CSSE1001 / 7030 Solved

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Semester 1, 2017
Assignment 2
20 Marks
This assignment will use a simple data analysis application to assess object-oriented concepts. Your program will analyse data about the stock market. You will use real stock data and techniques employed by commercial applications. Your program will only perform some simple data analysis but the underlying techniques can be used for sophisticated analysis.
The most important concept of object-oriented programming is inheritance and polymorphism. These provide a mechanism to easily extend a program. Your program will make use of polymorphism to perform the data analysis and consequently would allow it to do more sophisticated analysis in the future.
You will need several classes and two inheritance hierarchies to implement this program. You are provided with a file stocks.py that contains a set of support classes for the assignment. The provided classes are:
• Stock – stores details for a single stock listed on the market.
• TradingData – stores data for a single day of trading in one stock.
• StockCollection – stores the data for all stocks in the application and manages access to Stock objects.
• Loader – an abstract class that defines the process of loading stock market data.
• Analyser – an abstract class that defines the interface for analysing stock data.
• AverageVolume – analyses a single stock’s data to determine its average trading volume.
Loading Data
Stock market data from different sources can be formatted in different ways. Your program will need to cater for two data formats. You will need to implement two subclasses of Loader called LoadCSV and LoadTriplet. Each of these classes will implement the functionality of loading data from one of the file formats. (For those who are interested, this approach for dealing with different options is called the Strategy design pattern.)
LoadCSV loads stock market data from files that are in a comma-separate format. The format of the data in the file is:
For example:
You will need to implement the _process method that is inherited from Loader. It will need to iterate through the file, extracting the data from a line. A TradingData object will need to be created to store the data from a line. This TradingData object will need to added to the appropriate stock object. You can look up the Stock object in the StockCollection using the stock_code.
LoadTriplet loads stock market data from files that are in a triplet key-coded format. The format of the data in the file is:
Where the keys and their corresponding data are:
For example:
If either of these Loader subclasses encounter an error while reading data from a file (e.g. incorrect data formats) they should raise a RuntimeError. Your main program should handle these exceptions gracefully.
Analysing Data
There are many types of analysis that can be performed on stock market data. Your program will implement three simple types of analysis. You will need to implement three subclasses of Analyser called HighLow, MovingAverage and GapUp. Each of these classes will implement one type of analysis. You are provided with the AverageVolume class as an example of implementing an Analyser subclass and getting it to work with objects of the Stock class. AverageVolume calculates the average trading volume of a stock. (This approach of processing data is called the Visitor design pattern.)
The process method in the Analyser class takes a TradingData object as a parameter and performs part of the analysis on that data. The analyse method in the Stock class takes an Analyser object as a parameter and iterates over all of the stock’s trading data calling the Analyser object’s process method on each day’s data. This allows the Analyser object to progressively collect all of the trading data for the stock and perform its analysis. The result method in the Analyser class returns the data resulting from the analysis. The reset method re-initialises the Analyser object so that it can perform a new analysis.
HighLow determines the highest and lowest prices paid for a stock across all of the data stored for the stock. These values are returned as a tuple from result. The tuple that is returned should store the high value and then the low value (e.g. (1.23, 0.99)).
MovingAverage calculates the average closing price of a stock over a specified period of time. The __init__ method will take a parameter called num_days that is the number of days over which to calculate the average. This will be a simple moving average value, which is just the average closing price over the last num_days of trading data.
If one of the Analyser subclasses encounter an error while processing TradingData (e.g. invalid data) they should raise a ValueError. Your main program should handle these exceptions gracefully.
Class Diagram

Data Formats
Your final program should be able to load data from all nine files feb1-4.trp and march1-5.csv and then perform its analyses across all of this data.
Example Interaction
The following is the sample output from the program you need to implement. It shows the use of the four types of analysers to produce a simple output. The code that produced this output is provided in an example function in the supplied stock_analysis.py file. This code will not work until you have implemented the Loader and Analyser subclasses required for this assignment.
Average Volume of ADV is 3629160
Highest & Lowest trading price of ADV is (0.031, 0.018)
You will need to do much more extensive testing of your program to ensure it works correctly.
The output produced by your program is not being assessed. You could have a set of static test statements in your code, extending what was provided in the stock_analysis.py file. Or, you would write an interactive test program that asks the user for a stock code and outputs the result of the analyses. The functionality of your program will be determined by the tests driver that will create objects of your classes and send messages to these objects. The provided tests.py file gives an indication of how this testing will be done. (The final tests will be more thorough than what is provided in test.py.) If tests.py can successfully execute with your stock_analysis.py code then the full test suite should also execute successfully. (Successful execution is that the test suite can exercise all of your code, not that the tests pass or not.)
Your program should execute automatically when it is loaded by making use of the if __name__ == “__main__” : construct in your stock_analysis.py file.
See the course profile for details of how to apply for an extension:
Assessment and Marking Criteria
This assignment assesses course learning objectives:
1. apply program constructs such as variables, selection, iteration and sub-routines,
2. apply basic object-oriented concepts such as classes, instances and methods,
3. read and analyse code written by others,
4. analyse a problem and design an algorithmic solution to the problem,
5. read and analyse a design and be able to translate the design into a working program,
6. apply techniques for testing and debugging
Criteria Mark
Programming Constructs
• Program is well structured and readable, with meaningful identifier names
• Algorithmic logic is appropriate, using appropriate constructs
Sub-Total 4
Object-Oriented Concepts
• Demonstrated correct understanding of objects as instances of classes
• Demonstrated correct understanding of classes as units of encapsulation
• Demonstrated correct understanding of inheritance
• Demonstrated correct understanding of overriding methods
• Demonstrated correct understanding of polymorphism
Sub-Total 7
• LoadCSV
• LoadTriplet
• HighLow
• MovingAverage
• GapUp
Sub-Total 7
• Entire program is documented clearly and concisely, without excessive or extraneous comments
• Program is documented clearly, with all classes and methods having meaningful docstring comments
• Some parts of the program have adequate comments


Sub-Total 2
Total / 20
• any parts of the assignment that you found particularly difficult, and how you overcame them to arrive at a solution;
• whether you considered any alternative ways of implementing a given class or method;
• where you have known errors in your code, their cause and possible solutions (if known).
It is important that you can explain both how objects of your classes work together as well as the internal implementation logic of your methods.
Marks will be awarded based on a combination of the correctness of your code and on your understanding of the code that you have written. A technically correct solution will not achieve a pass mark unless you can demonstrate that you understand its operation.
A partial solution will be marked. If your partial solution causes problems in the Python interpreter please comment out the code causing the issue and we will mark that. Python 3.6 will be used to test your program. If your program works correctly with an earlier version of Python but does not work correctly with Python 3.6, you will lose at least all of the marks for the functionality criteria.


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