DBS501 – Your code must encompass ALL Test cases given here. Solved

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1. Write the PL/SQL block that will as input accept the two letter Country Code (check table COUNTRIES for valid values) and then it will find all locations (Cities) with empty Province information. Then it will modify this blank value to a string of same symbols, with its length determined by the length of the Street Address string.
If the cityโ€™s first letter is A, B, E or F then the string will contain only * symbol, if its first letter is C,D, G or H then it will be & symbol, otherwise it will be # symbol. Show also the modified row from Locations table and then Undo your change. You need also to code for following cases: there is MORE THAN ONE City with empty province and also if the Country Code does NOT have any Cities in the Locations table. Here are the possible scenarios:

SQL> @q1;
Enter value for country: JP
City Hiroshima has modified its province to &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

———– —————————————- ————
—————————— ————————- — 1300 9450 Kamiya-cho 6823
Hiroshima &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& JP

Rollback complete.

SQL> @q1;
Enter value for country: UK
City London has modified its province to ##############
———– —————————————- ————
—————————— ————————- —
2400 8204 Arthur St
London ############## UK

Rollback complete.
SQL> @q1;
Enter value for country: IT
This country has MORE THAN ONE City without province listed.
no rows selected

Rollback complete.

SQL> @q1;
Enter value for country: RS
This country has NO cities listed.
no rows selected

2. Firstly, modify your table COUNTRIES by adding a new column called FLAG of fixed character length (7 characters).
Write the PL/SQL block that will as input accept Region Id (check table REGIONS for valid values) and then it will find all Countries with empty Location information (without City listed in that country). Then it will modify blank value in the column Flag for all such countries to become EMPTY_n (where n is their Region Id).
Next, it will display message about that country with NO city listed and also will count how many modifications were made in total.
Show also all modified rows from Countries table sorted by Region Id and then by country name and finally Undo your change.
You need also to code for following cases: there is MORE THAN ONE Country with empty Location in the provided Region and also if the provided Region does NOT exist. Here are the possible scenarios:
SQL> @q2;
Enter value for region: 5
This region ID does NOT exist: 5
no rows selected
Rollback complete.
SQL> @q2;
Enter value for region: 1
This region ID has MORE THAN ONE country without cities listed: 1 no rows selected
Rollback complete.
SQL> @q2;
Enter value for region: 2
In the region 2 there is ONE country Argentina with NO city.
Number of countries with NO cities listed is: 11
CO COUNTRY_NAME REGION_ID FLAG — —————————————- ———- ——-
BE Belgium 1 Empty_1
DK Denmark 1 Empty_1
FR France 1 Empty_1
AR Argentina 2 Empty_2
HK HongKong 3 Empty_3
ZW Zimbabwe 4 Empty_4
IL Israel 4 Empty_4
KW Kuwait 4 Empty_4
NG Nigeria 4 Empty_4
ZM Zambia 4 Empty_4
EG Egypt 4 Empty_4
11 rows selected.
Rollback complete.

3. Re-write the PL/SQL block from Question 2 so that will as input accept Region Id (check table REGIONS for valid values) and then it will find all Countries with empty Location information (without City listed in that country). Then it will modify blank value in the column Flag for all such countries to become EMPTY_n (where n is their Region Id) .

Next, it will populate INDEX TABLE with all country names (without cities) in the alphabetical order, so that their key values increase by 10 (starting from 10). Also, display all their elements, count total number of elements in the INDEX TABLE and finally display SECOND and BEFORE THE LAST element in the table (without using literal key value).
Then, it will display message about all countries with NO city listed for the provided Region Id in the alphabetical order including their total count.
Show also all modified rows from Countries table sorted by Region Id and then by country name and finally Undo your change.
You need also to code for the case: the provided Region does NOT exist.
Hint: Use Cursor For Loops where necessary and do NOT use Exception handler. Here are the possible scenarios:

SQL> @q3;
Enter value for region: 5
This region ID does NOT exist: 5

no rows selected

Rollback complete.

SQL> @q3;
Enter value for region: 1
Index Table Key: 10 has a value of Argentina Index Table Key: 20 has a value of Belgium Index Table Key: 30 has a value of Denmark Index Table Key: 40 has a value of Egypt
Index Table Key: 50 has a value of France Index Table Key: 60 has a value of HongKong Index Table Key: 70 has a value of Israel
Index Table Key: 80 has a value of Kuwait Index Table Key: 90 has a value of Nigeria Index Table Key: 100 has a value of Zambia
Index Table Key: 110 has a value of Zimbabwe
====================================================================== Total number of elements in the Index Table or Number of countries with NO cities listed is: 11 Second element (Country) in the Index Table is: Belgium Before the last element (Country) in the Index Table is: Zambia
====================================================================== In the region 1 there is country Belgium with NO city. In the region 1 there is country Denmark with NO city. In the region 1 there is country France with NO city.
====================================================================== Total Number of countries with NO cities listed in the Region 1 is: 3
CO COUNTRY_NAME REGION_ID FLAG — —————————————- ———- ——- BE Belgium 1 Empty 1
DK Denmark 1 Empty_1
FR France 1 Empty_1 AR Argentina 2 Empty 2
HK HongKong 3 Empty 3
EG Egypt 4 Empty 4
IL Israel 4 Empty 4
KW Kuwait 4 Empty 4
NG Nigeria 4 Empty 4
ZM Zambia 4 Empty 4
ZW Zimbabwe 4 Empty 4

11 rows selected.

Rollback complete.

SQL> @q3;
Enter value for region: 2
Index Table Key: 10 has a value of Argentina Index Table Key: 20 has a value of Belgium Index Table Key: 30 has a value of Denmark
Index Table Key: 40 has a value of Egypt Index Table Key: 50 has a value of France Index Table Key: 60 has a value of HongKong
Index Table Key: 70 has a value of Israel Index Table Key: 80 has a value of Kuwait Index Table Key: 90 has a value of Nigeria
Index Table Key: 100 has a value of Zambia Index Table Key: 110 has a value of Zimbabwe
====================================================================== Total number of elements in the Index Table or Number of countries with NO cities listed is: 11 Second element (Country) in the Index Table is: Belgium Before the last element (Country) in the Index Table is: Zambia
====================================================================== In the region 2 there is country Argentina with NO city.
====================================================================== Total Number of countries with NO cities listed in the Region 2 is: 1

CO COUNTRY_NAME REGION_ID FLAG — —————————————- ———- ——- BE Belgium 1 Empty_1
DK Denmark 1 Empty_1 FR France 1 Empty_1 AR Argentina 2 Empty_2
HK HongKong 3 Empty_3 EG Egypt 4 Empty_4
IL Israel 4 Empty_4
KW Kuwait 4 Empty_4
NG Nigeria 4 Empty_4
ZM Zambia 4 Empty_4
ZW Zimbabwe 4 Empty_4
11 rows selected. Rollback complete.
4. Write the PL/SQL block that will as input accept two strings:
โ€ข Any piece of course description in UPPER case

You need also to code for the case: provided two strings do NOT match and there is NO data.

Hint: Avoid CPU consuming and performance problematic Multiple Tables Join with Grouping. You should use Nested Cursor For Loops instead, where the Inner Loop will have a parameter and will execute only once. Also, do NOT use Exception handler. Here are the possible scenarios:
SQL> @q4;
Enter the piece of the course description in UPPER case:DATA
SQL> @q4;
Enter the piece of the course description in UPPER case:INTRO
This Section Id has an enrollment of: 1
Course No: 25 Intro to Programming with Section Id: 88 is taught by Wojick in the Course Section: 4
This Section Id has an enrollment of: 5
********************************************************************* Course No: 240 Intro to the Basic Language with Section Id: 102 is taught by Wojick in the Course Section: 2
This Section Id has an enrollment of: 1
This input match has a total enrollment of: 7 students.
SQL> @q4;
Enter the piece of the course description in UPPER case:JAVA
This Section Id has an enrollment of: 1
********************************************************************* Course No: 122 Intermediate Java Programming with Section Id: 153 is taught by Smythe in the Course Section: 2
This Section Id has an enrollment of: 3
********************************************************************* Course No: 120 Intro to Java Programming with Section Id: 150 is taught by Schorin in the Course Section: 5
This Section Id has an enrollment of: 3
This input match has a total enrollment of: 7 students.


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