ecology – R Minicourse Workshop, Part 4 (Solution)

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Presented to the
Washington State Deptment of Ecology
Dr. Robin Matthews, Institute for Watershed Studies
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
Initial Examination of Multivariate Data
• Begin by plotting and using simple exploratory tools like analysis to look for patterns
• Don’t use complicated multivariate tests to describe simple univariate or bivariate patterns
• Check for normality and homoscedasticity … nearly all multivariate methods are sensitive to heteroscedastic variances
• Identify redundant, nonlinear, and random variables • Including redundant, nonlinear, and random variables in multivariate analysis can obscure patterns in the remaining variables
• Identify variables with zero variance (all samples have same value)
• This type of response isn’t useful in multivariate analysis
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis, Continued
• Most multivariate methods involve reorganizing the data matrix to find linear or monotonic patterns, or simplifying a complex data sets to identify a subset of variables that best describe the patterns in the data
• Not all multivariate patterns will be linear or monotonic!
• Multivariate patterns can be significant even if the individual univariate patterns are not significant
• Two common multivariate patterns include similarity among groups of samples (clustering) and increasing dissimilarity along a gradient (ordination)
Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
Clustering vs. Ordination Clustering involves finding similarity among groups of samples:
2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
2 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
3 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1
3 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1
1 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 2
1 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 2
Ordination looks for increasing dissimilarity along a gradient:
3 6 2 4 1 5 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 5 1 3 6 4 6 1 2 3 4 5
1 4 6 2 5 3 5 6 1 2 3 4
6 3 5 1 4 2 4 5 6 1 2 3
5 2 4 6 3 1 3 4 5 6 1 2
4 1 3 5 2 6 2 3 4 5 6 1
Multivariate Ordination
Principal Components Analysis
• PCA is a linear model that searches for combinations of variables that explain the most variance in the data
• Because PCA is a linear model, it is influenced by all problems affecting regression/correlation
• PCA uses all variables, so random variables can be a problem
• PCA uses combinations of variables, so multivariate homoscedasticity is important
• Most PCA applications are row centered and standardized, which converts from a co-variance PCA to a correlation PCA
Principal Components Analysis
R Syntax Using prcomp and princomp
• There are two basic PCA methods: princomp and prcomp
• princomp ordinated using an eigenvalue matrix
• prcomp is based on a singular value decomposition of the data matrix, which is generally preferred over princomp
• princomp and prcomp will often produce identical results (number of principal components = number of variables)
• But if there are a large number of variables, prcomp truncates after “almost all” of the variance is contained in the ordination (number of principal components < number of variables) • Both default to a covariance matrix (matches S-Plus), but the best option is a scaled, centered correlation matrix
• In both methods, omit variables that are constant (e.g., all zeros)

Comparison of princomp and prcomp
iris.princomp <- princomp(iris[, c(1:4)], cor=T) #Basic PCA command summary(iris.princomp)
Importance of components:
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4
Standard deviation 1.7083611 0.9560494 0.38308860 0.143926497
Proportion of Variance 0.7296245 0.2285076 0.03668922 0.005178709
Cumulative Proportion 0.7296245 0.9581321 0.99482129 1.000000000
##### PRCOMP VERSION WITH SCALED/CENTERED CORRELATION MATRIX iris.prcomp <- prcomp(iris[, c(1:4)], scale=T, center=T)
summary(iris.prcomp) Importance of components:
Standard deviation 1.7084 0.9560 0.38309 0.14393
Proportion of Variance 0.7296 0.2285 0.03669 0.00518
Cumulative Proportion 0.7296 0.9581 0.99482 1.00000
Examining Variable and Sample Ordinations in prcomp
PCA produces sample ordinations (n=150) that show the location of each sample on PC1-PC4 and variable ordinations (n=4) that show the relationship (correlation) for each variable on PC1-PC4
iris.prcomp$rotation ### for princomp: iris.princomp$loading
Sepal.Length 0.5210659 -0.37741762 0.7195664 0.2612863 Sepal.Width -0.2693474 -0.92329566 -0.2443818 -0.1235096
Petal.Length 0.5804131 -0.02449161 -0.1421264 -0.8014492 Petal.Width 0.5648565 -0.06694199 -0.6342727 0.5235971
iris.prcomp$x ### for princomp: iris.princomp$scores
[1,] -2.25714118 -0.478423832 0.127279624 0.024087508
[2,] -2.07401302 0.671882687 0.233825517 0.102662845 [3,] -2.35633511 0.340766425 -0.044053900 0.028282305 .
[148,] 1.51609145 -0.268170747 -0.179576781 0.118773236
[149,] 1.36820418 -1.007877934 -0.930278721 0.026041407
[150,] 0.95744849 0.024250427 -0.526485033 -0.162533529
Using biplot to Show Sample and Variable Loading

You can quickly examine sample and variable loading using the command biplot(iris.prcomp).
The numbers indicate rows (iris samples) and the arrows show the influence of each variable.

Plotting PCA Results on a Scatterplot
• Scatterplots are a common way to show sample or variable ordinations (see Part 2 for help with R plotting syntax)
• plot(iris.prcomp$x) plots the first two principal components and is equivalent to plot(iris.prcomp$x[,c(1:2)]) • The following example uses several advanced plotting features to create a scatterplot of the samples on PC1 and PC2
op = par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(iris.prcomp$x,
main=”Principal Components Ordination of Iris Samples”, pch=c(21,22,24)[unclass(iris$Species)],
bg=c(“pink”, “violet”, “purple”)[unclass(iris$Species)], cex=1.5)
abline(h=0); abline(v=0)
legend(x=”topright”, c(“I. setosa”, “I. versicolor”, “I. virginica”), pch=c(21, 22, 24),“pink”, “violet”, “purple”), bty=”n”, cex=1)
#### To plot PC2 and PC3:
Scatterplot Showing PCA Sample Ordination
Principal Components Ordination of Iris Samples

Multivariate Analysis – Clustering
Hierarchical vs. Divisive Clustering
• Most commonly used technique is agglomerative, hierarchical clustering
• Similarity (distance) is calculated between all samples • The two closest samples (most similar) are combined into a joined sample containing all data from the two original samples • The distances between all remaining samples and the joined sample are recalculated
• The next two closest samples are joined, and so on
• Another common technique is divisive clustering, where initial groups are defined, then all clusters are iteratively regrouped until the with-in group distances are minimized
Multivariate Analysis – Clustering
Interpreting Clustering Output
• Clustering is primarily an exploratory data analysis tool
• Most clustering techniques are uninformed (you don’t identify a grouping variable like site)
• You can cluster random data … there is no automatic significance test to prevent this from happening
• You can test significance after clusters are identified

Measuring Distance Between Samples
• The first step in hierarchical clustering is to calculate the distance between samples (dist)
• Some of the distance methods available in R include
Distance Method R Syntax Equation/Approach
Euclidean (Squared Euclidean) method=”euclidean”yi )2
Maximum (Chebychev) method=”maximum”
Manhattan (City Block) method=”manhattan”
Canberra method=”canberra” |xi + ii||
Binary method=”binary” count nonzero/zero
• The default is method=”euclidean”
Example of Squared Euclidean Distance Calculations
Var. A Var. B Var. C Xi − Yi
Site 1 20 10 17 Site 1 – Site 2: 5 10 17
Site 2 15 0 0 Site 1 – Site 3: 20 4 17
Site 3 0 6 0 Site 2 – Site 3: 15 –6 0
Distance 1−2 = (20 − 15)2 + (10 − 0)2 + (17 − 0)2 = (52 + 102 + 172) = 414
Distance 1−3 = (20 − 0)2 + (10 − 6)2 + (17 − 0)2 = (202 + 42 + 172) = 705
Distance 2−3 = (15 − 0)2 + (0 − 6)2 + (0 − 0)2 = (152 + −62 + 02) = 261
Sites 2 and 3 are the closest based on squared Euclidean distance
Measuring Distances Between Joined Samples (Cluster Method)
• The results from dist are used with hclust to complete the iterative clustering process
• As with distance metrics, we can choose from a variety of clustering methods
• The default method is the farthest neighbor (complete linkage), which joins groups using the two most distant members of each cluster.

Other Clustering Methods – Average Distance
Average distance (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean; UPGMA) gives equal weight to each sample in the cluster
Other Clustering Methods – Wards Minimum Variance
• Ward’s minimum variance often produces different results
• After each cluster cycle, the sample pairs with the lowest within-cluster sums of squares is joined next
• This approach preserves groups with small internal variance
Cluster A
large variance Cluster B
small variance
Sample will be added to cluster A, despite being “closer” to cluster B (minimum change in cluster variance)

Clustering of First 10 Rows For Each Iris Species
### First example – Euclidean distance with farthest neighbor: data(iris); attach(iris)
### Step 1: select data subset and distance metric edist <- dist(iris[c(1:10, 51:60, 101:110), c(1:4)], method=”euclidean”)
### Step 2: select clustering method edist.complete <- hclust(edist, method=”complete”)
### Step 3: plot the results as an edited dendrogram plot(edist.complete, labels=iris[c(1:10, 51:60, 101:110), 5], ylab=”Euclidean Distance”, xlab=” “, main=” “, sub=” “)
### Second example – Euclidean distance with Ward’s minimum variance edist.ward <- hclust(edist, method=”ward”)
### Add hang=-1 to place samples on x-axis
plot(edist.ward, labels=iris[c(1:10, 51:60, 101:110), 5], ylab=”Euclidean Distance”, xlab=” “, main=” “, sub=” “, hang=-1)
Euclidean Distance/Farthest Neighbor

Euclidean Distance/Farthest Neighbor

Multivariate Analysis – Divisive Clustering
KMeans Clustering of Fisher’s Iris Data (n=30)
• KMeans clustering starts with n centers for each variable
• Distances are computed to all points simultaneously
• The center is moved and distances recomputed, with the objective of minimizing distance (measured as within groups sums of squares)
• The R program lets you set the number of iterations or times the centers are moved. The default is 10 iterations
• More iterations take time, but produce a more repeatable result
• Because the cluster centers are based on iterations, repeated k-means clustering can produce different results.
R Syntax for KMeans Clustering into Three Groups
KMeans clustering produces the number of groups you request. In this example, we ask for 3 groups to match our assumption that each of the 3 species will cluster separately
irispart <- iris[c(1:10, 51:60, 101:110),] # R shortcut! kcluster3 <- kmeans(irispart[ , c(1:4)], 3) kcluster3 #This produces the cluster summary
### Edited output:
Cluster means:
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1 4.860 3.310 1.450000 0.22
2 6.875 3.025 6.012500 2.10
3 5.975 2.825 4.441667 1.45
Clustering vector:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
R Syntax for KMeans Clustering into Three Groups
### Edited output:
Cluster means:
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
1 4.860 3.310 1.450000 0.22
2 6.875 3.025 6.012500 2.10
3 5.975 2.825 4.441667
Clustering vector:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.45
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ### All setosa in Group 1
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ### All versicolor in Group 3
2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 ### 8 virginica in Group 2
### Misclassification rate: 2/30 = 6.7 pct
Scatterplot Matrix Showing KMeans 3-Group Clusters

plot(irispart[, c(1:4)], col=kcluster3$cluster, pch=unclass(irispart[,5]))
Plotting Results Using Best Two Variables; Adding Association Analysis
data(iris); attach(iris) kcluster3.all <- kmeans(iris[, c(1:4)], 3)
table(Species, kcluster3.all$cluster)
Species 1 2 3 setosa 50 0 0 versicolor 0 2 48 virginica 0 36 14
chisq.test(Species, kcluster3.all$cluster)
Pearson’s Chi-squared test data: Species and kcluster3.all$cluster X-squared = 223.5993, df = 4, p-value < 2.2e-16
plot(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, pch=c(21, 22, 24)[unclass(Species)], cex=1.7, xlab=”Petal Length (cm)”, ylab=”Petal Width (cm)”, main=”Kmeans Clustering of Iris Data Into Three Groups”, bg=c(“pink”, “violet”, “purple”)[kcluster3.all$cluster])
legend(x=”topleft”, c(“I. setosa”, “I. versicolor”, “I. virginica”), pch=c(21, 22, 24), bty=”n”)
legend(x=”top”, c(“Group 1”, “Group 2”, “Group 3”), fill=c(“pink”, “violet”, “purple”), bty=”n”)
legend(x=”bottomright”, c(“misclassification = 10.7 pct”,
“(2 versicolor + 14 virginica)”), bty=”n”)
Plotting Results Using Best Two Variables; Adding Association Analysis
Kmeans Clustering of Iris Data Into Three Groups

Petal Length (cm)

Advanced Topics – Clustering on Principal Components
Microcosm Test Using Contaminated Sediments
• This example published by Chariton, et al. (2014) following the approach described by Ben-Hur and Guyon (2003)
• Data are from a sediment toxicity test to determine the effects of zero/low/high concentrations of triclosan (antibiotic/antifungal compound) on sediment biota
• Sediment biota were identified using pres/abs molecular markers that identified >850 different sediment organisms
• The biota were listed by operational taxonomic units (OTUs) rather than genus and species (OTUs)
Preliminary Data Decisions
• The source file contained presence/absence data for 858 OTUs from three treatments (control, low, high) with six replicates per treatment
• Nine OTUs were excluded because they had identical values for all samples (variance = zero)
• Final data set contained 18 rows and 849 variables (OTUs)
• The data were analyzed using scaled prcomp
• PCA truncated at 18 components (residual variance <3.3e-15)
Step 1: Creating New Variables from Component Scores
#### create the PCA using OTUs (col 1-2 = treatment/replicate) alldata <- read.csv(“alldataOTU.csv”, T); attach(alldata) alldataPCA <- prcomp(alldata[, c(3:851)], scale=T) summary(alldataPCA)
Importance of components:
Standard deviation 10.221 9.880 8.77070 8.08297 7.7312 7.28034 7.03630
Proportion of Variance 0.123 0.115 0.09061 0.07695 0.0704 0.06243 0.05832
Cumulative Proportion 0.123 0.238 0.32863 0.40559 0.4760 0.53842 0.59673
PC8 PC9 PC10 PC11 PC12 PC13 PC14
Standard deviation 6.75020 6.71040 6.52041 6.3837 6.27286 5.86208 5.52219
Proportion of Variance 0.05367 0.05304 0.05008 0.0480 0.04635 0.04048 0.03592 Cumulative Proportion 0.65040 0.70344 0.75352 0.8015 0.84786 0.88834 0.92426
PC15 PC16 PC17 PC18
Standard deviation 5.05834 4.56602 4.22722 3.321e-15 Proportion of Variance 0.03014 0.02456 0.02105 0.000e+00
Cumulative Proportion 0.95440 0.97895 1.00000 1.000e+00
#### write the scores to a new data set:
PCA.scores <- data.frame(alldata$treatment, alldata$replicate, round(alldataPCA$x, 3)) write.table(PCA.scores, “alldataPCA.csv”, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=T, sep=”,”)
Variance Plot for First 10 Components

plot(alldataPCA, col=rainbow(10), main=” “)
Comparison of Original and New Data Sets
Original Sediment Microcosm Data (18 rows, 851 columns)
Treatment Replicate OTU 1 … OTU 849

control 1 0 or 1 0 or 1
control 2 0 or 1 0 or 1
(etc.) (etc.) (etc.) (etc.)
high 5 0 or 1 0 or 1
high 6 0 or 1 0 or 1

PCA Data – alldataPCA$x (18 rows, 20 columns) –
Treatment Replicate PC 1 … PC 18

control 1 -4.97 < ±0.01 control 2 -15.53 < ±0.01
(etc.) (etc.) (etc.) (etc.)
high 5 13.81 < ±0.01 high 6 13.10 < ±0.01
Step 2: Clustering on the Component Scores
• The next process is based on the fact that the scaled, centered PCA creates a multivariate correlation matrix, with the “best” correlations contained in the first component
• Each successive component containing a smaller fraction of “good” correlation
• We want to cluster using the smallest subset of components that will produce stable clusters … this is a significant departure from traditional ordination
• The next figure shows initial euclidean/wards hierarchical clustering using all 18 principal components as a starting point
Dendrogram Results using 18 Components
PC1−18 (100%)

newdata <- read.csv(“alldataPCA.csv”, T); attach(newdata) distances <- dist(newdata[, c(3:20)], method=”euclidean”)
eward <- hclust(distances, method=”ward”)
plot(eward, labels=treatment, hang=0, cex=0.65, xlab=” “, sub=” “, main=”PC1-18 (100)”, ylab=”Euclidean Distance”)
Step 3: Identifying Stable Clusters
• Selecting the fewest components for stable clustering is actually a complex process (see Ben-Hur and Guyon, 2003)
• Preliminary evaluation of the 18-component clusters reveal that there are only two treatment responses (high vs. control+low)
• Using cuttree and table, we can look at the number of
misclassifications between the cluster groups and treatment, with misclassification defined as samples that don’t match “high” or “control+low
• Cycling through all dendrograms, (PC1–PC18, PC1–PC17, PC1–PC16, etc), each results in 1 misclassification until the final option (PC1–PC2), which results in 2 misclassifications You only need PC1–PC3 to produce stable clusters
Dendrogram Results using First Seven Principal Components
PC1−7 (60%) PC1−6 (54%)

PC1−4 (41%) PC1−3 (33%)

Step 4: Refining Cluster Membership and Checking Significance
• After selecting the minimum number of components for clustering, we should review cluster membership
• The figure on page 41 shows how two PCA cluster groups match
“high” and “low+control” treatments, with one misclassification • But the figure on page 42 reveals that you could also describe the data using three clusters
• Two of the clusters show treatment effects (high or low+control)
• The third cluster contains three outlier samples
• Choosing which way to display the results depends on your overall goals, but it is usually desirable to discuss outliers separately from the treatment effect
Two-Cluster Dendrogram

HCgroups <- cutree(eward, 2); chisq.test(HCgroups, treatment)
X-squared = 13.8462, df = 2, p-value = 0.0009848
Three-Cluster Dendrogram

HCgroups <- cutree(eward, 3); chisq.test(HCgroups, treatment)
X-squared = 17.6, df = 4, p-value = 0.001477
Step 5: Interpreting the Results
• Using this approach, the data revealed two treatment responses (not three) and a subgroup of outliers from different treatment groups • To finish the evaluation, we can examine how the source data influenced the principal components
• With continuous data (e.g., water quality, algae counts), you could use summary statistics (e.g., minimum, median, maximum) for each cluster group
• Summary statistics are not helpful for presence/absence data, so we examined the top 10 negative and positive OTU scores for the
PC1–PC3 (alldataPCA$rotation; table on page 44)

Best Negative Variable Scores in PC1-PC3
M.5324 -0.085 M.521 -0.087 M.33548 -0.082
M.18385 -0.083 F.671 -0.087 M.29634 -0.076
M.17875 -0.083 uk.euk.3152 -0.087 uk.euk.29604 -0.074
M.34715 -0.083 S.3978 -0.087 M.10729 -0.074
M.25065 -0.082 S.7008 -0.087 M.4300 -0.073
M.28527 -0.082 M.7687 -0.087 R.848 -0.071
uk.euk.6428 -0.082 S.9894 -0.087 uk.euk.6422 -0.071
M.1091 -0.081 S.10341 -0.087 S.947 -0.071
M.15718 -0.080 S.13318 -0.087 uk.euk.11428 -0.071
M.25537 -0.079 S.15201 -0.087 uk.euk.4378 -0.071
Best Positive Variable Scores in PC1-PC3
R.1633 0.056 F.35789 0.037 M.20011 0.075
M.37505 0.056 uk.euk.28316 0.037 R.27994 0.075
R.28351 0.056 M.588 0.038 A.25541 0.075
M.37021 0.057 M.25299 0.039 M.29451 0.075
M.37060 0.060 uk.euk.35868 0.040 M.26907 0.075
S.3563 0.065 M.10534 0.040 M.35148 0.076
R.9197 0.066 M.15282 0.041 M.35761 0.080
Am.5381 0.068 S.37132 0.044 uk.euk.8723 0.081
A.11234 0.073 M.4361 0.048 uk.euk.4435 0.084
R.30870 0.077 M.5776 0.052 uk.euk.5340 0.088
Plotting the Samples by PCA Scores
PCA Sample Loading PCA Sample Loading

−20 −10 0 10 20 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20
PC 1 PC 2
PC1 separated the two treatment groups; PC2 and PC3 were useful for separating the outliers
Supplemental References
• Crawley, Michael J. 2013. The R Book. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN
978-0-470-97392-9. • Everitt, Brian S. 2011. Cluster Analysis, 5th Edition. Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-74991-3.
• Lander, Jared P. 2014. R for Everyone, Advanced Analytics and Graphics. Addison Wesley Data & Analytics Series, ISBN 978-0-321-88803-7.
• Pielou, Evelyn C. 1984. The Interpretation of Ecological Data: A Primer on Classification and Ordination. Wiley. 978-0-471-88950-2. • Teetor, Paul. 2011. The R Cookbook. O’Reilly Publishers. ISBN 978-0-596-880915-7
Citations for PCA Clustering
• Ben-Hur, A. and I. Guyon. 2003. Detecting stable clusters using principal component analysis in methods in molecular biology. In Brownstein, M. J. and A. Kohodursky, eds, Functional Genomics:
Methods and Protocols., Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp 159–182. • Chariton, A. A., K. T. Ho, D. Proestou, H. Bik, S. L. Simpson,
L. M. Portis, M. G. Cantwell, J. G. Baguley, R. M. Burgess, M. M. Pelletier, M. Perron, C. Gunsch, and R. A. Matthews. 2014. A molecular-based approach for examining responses of eukaryotes in microcosms to contaminant-spiked estuarine sediments.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33:359–369.


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