DATA608 – Module 4.5 Solved

$ 20.99


In this module, we’ll be building on our work from module 4. We’re going to create a flask API that responds to information from the URL.

Look through the sample API provided and test it out for yourself. This is using Flask’s jsonify method to return a json blob. Make sure you’re able to see both the h ello json and are able to see the complex json return values based on the provided url.

In addition to the provided sample code, take a look at this Flask introduction in three parts: part 1, part 2, and part 3.

Part 1 is the most important. Parts 2 and 3 go deeper into Flask. For this course we’re only going to be using Flask in a superficial way, so don’t worry if you don’t feel like an expert in the tool.

Your goal for this module is to create a rest API that returns something from the tree census. It can be anything. Your only requirement is that it needs to accept a variable from the URL.

While it can be anything, It will be helpful to think about what we’ll be doing with this. For one of our options in module 5, we’ll be using this API to create a simple web app that gives users some information about trees. Think about what you might like a user to see.


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