DSE – Solved

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Elettronica dei Sistemi Digitali
Digital Systems Electronics


Flip-flops and counters

This lab aims at investigating the operation of latches, flip-flops, registers and counters. For example, these components are normally used in the Arithmetic Logic Units of the DSPs and, generally, in many different sub-units of every microprocessor. Please note that for exercise 4 and 5 you have first to design your circuit on a paper and then to write the VHDL.

1. Gated SR Latch
2. 16-bit synchronous counter
3. 16-bit synchronous counter version 2
4. Flashing digits from 0 to 9
5. Reaction timer

Abbreviations and acronyms:
IC – Integrated Circuit
SR – Set Reset
LE – Logic Element
LED – Light Emitting Diode
LUT – Look Up Table
MUX – Multiplexer
RCA – Ripple Carry Adder
RTL – Register Transfer Level
VHDL – Very high speed integrated circuits Hardware Description Language
[VHDL cookbook: http://www.onlinefreeebooks.net/engineering-ebooks/electrical-engineering/the-vhdl-

1 – Gated SR latch

The Altera FPGAs already include internally some flip-flops that are available for implementing a sequential circuit if required by the user. Here we will show how to use these flip-flops in sections from 4 to 6 of this laboratory manual. Anyway, at first we will show how storage elements can be created in an FPGA without using its dedicated flipflops.
Figure 1 depicts a gated SR latch. A style of VHDL code that uses logic expressions to describe this circuit is given in Figure 2. If this latch is implemented in an FPGA that has 4-input Look-Up Tables (LUTs), then only one LUT is needed as shown in Figure 3a.

Figure 1. A gated RS latch circuit.

– – A gated RS latch described the hard way
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

END part1;

ARCHITECTURE Structural OF part1 IS
SIGNAL R_g, S_g, Qa, Qb : STD_LOGIC ;
ATTRIBUTE keep : boolean;
ATTRIBUTE keep of R_g, S_g, Qa, Qb : SIGNAL IS true; BEGIN
R_g <= R AND Clk;
S_g <= S AND Clk;
Qa <= NOT (R_g OR Qb);
Qb <= NOT (S_g OR Qa);
Q <= Qa;
END Structural;
Figure 2 – Specifying the RS latch by using logic expressions.

Although the latch can be correctly synthesized in one single 4-input LUT, this implementation does not allow its internal signals, such as R_g and S_g, to be observed, because they are not provided as outputs from the LUT. To preserve these internal signals it is necessary to include a compiler directive in the code. In Figure 2 the directive keep is included by using a VHDL ATTRIBUTE statement; it instructs the Quartus Prime compiler to use separate logic elements for each of the signals R_g, S_g, Qa, and Qb. After the code compilation, the tool generates the circuit with four 4-LUTs depicted in Figure 3b.

Figure 3 – Implementation of the RS latch from Figure 1.

Implement the SR latch circuit as follows:

1. Create a new project for the SR latch.
2. Generate a VHDL file with the code in Figure 2 and include it in the project.
3. Compile the code. Use the Quartus Prime RTL Viewer tool to examine the gate-level circuit generated from the code (Tools -> Netlist Viewers -> RTL Viewer) and use the Technology Viewer tool (Tools -> Netlist Viewers > Technology Map Viewer) to verify that the latch is implemented in the way shown in Figure 3b.
4. Create an ad-hoc testbench to test the correct operation of the circuit. Simulate the behavior of the circuit with Modelsim.

2 – 16-bit synchronous counter

Consider the circuit in Figure 4. It is a 4-bit synchronous counter, which uses four T-type flip-flops. The counter increments the count signal on each positive edge of the clock if the Enable signal is asserted. The counter is reset to 0 by using the Reset signal. You need to implement a 16-bit synchronous counter.

1. Write a VHDL file that defines the 16-bit counter by using the structure depicted in Figure 4 and compile the circuit. How many logic elements (LEs) are used to implement your circuit? What is the maximum frequency, fmax, at which your circuit can be operated?
2. Simulate your circuit to verify its correctness.
3. Augment your VHDL file to use the pushbutton KEY0 as the Clock input, switches SW1 and SW0 as Enable and Reset inputs, and 7-segment displays HEX3-0 to display the hexadecimal count as your circuit operates. Make the necessary pin assignments and compile the circuit.
4. Implement your circuit on the DE1 board and test its functionality by operating the implemented switches.
5. Implement a 4-bit version of your circuit and use the Quartus Prime RTL Viewer to see how the tool synthesizes your circuit. What are the differences with respect to Figure 4?

Figure 4 – A 4-bit counter.

3 – 16-bit synchronous counter version 2

Simplify your VHDL code so that the counter specification is based on the VHDL statement

Q <= Q + 1;

In order to allow the addition of unsigned numbers, you need to add the numeric_std package of the IEEE library as to the standard 1164 package:

USE ieee.numeric_std.all;

Compile a 16-bit version of this counter and compare the number of LEs needed and the fmax required. Use the RTL Viewer to see the structure of this implementation and comment on the differences with the design from Part II.

4 – Flashing digits from 0 to 9

Design and implement a circuit that successively flashes digits from 0 to 9 on the 7-segment display HEX0. Each digit should be displayed for about one second. Use a counter to determine the one-second interval. The counter should be incremented by the 50 MHz clock signal provided on the DE1 board (CLOCK_50 input signal, to be managed as a clock input coming from the external world). Do not derive any other clock signals in your design; make sure that all the flipflops in your circuit are clocked directly by the 50 MHz clock signal. Note: design your circuit on a paper before starting the VHDL implementation.

5 – Reaction timer

Design on a paper and then implement on the DE1 board a reaction-timer circuit. The circuit should operate as follows:

1. The circuit is reset by pressing the push button switch KEY0.
2. After an elapsed time, the red light labeled LEDR0 turns on and a four-digit HEX3-0 counters starts counting in intervals of 1 millisecond. The amount of time in milliseconds from when the circuit is reset until LEDR 0 is turned on is set by switches SW7−0.
3. A person whose speed is being tested must press the pushbutton KEY3 as quickly as possible to turn the LED off and freeze the counter in its present state. The counter stays frozen until the KEY0 is pressed. The count which shows the reaction time will be displayed on the 7-segment displays HEX3-0.
4. Create an ad-hoc testbench to test the correct operation of the circuit. The timing and the values of the input signals are up to you.


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