DSE5002 – Solved

$ 29.99


Prepare your analysis in an R file. Your final product should be a power point presentation giving your recommendation to the CEO. CEOs do not care about your code and don’t want to see it. They want to see visuals and a well thought out analysis. You will need to turn in the power point and the code as a flat R file.

Column Description
work_year The year the salary was paid.
experience_level The experience level in the job during the year with the following possible values: EN Entry-level / Junior MI Mid-level / Intermediate SE Senior-level / Expert EX Executivelevel / Director
employment_type The type of employement for the role: PT Part-time FT Full-time CT Contract FL Freelance
job_title The role worked in during the year.
salary The total gross salary amount paid.
salary_currency The currency of the salary paid as an ISO 4217 currency code.
salaryinusd The salary in USD (FX rate divided by avg. USD rate for the respective year via fxdata.foorilla.com).
employee_residence Employee’s primary country of residence in during the work year as an ISO 3166 country code.
remote_ratio The overall amount of work done remotely, possible values are as follows: 0 No remote work (less than 20%) 50 Partially remote 100 Fully remote (more than 80%)
company_location The country of the employer’s main office or contracting branch as an ISO 3166 country code.
The metadata are as follows:

R Project Rubric
Criteria Possible Earned
1. Presentation – Clear, concise analysis Points Points
– Introduction to analysis
– Clear & concise analysis 20
2. Coding Style 50
3. Analysis 30
Column Description
company_size The average number of people that worked for the company during the year: S less than 50 employees (small) M 50 to 250 employees (medium) L more than 250 employees (large)
– Original thought – go beyond counts and
Points 100


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