DBS211 – Lab 06 – Transactions and Security Solved

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The purpose of this lab is to introduce the student to both transactions and security. In the real-world, databases tasks often involve multiple steps and if any step in the middle fails, the procedure is a failure. This lap walks the student through a couple transactions and lets them learn how various steps have varying consequences that they need to be aware of.
By the end of this lab, the student will be able to:
• Describe the steps of a transaction, how a transaction begins and ends and walk through live scenarios of a variety of transactions
• Understand and act appropriately on what needs to be done in the case of transaction failure • Grant and revoke permissions to and from other users and public users from the database
Your submission will be a single text-based SQL file with the solutions provided.
Your submission needs to contain a comment header block and be commented and include the question number and the solutions. Make sure every SQL statement terminates with a semicolon.
You will use following data to complete the given tasks:
employeeNumber lastname firstname extension email OfficeCode reportsTo jobTitle
100 Patel Ralph 22333 rpatel@mail.com 1 NULL Sales Rep
101 Denis Betty 33444 bdenis@mail.com 4 NULL Sales Rep
102 Biri Ben 44555 bbirir@mail.com 2 NULL Sales Rep
103 Newman Chad 66777 cnewman@mail.com 3 NULL Sales Rep
104 Ropeburn Audrey 77888 aropebur@mail.com 1 NULL Sales Rep
• SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE starts a new transaction.
• COMMIT commits the current transaction, making its changes permanent. • SAVEPOINT <name> sets a pointer to a location that can be rolled back to.
• ROLLBACK rolls back the current transaction, canceling its changes.
• SET autocommit disables or enables the default autocommit mode for the current session.

It is very important that these tasks be performed in the order presented here for maximum learning.

PART A – Transactions
1. List the 4 ways that we know that a transaction can be started

2. Using SQL, create an empty table, that is the same as the employees table, and name it newEmployees.

3. Execute the following commands.

4. Write an INSERT statement to populate the newEmployees table with the rows of the sample data. Insert the NULL value for the reportsTo column. (Write a single INSERT statement to insert all the rows)

5. Create a query that shows all the inserted rows from the newEmployees table. How many rows are selected?

6. Execute the rollback command. Display all rows and columns from the newEmployees table. How many rows are selected?

7. Repeat Task 4. Make the insertion permanent to the table newEmployees. Display all rows and columns from the newEmployee table. How many rows are selected?

8. Write an update statement to update the value of column jobTitle to ‘unknown’ for all the employees in the newEmployees table.

9. Make your changes permanent.

10. Execute the rollback command.
a. Display all employees from the newEmployees table whose job title is ‘unknown’. How many rows are still updated?
b. Was the rollback command effective?
c. What was the difference between the result of the rollback execution from Task 6 and the result of the rollback execution of this task?
11. Begin a new transaction and then create a statement to delete to employees from the newEmployees table

12. Create a VIEW, called vwNewEmps, that queries all the records in the newEmployees table sorted by last name and then by first name.

13. Perform a rollback to undo the deletion of the employees
a. How many employees are now in the newEmployees table?
b. Was the rollback effective and why?
14. Begin a new transaction and rerun the data insertion from Task 4 (copy the code down to Task 14 and run it)
15. Set a Savepoint, called insertion, after inserting the data
16. Rerun the update statement from Task 8 and run a query to view the data (copy the code down and run it again)
17. Rollback the transaction to the Savepoint created in task 15 above and run a query to view the data. What does the data look like (i.e. describe what happened?
18. Use the basic for of the rollback statement and again view the data. Describe what the results look like and what happened.
Part B – Permissions
19. Write a statement that denies all access to the newemployees table for all public users
20. Write a statement that allows a classmate (use their database login) read only access to the newemployees table.
21. Write a statement that allows the same classmate to modify (insert, update and delete) the data of the newemployees table.
22. Write a statement the denies all access to the newemployees table for the same classmate.
Part C – Clean up
23. Write statements to permanently remove the view and table created for this lab


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