b. Copy of Cod
max EQU 10 ;define x= 10
sum DCD 0 ;define a storage name sum = 0
MOV R0, #0 ; use R0 to starting place
MOV R1, #max ; set R1 to max to 10
loop ;label loop
CMP R1, #0 ;compare R1’s value and 0
BEQ done ; if R1 = 0 out the loop
ADD R0, R0, R1 ; add R0 + R1
SUB R1,R1, #1 ; reduce R1 by use after each round of loop
B loop ; back to the loop
done LDR R2, =sum ;load sum into R2.
STR R0, [R2] ;saving R2’s value into R0
c. Through Lab1a, I learned how a simple C++ loop translates into an ARM-based assembly language. Also, I learned some of the keywords for the assembly language, such as MOV, CMP, ADD, SUB, LDR, and STR. Another thing that I learned from this lab is the feature in the VisUAL
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