CST8234 – Setup: (Solution)

$ 24.99


1. You are to use a Linux virtual machine, Ubuntu or Fedora recommended, 64-bit or 32-bit is OK
2. Create an account as your username ( from Algonquin )
3. Create a directory Lastname_01 You are going to develop your lab here!
4. Copy 01_Input_Skeleton.c and rename it as 01_Input.c
5. Copy 01_Input.sh to your Lastname_01 directory, you are going to use this script to test your first program
Program #1:
Write a small C program: 01_Input.c that:
1. Giving a range, MIN and MAX , reads an integer number from the keyboard
2. If the format of the number is incorrect, it is not an integer, your program should print the message “Incorrect input format”, and exits with EXIT_FAILURE
3. If there are extra character at the end of the number, your program should print the message “Extra characters”, and exits with EXIT_FAILURE
4. If the number is out of range, your program should print the message “Input number out of range”, and exits with EXIT_FAILURE
5. If the number was read successfully, and it is between the range, your program should print the number on stdout and returns EXIT_SUCCESS
The following demonstrates the execution of the program:
# ./01_Input
Enter a number in between [10­100]: 10
Read 10
# echo $?
# ./01_Input
Enter a number in between [10­100]: a123
Incorrect input format
# echo $?
# ./01_Input
Enter a number in between [10­100]: 8.34
Extra characters
# echo $?
# ./01_Input
Enter a number in between [10­100]: 123
Input number out of range
# echo $?
In order to successfully complete this program and obtain all the marks, you will need to:
1. Use the macros EXIT_FAILURE and EXIT_SUCCESS define in the library stdlib.h to indicate unsuccessful or succesful termination of your program
2. Define MIN and MAX as macros in your program. Use 10 and 100 to test your program.
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3. Write a funtion, with function prototype int intGet( int, int )
( A ) intGet( ) should use scanf( ) to read an interger from the keyboard
( B ) If the number supply is not recognized as an int, set a global variable errorno to 1
( C ) If the number supply has extra characters at the end, that is not the newline character, set a
global variable errorno to 2
( D ) If the number supply is outside the range MIN, MAX, set a global variable errorno to 3
( E ) Return the number read from scanf()
4. Write a function with function prototype, int error( void )
( A ) error( ) checks the global variable errorno and displays an appropiate message to the user ( B ) error( ) terminates with EXIT_FAILURE
5. Your main( ) function should:
( A ) Ask a user for a number in a given range
( B ) Call intGet( ) to read the number
( C ) If errorno is set, call error( )
( D ) Print the number read and exit with EXIT_SUCCESS
6. Check the exit status of your program from the command line echo $? should display a successful exit
( value of 0 ) or unsuccesful ( value of 1 )
7. Your program should be compiled with the flags ­Wall ­ansi ­pedantic
Program #2:
Copy your 01_Input.c to a new program 01_Input_B.c and
1. Modify your function intGet( ) to read from the standard input stdin ( A ) Use the function fscanf( ) instead of the function scanf( ).
( B ) Read from the stdin ( keyboard ) file descriptor
( C ) If fscanf( ) reads the EOF character, return EOF otherwise return the number read
2. Modify your main( ) function to
( A ) Read a variable min and max to use as a range, instead of the macros MIN, MAX
( B ) Use your function intGet( ) to read numbers until you find an EOF character ( CTL­D )
( C ) Keep a counter of the number of valid numbers read
( D ) Keep a counter of the number of invalid numbers read
( E ) Add up all the valid numbers
( F ) Display in a table all the information collected. This is an important requirement, you should
present the information in a organized and easy to read format
The following demonstrates the execution of the program:
# ./01_Input_B < 01_num.txt
Entry Invalid Valid Number
0 * 3
1 *
2 *
3 * 1
4 *
5 *
6 *
7 * 13
8 5 3 17
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No testing script is provided for this part of your lab. Review the specifications giving to you and make sure that you test your program appropriately.
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