poly time, despite being verifiable in poly time. On the other hand, a problem already known to be in P would continue to both be solvable and verifiable in poly time. So at least some problems in NP, not none, can be solved in polynomial time.
(b) Prove the following statements.
(i) Suppose G is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with a unique source s. Then, there is a path from s to v for any vertex v in G. (7.5 points)
It is important to prove that G contains no cycle. So we will topologically sort G. The algorithm for topological sort:
i. Let D[1:t] be an array initilized to 0 and O be an empty linked-list for the output ordering.
ii. Go over all vertices v and for any u∃N(v), increase D[u] by one. (At the end of this step, D[v] denotes the in-degree of v for all v∃V ).
iii. Insert every vertex v with D[v] = 0 into a queue Q.
iv. While Q is not empty:
Let v be the first vertex of Q and dequeue (remove) this vertex from Q.
Add v to the end of the linked-list O.
For u∃N(v): Reduce D[u] by one. If D[u] = 0 insert u to Q
v. If |O| < n, output as not a DAG path; otherwise output O as a topological ordering of G
Knowing G is topologically sorted, we prove that it is acyclic so v never comes before s, (v,s). So we prove that by contradiction that there will always be a path from s to v, (s,v).
(ii) Consider a flow network G and a flow f in G. Suppose there is a path from the source to sink such that f(e) < ce for all edges of the path, i.e., the flow on each edge is strictly less than its capacity. Then, f is not a maximum flow in G. (7.5 points)
We define a flow in a given network G = (V,E) as any function f : V xV → R+ that satisifies the following capacity constraint:
For any edge e = (u,v) ∈ E,f(u,v) ≤ ce and if there is no edge from u to v, then f(u,v) = 0 (a flow over each edge can’t be larger than the capacity of the edge).
If you ran a ford-folkerson algorithm on the above condition where f(u,v) ≤ ce you would find a maximum flow.
With the condition we have in the problem where the flow edge is strictly less than the capacity of the edge, f(e) < ce, we know that if we run the same algorithm it’s max flow would typically, if not always, be less than that of a normal flow where the edge can equal its capacity value (like above). Therefore our f in the problem is not a max flow in G.
Problem 2. We consider a different variant of the Knapsack problem in this question. You are given n items with integer weights w1,…,wn and integer values v1,…,vn and a target value V . Your goal is to determine the smallest knapsack size needed so that you can fit a set items in the knapsack with total value at least V . In other words, you want to minimize Pi∈S wi subject to Pi∈S vi ≥ V (over the choice of S from n items).
Design an O(n · V ) time dynamic programming algorithm for this problem.
(a) Specification of recursive formula for the problem (in plain English): (5 points)
For any integers 0 ≤ i ≤ n and 0 ≤ j ≤ V , we define:
K(i,j): the minimum value we can obtain by picking a subset of first i items, i.e., items 1. …, i, when we have a knapsack of size j.
By returning K(n,V ), we can solve the original problem. This is because K(n,V ) is the minimum value we can obtain by picking a subset of the first n items, when we have a knapsack whose target value is V .
(b) Recursive solution for the formula: (7.5 points)
We write a recursive formula for K(i,j) as follows:

0 if i = 0 or j = 0
K(i,j) = K(i − 1,j) if vi > j
min{K(i − 1,j − vi) + wi,K(i − 1,j)} otherwise
(c) Proof of correctness of the recursive formula: (7.5 points)
Let us consider the base case of this function first: either when i = 0 or j = 0. In both cases, we have K(i,j) = 0 which is also the value we can achieve by using the first 0 items (i.e., no item at all or i = 0) or when the knapsack has no size (i.e., j = 0). So the base case of this function matches the specification.
We now consider the larger values of i and j. Suppose first vi > j. In this case, K(i,j) = K(i − 1,j). This is correct because we cannot fit item i in a knapsack of size j and thus the best value we can achieve is by picking the best combination of items from the first i − 1 items, which is captured by K(i − 1,j). Thus, whenever vi > j, K(i,j) = K(i − 1,j) precisely captures the specification we had.
Finally, we have the case when vi ≤ j (corresponding to the last line of the recursive formula). At this point, we have two options in front of us for minimizing the value of items:
(a) We either pick item i in our solution which leaves us with the first i−1 items remaining to choose from next and a knapsack of size j − vi but we also collected the value wi. Hence, in this case, we can obtain the value of K(i − 1,j − vi) + wi (remember that K(i − 1,j − vi) is the smallest value we can get by picking a subset of the first i − 1 items in a knapsack of size j − vi which is precisely the size of our knapsack after we pick item i in the solution).
(b) The other option would be to not pick i in our solution which leaves us with the first i − 1 items remaining to choose from and a knapsack of the same size j (we do not collect any value in this case). This is captured by the value K(i − 1,j).
But which of options (1) or (2) we should choose? Since our goal is to pick the minimum value we can get by picking a subset of first i items in a knapsack of size j (the definition of K(i,j)), we should also pick the option between (1) and (2) which gives us the minimum value; hence,K(i,j) = min{K(i − 1,j − vi) + wi,K(i − 1,j)} as computed by the function as well.
(d) Runtime analysis: (5 points)
There are n choices for i and V choices for j so there are in total n∗V subproblems. Each subproblem also, ignoring the time it takes to do the inner recursions, takes O(1) time. Hence, the runtime of the algorithm is O(nV ).
Problem 3. You are given a directed graph G = (V,E) such that every edge is colored red, yellow, or green, and two vertices s and t. We say that a path from s to t is a good path if (1) it has at least one edge of each color, and (2) all the red edges in the path appear before all the yellow edges, and all the yellow edges appear before the green edges. For instance, a (red,red,yelow,green,green,green) path is a good path but neither a (red,green,green) path nor a (red,green,yellow) path are good.
Design and analyze an O((m + n) · n) time algorithm that outputs the size of the largest collection of edge-disjoint good paths from s to t in a given directed graph G = (V,E) with n vertices and m edges.
(25 points)
Solution. Algorithm (reduction to network flow finding edge-disjoint problem):
Create a network G0 = (V 0,E0) where V 0 = {s,t}∪UR ∪WR ∪UY ∪WY ∪UG ∪WG: starting from s on our way to t, for any red edge e ∈ E, we create two edges ue ∈ UR and we ∈ WR; similarly, for any yellow edge in ue ∈ E we create two edges ue ∈ UY and we ∈ WY ; and finally for any green edge in ue ∈ E we create two edges ue ∈ UG and we ∈ WG.
We set the capacity of any edge e = (s,u) for u ∈ L to be ce = 1. Similarly, we set the capacity of any edge e0 = (v,t) for v ∈ R to one also, i.e., ce0 = 1. This is construced from ue to we in G0. Moreover, if there is an edge (e,e0) ∈ E, where e is red and e0 is yellow, we connect with edge capacity ce = 1.
Similarly, if there is an edge (e,e0) ∈ E, where e is yellow and e0 is green, we connect with edge capacity ce = 1. Finally, we connect s to all vertices in UR with edges of capaicty 1 and connect all vertices in WG to t with edges of capacity 1.
Find a maximum flow k from s to t and return the value of the maximum flow as the answer to the probelm. Proof of correctness
We prove that there is a flow of value k in G0 if and only if there is a collection of k colorful paths in G. This implies that the maximum value of flow in G0 is equal to the size of the largest collection of good/colorful paths in G.
1. Suppose there are k colorful paths in G, create a flow f of value k as follows: For any good path P with edges ered,eyellow,egreen, send 1 unit of flow from s to uered ∈ UR to wered ∈ WR, then from wered ∈ WR to ueyellow ∈ UY and next from ueyellow ∈ UY to weyellow ∈ WY , then from weyellow ∈ WY to uegreen ∈ UG and next from uegreen ∈ UG to wegreen ∈ WG, and finally from wegreen ∈ WG to t. Since in the collection of good paths no vertex is used more than once, we will not use any the edges above more than once also and thus this is a valid flow with the same value asnumber of paths in the collection.
2. Suppose now there is a flow of value k in G0, create a collection of k good paths in G as follows: Any flow path in G0 is of the form:
s → ue1 ∈ UR → we1 ∈ WR → ue2 ∈ UY → we2 ∈ WY → ue3 ∈ UG → we3 ∈ WG → t.
This translates to a path e1 → e2 → e3 in G where e1 is red, e2 is yellow, and e3 is green. Moreover, since capacity of every edge (ue,we) is only 1 in G0, no vertex or edge can appear in more than once of these paths. Thus, the flow paths give us k good paths in G.
Network G0 has O(n) vertices and O(m + n) edges, and maximum flow F in the network is at most n (as there are at most n edges of capacity 1 going out of s). Thus, by running Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for max-flow, the running of time of this algorithm is O((m + n) ∗ F) = O((m + n) ∗ n) as desired.
Problem 4. Prove that the following problems are NP-hard. For each problem, you are only allowed to use a reduction from the problem specified.
(a) 4-Coloring Problem: Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), is there a 4-coloring of vertices of G? (A 4-coloring is an assignment of colors {1,2,3,4} to vertices so that no edge gets the same color on both its endpoints). (12.5 points)
For this problem, use a reduction from the 3-Coloring problem. Recall that in the 3-Coloring problem, you are given a graph G = (V,E) and the goal is to find whether there is a 3-coloring of G or not. A 3-coloring is an assignment of colors {1,2,3} to vertices so that no edge gets the same color on both its endpoints
Solution. Reduction (from 3-coloring problem)
(a) Given an instance G = (V,E) of the 3-coloring problem, we create an instance G0 of the 4-coloring problem as follows.
(b) Add a new vertex to graph G.
(d) We run the algorithm for 4-color problem on G0 and output G0.
Proof of correctness
Since 3-coloring problems is NP-complete, all NP problems can be reduced to 3-coloring, so we can use this strategy to reduce them all to 4-coloring. We show that G has a solution G’ that outputs a 4-coloring graph.
(a) If G has a working 3-color graph of size k vertices, then G0 has a working 4-color graph with k + 1 vertices. Let the vertices be labeled v1,…,vk in G with edges e1,…,ek. Now we’ve added a vertex, vk+1. All k vertices will add an edge to the new vertex vk+1. Now we have our desired size of k + 1 vertices. Our new vertex will be given the 4th color and be connected to vertices that are 1 of 3 colors.
(b) If G0 has a graph of size k+1 and a working 4-color graph , then G has a working 3-color graph of size k. Let the vertices be labeled v1,…vk+1 and the added edges eadded be the graph of G0. Note that the vertex vk+1 has an edge to every vertex, meaning the color of the vertex is not equal to 1 of the 3 colors of the vertices that are originally in G. Since there are extra edges and one extra vertex, they can be removed (k + 1 − 1) to form the 3-color graph of G containing k vertices.
The runtime of the algorithm is the same as the one for 3-coloring problem, which is polynomial time, so O(n + m).
(b) Hamiltonian Path Problem: Given an undirected graph G = (V,E), does G contain a path that goes through all vertices, i.e., a Hamiltonian path? (12.5 points)
For this problem, use a reduction from the s-t Hamiltonian Path problem. Recall that in the s-t Hamiltonian Path problem, you are given a graph G = (V,E) and two vertices s,t and the goal is to decide whether there is a s-t path in G that passes through all other vertices.
(Note that the difference between Hamiltonian Path problem and s-t Hamiltonian Path problem is that in the former problem, the path can start from any vertex and end in any vertex as long as it goes through all vertices, while in the latter it should start from s and ends at t.)
Solution. Reduction from s − t Hamiltonian Path
(a) Given an instance G(V,E) of the undirected s − t Hamiltonian path problem, we create a G0 where a path goes through all vertices as follows.
(b) Obtain G0 by adding n vertices to G and connecting them to s and adding one additional dummy vertex and connecting it to t.
(c) We then run the algorithm for Hamiltonian Path Problem on G0 and output G has s−t hamiltonian path if and only if the algorithm outputs G0 has a ”full” hamiltonian path. (”full” meaning path goes through all vertices).
Proof of correctness
We show that G has an s − t Hamiltonian path if and only if G0 has a hamiltonian path that goes through all vertices. Note that the number of vertices in G0 is n + 1, hence any valid path for the full Hamiltonian path problem in G0 has to be of length at least n + 1.
(a) If G has a s − t Hamiltonian path P, then G0 has a full Hamiltonian Path that goes through all vertices. The path P0 = ds → s * pt → dt, where ds is one of dummy vertices connected to s and dt is the dummy vertex connected to t, is a path in G0 that passes through exactly n+1 vertices. Thus, it is a valid answer for the full Hamiltonian Path problem.
(b) If G0 has a Hamiltonian Path, then G has a s − t Hamiltonian path. Note that any path length more than 2 cannot contain a dummy vertex connected to s and hence the maximum length of a path in G0 is n + 1. Moreover, any path of length n + 1 in G0 must contain a dummy vertex connected to s, all original n vertices, and the dummy vertex connected to t and consequently has to start from and end in a dummy vertex. Hence if G0 has a path of length n + 1, then removing the first and last (dummy) vertices results in a Hamiltonian path from s to t in G.
This implies the correction of the reduction.
The reduction can be implemented in O(n+m) time and hence a poly-time algorithm for Hamiltonian Path implies a poly-time algorithm for undirected s−t Hamiltonian path which in turn implies P = NP, which also implies NP Hard.
Problem 5. [Extra credit] Alice wants to throw a party and is deciding who to invite. She has n people to choose from and she has made up a list of which pairs of these people know each other. She wants to pick as many people as possible, subject to the constraint that at the party, each person should know at least five other people.
Give a polynomial time algorithm that takes as input a list of n people and the list of pairs who know each other and outputs the maximum number of guests that Alice can invite.
(+10 points)
Hint: Get creative and design an algorithm for this problem from scratch; this problem is not about using reductions to the problems you have already seen in this course.
Solution. Algorithm
1. Create a network G = (V,E) where V = {s,t}∪VP ∪VS. For each person pi ∈ P, add a vertex ui ∈ VP, and for each set Sj, add a vertex vj ∈ VS. Connect ui to vj with an edge e = (ui,vj) of capacity 1 if and only if the person pi ∈ Sj. Connect s to each ui with an edge of capacity 1 and connect each vj to t with an edge of capacity rj.
2. Find the maximum flow in this graph from s to t. Return the person can be invited if and only if the max flow value is
We prove that the maximum flow in G is equal to 5 if and only if the person can be invited because they know at least 5 other people.
1. Suppose a person can be invited to the party; create the flow f as follows. Send 1 unit of flow from each vertex ui ∈ VP to vertex vj ∈ VS if the person exists within the subset/[pairs of people who know each oher to satisfy the requirement of the set Sj. Since capacity of incoming edge of ui from s is 1 this is always possible (we assume that the person does not over satisfy a requirement). Since the student can be invited and consequently every requirement is satisfied, the incoming flow of every vertex vj ∈ VS is equal to rj. Since vj is connected to t by an edge of capacity rj the maximum flow is
2. Suppose now the maximum flow is 5. For each vertex vj ∈ VS, we have that the incoming flow to this vertex is equal ≥ 5 or rj. Since capacity of every incoming edge of vj is 1, there must be rj vertices in VP that provide this flow. Moreover, since these vertices can only transfer 1unit of flow, it means that the outgoing flow of all these vertices is going only to vj. Hence, we can use the people corresponding to these vertices to satisfy the requirement for Sj, while ensuring that no person is being used towards satisfying multiple requirements. Consequently, every requirement can be satisfied.
By running Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for max-flow, the running of time of this algorithm is O(m∗F) where m = O(nq) and ). Hence, this algorithm is in polynomial time.


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