ecology – R Minicourse Workshop, Part 3 (Solution)

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Presented to the
Washington State Deptment of Ecology
Dr. Robin Matthews, Institute for Watershed Studies
Bivariate Analysis Using R
Correlation and Regression
• Regression measures the relationship between an independent variable (x) and one or more dependent variables (yi ) • Used to predict (model) unmeasured values of the dependent variable(s)
• Correlation analysis measures the relationship between two variables that are not necessarily functionally dependent
• Used to explore patterns in measured variables and to identify indicators that predict responses in other variables
Correlation vs. Regression
Correlation and regression examine monotonic relationships between variables
Linear Relationship Linear Relationship

Assumptions for Correlation and Regression
• Parametric correlation (r) and simple linear regression (r2) is based on several important assumptions:
• The samples were collected randomly
• The variables or linear residuals are normally distributed
• The variance is constant (homoscedastic)
• The relationship is monotonic (±linear)
• The data do not contain outliers (or not very many)
• Nonparametric correlation (ρ, τ) does not require a linear relationship or homoscedasticity, but it still assumes that the relationship between x and y is monotonic
Correlation Analysis
• The strength of a correlation is measured using a correlation coefficient (Pearson’s r, Spearman’s ρ, Kendall’s τ)
ρ is linear correlation computed on ranks

S = P – M
P = number of times y increases with x;
M = number of times y decreases as x increases
• Ho: r or ρ or τ = 0 Ha: r or ρ or τ 6= 0
• −1 ≤ r or ρ or τ ≤ 1
Correlation Analysis Using R
Parametric and nonparametric correlation is done using cor.test
lakes <- read.csv(“lakes.csv”, T)
attach(lakes) cor.test(alk, ph)
Pearson’s product-moment correlation data: alk and ph
t = 15.5074, df = 376, p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval:
0.5589116 0.6824434 sample estimates:
##### Nonparametric versions (all sig at p-value < 2.2e-16) cor.test(alk, ph, method=”spearman”) #rho=0.6785801 cor.test(alk, ph, method=”kendall”) #tau=0.5030349
Simple Linear Regression
• Simple linear regression is based on the model:
yi = a + bxi + εi
a = intercept b = slope
ε = residual for the ith observation
• statistic or coefficient of determination (The strength of the regression is measured with the regressionr2)
• Ho: r2 = 0 Ha: r2 = 06
• −1 ≤ r2 ≤ 1
Simple Linear Regressions Using R
The easiest option for simple linear regressions is lm
X <- c(1:10)
Y <- c(49.8,51.6,53.7,53.9,55.1,56.5,57.4,57.9,58.9,60.8)
##### Y is x+50, with “noise”
lm(Y~X) Call:
lm(formula = Y ~ X)
(Intercept) X
49.460 1.109
##### X = 1.109 * Y + 49.460
##### Predicting Y for unmeasured values of X:
predict(Yfit, list(X=6.7)) 1
##### Predicting Y for all measured values of X:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50.57 51.68 52.79 53.90 55.01 56.11 57.22 58.33 59.44 60.55
Comparison Using Four Types of Curves

Plotting Simple Linear Regressions Using R

Advanced Plotting Features – IWS Lakes Data
Adding Confidence Intervals

Alkalinity (mg/L)
Syntax for Adding Confidence Intervals
lakes = read.table(“lakes.csv”, T, sep=”,”) attach(lakes)
### Step 1: create linear model (chl ~ alk) alkchl.lm = lm(log10(chl) ~ alk)
### Step 2: sort the x axis (unique values only) alk.sort = sort(unique(alk))
### Step 3: use predict to predict chl ~ tp from linear model
pred.chl = predict(alkchl.lm, newdata = data.frame(alk = alk.sort), int=”pred”)
### Step 4: plot original data and linear model
plot(log10(chl) ~ alk, xlab=”Alkalinity (mg/L)”,
ylab=expression(paste(“Log10 Chlorophyll ” (mu * “g/L”))), pch=21, bg=”skyblue”, cex=1.5) abline(alkchl.lm, lwd=2, lty=2, col=”red”)
Syntax for Adding Confidence Intervals, continued
### Step 5: add upper and lower CI lines(alk.sort, pred.chl[,2], lty=2) #lower CI lines(alk.sort, pred.chl[,3], lty=2) #upper CI
### Step 6: add a legend with the linear model statistics legend(x=”topleft”, c(paste(“Log10 Chl =”, round(alkchl.lm$coef[2],4),
“* Alk + “, round(alkchl.lm$coeff[1],4)), paste(“Adj.R-squared =”, round(summary(alkchl.lm)$adj.r.squared, 4)), paste(“P-value =”, round(summary(alkchl.lm)$coef[8], 4))), bty=”n”, cex=1)
Or, you can use one of the many R packages that adds confidence intervals automatically!
Revisiting the Regression Assumptions
• Linear regression builds a model of the relationship between X and
Y, with the assumption that the relationship is monotonic and linear
• regression statistics (All of the linear models plotted on page 9 had statistically significantr2)
• If that relationship between X and Y is monotonic but not linear, you can still use simple linear regression if you transpose the variables
• R makes it very easy to insert transformations directly into the regression and plotting syntax
##### Untransformed linear model: lm(Y ~ X)
##### Log (base e) transformed linear model lm(log(Y) ~ X)
##### Log10 transformed linear model lm(log10(Y) ~ X)
Regression Transformations
Ladder of Power
Match your line shape to one of these curves, then transform (straighten) by converting x, y, or both

Statistical Methods in Water Resources
1992, Elsevier Press
Regression Transformations
Ladder of Power – R Syntax
Description Transformation R Code
Negative skewness (top of ladder)
center – start here ⇒ Cube
Square root
Cube root
Reciprocal root YYYY∧∧∧∧32(1(1//2)3) or sqrt(Y)
log10(Y) -1/sqrt(Y)
Positive skewness Reciprocal -1/Y
Reciprocal root -1/sqrt(Y)
Positive skewness Reciprocal -1/Y
(bottom of ladder) Reciprocal of square -1/(Y 2)

Adapted from Helsel and Hirsch, Statistical Methods in Water Resources
Logs other than base 10 can be used
Constants can be added to x to avoid dividing by zero (log1p(x) computes log(1+x))
Higher and lower powers can be used
Finding the Best Transformation
Box-Cox Procedure
• The Box-Cox procedure in the MASS library will estimate the “best” power (lambda) for transforming Y
• The procedure defaults to ±2 (Y−2 to Y2)
X <- c(1:10)
Y <- c(0.021,0.671,1.094,1.390,1.602,1.792,1.950,2.085,2.201,2.311)
### Y is ln(X) plus noise Yfit <- lm(Y~X)
library(MASS) Yfit.bc <- boxcox(Yfit)
Yfit.bc$x[which.max(Yfit.bc$y)] [1] 2
##### Best est. for transformation will be Y^2
YfitBC.trans <- lm(Y^2 ~ X)
Example of Transforming Y to Y2

2 4 6 8 10 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
X Fitted Values
Y^2 vs X Transformed residuals

2 4 6 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5
X Fitted Values
Advanced Plotting Example
Plotting Linear Models and Residuals With/Without Transformation
Plotting example uses data and Box-Cox transformation show on page 17
### Set plotting output to 4x per page par(mfrow=c(2,2))
### Plot untransformed Y and residuals from Yfit
plot(Y ~ X, main=”Y vs X, untransformed”, pch=21, bg=”red”, cex=1.5)
abline(Yfit, lwd=2, lty=2, col=”red”)
legend(x=”topleft”, c(paste(“Y =”, round(Yfit$coef[2],4),
“* X + “, round(Yfit$coef[1], 4)),
paste(“Adj.R-squared =”, round(summary(Yfit)$adj.r.squared, 4)), paste(“p-value =”, round(summary(Yfit)$coef[8], 4))), bty=”n”, cex=0.7)
plot(Yfit$fitted.values, resid(Yfit), main=”Untransformed residuals”, pch=21, bg=”red”, cex=1.5, xlab=”Fitted Values”, ylab=”Residuals”)
abline(h=0, lwd=2, lty=2, col=”red”)
### Plot transformed Y using Box-Cox estimate and YfitBC residuals plot(Y^2 ~ X, main=”Y^2 vs X”, pch=21, bg=”red”, cex=1.5)
abline(YfitBC.trans, lwd=2, lty=2, col=”red”)
legend(x=”topleft”, c(paste(“Y^2 =”, round(YfitBC.trans$coef[2],4),
“* X “, round(YfitBC.trans$coef[1], 4)),
paste(“Adj.R-squared =”, round(summary(YfitBC.trans)$adj.r.squared, 4)), paste(“p-value =”, round(summary(YfitBC.trans)$coef[8], 4))), bty=”n”, cex=0.7)
plot(YfitBC.trans$fitted.values, resid(YfitBC.trans), main=”Transformed residuals”, pch=21, bg=”red”, cex=1.5, xlab=”Fitted Values”, ylab=”Residuals”) abline(h=0, lwd=2, lty=2, col=”red”)
Example of Transforming to Y to exp(Y)

2 4 6 8 10 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
X Fitted Values

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
X Fitted Values
Examining Transformations Using Density Plots

pH Log pH Sqrt pH

##### basic plotting code:
plot(density(alk)); plot(density(log(alk))); plot(density(sqrt(alk)))
Examining Transformations Using QQ Plots
QQ Plot of Alkalinity

Theoretical Quantiles
QQ plots are a simply way to explore distributions; if the data are normally distributed, the points will be close to the diagonal reference line. Syntax: qqnorm(alk); qqline(alk)

Multiple Linear Regression
• The equation for multiple regression is a logical expansion of the basic linear model:
yi = a + b1ui + b2vi + b3wi + εi a = intercept b = slopes associated with variables u, v, and w ε = residual for the ith observation
R syntax: lm(y ~ u + v + w)
• For linear regressions with interaction terms, the model becomes:
yi = a + b1ui + b2vi + b3uivi + εi
S syntax: lm(y ~ u * v)
• Interpreting the output and selecting the best subset of variables for the final multiple regression model in not simple!
Analysis of Variance
• Analysis of variance procedures (t test, ANOVA, MANOVA) use ratios of within-group variance to total variance to test for significant differences between groups
Ho: xn (n = number of groups)
Ha: xn
• The decision to accept or reject the null hypothesis carries a probability (p) of committing a Type I error, which is rejection of the null hypothesis when it is actually true.
• ANOVA tests whether any of the groups are significantly different
• ANOVA is often used in conjunction with a multiple range test to determine which groups are different from the others.

Type I and II Errors
• Type I errors become more likely when you repeat ANOVA on subgroups of the data (use p-value adjustment)
• Type II errors usually indicates a small samples size, but can also be caused by extremely large samples sizes (use sample)
Decision Ho is true Ho is false
Accept Ho ok Type II error
(Fail to Reject Ho) Prob = 1–α Prob = β
Reject Ho Type I error ok
Prob = α Prob = 1–β
Significance level Power
Assumptions for Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
• ANOVA is based on several important assumptions:
• The samples were collected randomly
• The measured variables are distributed normally within each group
• The variances are homogeneous (homoscedastic) across groups ⇒ very important assumption!
• Most uses of ANOVA rely heavily on its ability to perform despite departures from normality and homogeneity • Nonparametric versions of ANOVA are easy to use, powerful, and avoid the issue of normality and homogeneity
Testing Assumption of Normality
• You want to accept the hypotheses Ho that the data from each group fits a normal distribution (p-value >0.050)
• The Shapiro-Wilks test of normality is simple in R:
data(iris); attach(iris)
Shapiro-Wilk normality test data: Sepal.Length[Species == “setosa”] W = 0.9777, p-value = 0.4595
##### edited output for remaining iris species data: Sepal.Length[Species == “versicolor”] W = 0.9778, p-value = 0.4647
data: Sepal.Length[Species == “virginica”] W = 0.9712, p-value = 0.2583
• Alternatively, you could use qqnorm to examine the data graphically
Testing Assumption of Variance Homogeneity
• You want to accept the Ho that variances are homogeneous • Use Bartlett’s test if the data are normally distributed or Fligner’s test if you don’t want to make that assumption
bartlett.test(Sepal.Length, Species)
Bartlett test for homogeneity of variances data: Sepal.Length and Species
Bartlett’s K-squared = 16.0057, df = 2, p-value = 0.0003345
fligner.test(Sepal.Length, Species)
Fligner-Killeen test for homogeneity of variances data: Sepal.Length and Species
Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 11.618, df = 2, p-value = 0.003000
• The sepal length data fail the assumption of homoscedasticity!
Optional exercise: Modify the syntax to show that a log transformation of the sepal length data corrects the heteroscedasticity problem
• You could also use boxplots to examine the data graphically

• The simplest R syntax for ANOVA uses aov
##### Untransformed sepal lengths data(iris); attach(iris) aov.SL <- aov(Sepal.Length ~ Species) summary(aov.SL)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Species 2 63.21 31.606 119.3 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 147 38.96 0.265

Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1
##### Log-transformed sepal lengths aov.logSL <- aov(log(Sepal.Length) ~ Species) summary(aov.logSL)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Species 2 1.892 0.9459 128.9 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 147 1.079 0.0073
• Both tests indicate that there are significant differences between the sepal lengths for the different iris species
Adding Post-Hoc Tests
• The ANOVA doesn’t tell us which species are different, so we use a post-hoc test
• Which post-hoc test to use is beyond the scope of this class … there are many choices
• Most R textbooks use pairwise.t.test, which does 2-group
ANOVAs, correcting the p-value for repeated testing (Type I errors)
• The post-hoc test should use log-transformed data (see page 29)
pairwise.t.test(log10(Sepal.Length), Species)
Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD data: log10(Sepal.Length) and Species setosa versicolor versicolor < 2e-16 virginica < 2e-16 1.3e-08 P value adjustment method: holm
Nonparametric Alternatives to ANOVA
• The Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test (kruskal.test), paired with the Wilcoxon rank sum test (pairwise.wilcox.test) will provide a nonparametric alternative to ANOVA
• For untransformed heteroscedastic data, the nonparametric results are usually far more useful than anything based on variance
kruskal.test(Sepal.Length ~ Species)
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test data: Sepal.Length by Species
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 96.9374, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
pairwise.wilcox.test(Sepal.Length, Species)
Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test data: Sepal.Length and Species setosa versicolor
versicolor 1.7e-13 virginica < 2e-16 5.9e-07 P value adjustment method: holm
Supplemental References
• Crawley, Michael J. 2013. The R Book. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN
• Faraway, Julian J. 2014. Linear Models with R, 2nd Edition. CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-439-88733-2.
• Lander, Jared P. 2014. R for Everyone, Advanced Analytics and Graphics. Addison Wesley Data & Analytics Series, ISBN 978-0-321-88803-7. • Teetor, Paul. 2011. The R Cookbook. O’Reilly Publishers. ISBN 978-0-596-880915-7


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