ecology – R Minicourse Workshop (Solution)

$ 29.99


Presented to the
Dr. Robin Matthews, Institute for Watershed Studies
Preliminary Schedule

8:30–11:00 Part 1 Basics, including importing/exporting data, writing/running source files, importing/running packages, extracting information, generating univariate descriptive statistics
11:00–12:00 Questions/one-on-one instruction
12:00–1:00 Lunch
1:00–3:30 Part 2 Plotting, including xy-scatterplots, boxplots, overlay plots, dual axis plots, and basic/intermediate formatting
3:30–4:30 Questions/one-on-one instruction

8:30–11:00 Part 3 Bivariate analysis, including regression, correlation, ANOVA; testing assumptions; transformations, and nonparametric alternatives
11:00–12:00 Questions/one-on-one instruction
12:00–1:00 Lunch
1:00–3:30 Part 4 Ordination, clustering (hierarchical, divisive, pca), association analysis
3:30–4:30 Questions/one-on-one instruction
A Very Powerful Calculator
3 + 4*(99 – 2)
[1] 391 c(1,2,3) + c(100, 200, 300)
[1] 101 202 303 c(1,2,3) * 10 [1] 10 20 30
1:9 + 3
[1] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 sin(pi)
[1] 1.224606e-16
• My input in red, R’s response in blue
• c catenates numbers into a vector
• Note that floating point arithmetic is always approximate
• Can use arrow keys to recall commands

Matrix Math
a <- rbind(1:3, 4:6) • We can name mathematical a objects with the <- operator
[,1] [,2] [,3] • cbind binds columns
[1,] 1 2 3
[2,] 4 5 6 • rbind binds rows b <- cbind(11:13, 14:16)
b • Without the %*% operator,
[,1] [,2] multiplication is
[1,] 11 14 component-wise:
[2,] 12 15 1:5
[3,] 13 16 [1] 1 2 3 4 5
a %*% b 5:1
[,1] [,2] [1] 5 4 3 2 1
[1,] 74 92 1:5 * 5:1
[2,] 182 227 [1] 5 8 9 8 5
Data Frames
mydata <- data.frame(1:12, gl(3,4), rnorm(12), runif(12)) names(mydata) <- c(“ID”, “Group”, “X”, “Y”) mydata
ID Group X Y
1 1 1 -1.14494014 0.4477421 2 2 1 0.78868969 0.1427814
3 3 1 2.06218090 0.5848855
4 4 1 -0.99460233 0.6999962 5 5 2 0.41466492 0.2406326
6 6 2 -0.81099703 0.3214530 7 7 2 0.54504343 0.1111105
8 8 2 -0.65916912 0.3415629
9 9 3 -0.51886246 0.3548058
10 10 3 -0.02180427 0.8345689 11 11 3 0.51281399 0.5886773
12 12 3 -1.58794920 0.8442706
More Readable Numbers

options(digits=2) mydata
ID Group X Y
1 1 1 -1.145 0.45
2 2 1 0.789 0.14
3 3 1 2.062 0.58
4 4 1 -0.995 0.70
5 5 2 0.415 0.24
6 6 2 -0.811 0.32
7 7 2 0.545 0.11
8 8 2 -0.659 0.34
9 9 3 -0.519 0.35
10 10 3 -0.022 0.83
11 11 3 0.513 0.59
12 12 3 -1.588 0.84

• R maintains internal accuracy; this is to unclutter the display
• FYI – R uses 32-bit floats with double-precision arithmetic
Quick Plotting
ID Group X Y
1 1 1 -1.145 0.45
2 2 1 0.789 0.14
3 3 1 2.062 0.58 4 4 1 -0.995 0.70
5 5 2 0.415 0.24 6 6 2 -0.811 0.32
7 7 2 0.545 0.11 8 8 2 -0.659 0.34
9 9 3 -0.519 0.35
10 10 3 -0.022 0.83
11 11 3 0.513 0.59 12 12 3 -1.588 0.84 plot(mydata)

Quantitative vs. Categorical Data
• Nominal (groups have no order) … red, blue, yellow
• Ordinal (groups are ordered) … low, medium, high
• Hierarchical (groups are “nested” in the hierarchy)
• Quantitative data can be used to create categories (e.g., TP ≥ 20 µg/L = high; TP < 20 µg/L = low)
• Ordinal and interval data can be ranked for nonparametric tests (e.g., low/med/high = 1/2/3)
ASCII Data and Data Set Structure
• Most statistical programs can read ASCII† data
†American Standard Code for Information Interchange
• Many programs can read Excel files if you follow formatting rules
• Fill all cells with numbers or codes (⇒no empty cells!)
• Use correct entries for zero (0) and missing data (R uses NA)
• Columns contain variables; rows contain unique samples
• Do not use spaces in categorical entries or variable names
• Decide how to handle out of range data (see next slide)
• Enter comments and categorical data in a format that will work for the statistical program, not just Excel
• Be consistent (NA 6= na 6= n/a 6= N/A; RED 6= Red 6= red)
Common Data Set Problems – Out of Range Data
• Out of range data are usually flagged using a nonnumeric code (<, >, bdl)
• For statistical purposes you need to decide whether to
• Omit these data
• Change methods to avoid out of range values
• Substitute a single value (e.g., one-half the difference between zero and the lowest measurable value)
• Try to approximate the value using a distribution model
• Use “uncensored” values (might include negative numbers)
• What you can’t do is enter “<5” with other numeric values because it converts the entire column to a categorical variable
Common Data Set Problems – Unbalanced Data Sets
• A balanced data set has the same number of entries for every column (no NAs)
• Multivariate data sets are often unbalanced
• Many statistical programs will not run on unbalanced data unless you specify how to deal with the missing values
• The command na.rm=T is used in R to indicate that missing values should be omitted from the calculation
x <- c(1,2,3,4,NA)
mean(x) [1] NA mean(x, na.rm=T)
[1] 2.5
Common Data Set Problems – Measurement Units
• Some statistical tests are influenced by measurement units (e.g., from mg/L to µg/L), especially tests based on squared variance • There is no single solution to this problem, but transformations (log, etc.) and rank-based tests are common approaches
a <- c(1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000) b <- c(4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000) t.test(a,b)
Welch Two Sample t-test ### edited output t = -3, df = 8, p-value = 0.01707
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test ### edited output
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 4, df = 4, p-value = 0.406

Exercise #1 – Importing/Exporting Data
Institute for Watershed Studies Northwest Lakes Monitoring Data
Background information: The Institute for Watershed Studies has collected water quality data from more than 65 lakes in northwest Washington since 2007 as a public service and to provide internships for WWU students. A subset of the lakes data are included in lakes.xlsx. The data were edited to exclude rows with missing values and lakes with more than one sampling location. The remaining file contains data from 65 lakes in Whatcom, Skagit, Snohomish, and Island Counties
Summary of variables in lakes.xlsx

site Short lake names (no spaces!) month Month (separate column) day Day (separate column) year Year (separate column) chl Chlorophyll (µg/L) – algae biomass
do Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) – high oxygen levels indicate active photosynthesis temp Water temperature (C) – warm lakes often have more algae ph pH – measure of lake acidity; indicates high levels of photosynthesis if >8 cond Specific conductance (µS/cm) – measure of dissolved salts alk Alkalinity (mg/L) – measure of lake buffering capacity (resistance to pH change) turb Turbidity (NTU) – measure of lake clarity
nh3 Ammonium (µg-N/L) – algal growth nutrient; Cyanobacteria don’t need this tn Total persulfate nitrogen (µg-N/L) – inorganic and organic nitrogen no3 Nitrate/nitrite (µg-N/L) – algal growth nutrient; Cyanobacteria don’t need this tp Total persulfate phosphorus (µg-P/L) – inorganic and organic phosphorus srp Soluble phosphate (µg-P/L) – growth nutrient for all types of algae

Exercise #1, continued
• Open “lakes.xlsx” using Excel and examine the data file
• The first row contains simple column labels (no spaces)
• Columns 1-4 contain site and sampling dates (month, day, year)
• Columns 5-16 contain uncensored water quality data • Some lakes were sampled only once, while others were sampled multiple years and multiple times within a single year
• Save the file as “lakes.csv” in your R-minicourse working directory We will use this file for examples in the next section
• Open an R terminal window (double-click on the R icon) and change the working directory to your R-minicourse directory
Exercise #1, continued
• Read the data into R by typing the following commands
lakes <- read.csv(“lakes.csv”, header=TRUE)
### here is a shorter option: lakes <- read.csv(“lakes.csv”, T)
### here is a more versatile option that works with other types of files: lakes <- read.table(“lakes.csv”, header=TRUE, sep=”,”)
• Now attach and summarize the data
attach(lakes);summary(lakes) ### note two commands on one line ### “attach” lets you use variable names during the work session
### “summary” lists simple descriptive stats and is a good verification tool
site month day year do
REE : 15 Min. :1.000 Min. : 1.00 Min. :2007 Min. : 0.500
FAZ : 12 1st Qu.:6.000 1st Qu.:14.00 1st Qu.:2008 1st Qu.: 8.100
TER : 12 Median :7.000 Median :20.00 Median :2010 Median : 8.890
BUG : 11 Mean :6.741 Mean :19.17 Mean :2010 Mean : 8.903
SQA : 11 3rd Qu.:8.000 3rd Qu.:26.00 3rd Qu.:2012 3rd Qu.:10.000
SUN : 11 Max. :9.000 Max. :31.00 Max. :2013 Max. :21.500
etc. for remaining variables; note that the lakes are listed in order of the most frequently sampled, not alphabetically or in the order they are arranged in the data matrix
Extracting Information from a Data Matrix
• One of the goals in statistical analysis is to extract summary information for specific types of measurements
• R has many features to do this … too many to cover in this class, but we will look at a few examples
• It helps if you understand a few basic features of a typical data matrix
• A data matrix contains p attributes measured on N samples
• A matrix denoted AN×p has N rows and p columns
• Individual elements are identified as ai,j where i is the row and j is the column
Simple Data Matrix Example
• This matrix contains four columns, but only the second two columns contain measured data (temperature and oxygen). The first two columns contain categorical information about the sampling location
header row column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
Location Type Temperature Oxygen
row 1 A stream 10.1 12.5
row 2 A lake 7.2 4.2
row 3 B stream 10.5 12.3
row 4 B lake 6.1 0.1
• The data matrix, therefore, has four rows and two column (X4×2)
• Element x1,1 is 10.1, element x4,2 is 0.1, etc.
• The lakes.csv file contains 378 rows and 16 columns, but the first four columns contain site, month, day, year. The water quality data are in columns 5–16
Calculating Simple Descriptive Statistics
Here are some examples for using R to calculate simple descriptive statistics for a single variable (conductivity). Note that the last three examples are slightly more complicated
Conductivity example
Function R syntax from lakes.csv

Mean mean(X) mean(cond)
Median median(X) median(cond)
Minimum min(x) min(cond)
Maximum max(X) max(cond)
Number of values length(X) length(cond)
Trimmed mean mean(X, trim=0.05) mean(cond, trim=0.05)
Sample variance var(X) var(cond)
Standard deviation sd(X) sd(cond)
Geometric mean 10(mean(log10(X))) 10(mean(log10(cond)))
Standard error of the mean sqrt(var(X)/length(X)) sqrt(var(cond)/length(cond))
95% conf. interval t.test(X) t.test(cond)

Equivalent Statements in R
• R is a very sophisticated statistics program that includes shortcuts and syntax variations. Each of the following statements will calculate mean conductivity for all sites and dates combined (n=378)
• mean(cond) – This statement works if you attached the variable names (first row) after reading the data
• mean(lakes$cond) – This statement will work with or without attaching the variable names, but you still need header=TRUE
• mean(lakes[c(1:378), 8]) – This statement works for any data table by specifying the exact rows (1:378) and column (8) that contain the conductivity data
If there is a header line, you need header=TRUE because it tells R that the first row doesn’t contain data
Selecting Specific Subsets from the Data
• R uses simple arithmetic operators to select specific rows or columns
Selection R Syntax Selection R Syntax

Equal == Not equal !=
Less than < Less than or equal <=
Greater than > Greater than or equal >=
And (all must be true) & Or (any can be true) |

• When using R selection statements, select rows first, then columns, enclosing the selection inside brackets. To select categorical values
(e.g., site), enclose the value in quotes
mean(cond[year==2013]) ### mean 2013 conductivity, all sites
mean(cond[year==2013 & site !=”WIS”])
### mean 2013 conductivity for all sites except Wiser Lake
mean(cond[site==”WIS”]) ### mean 2007-2013 conductivity, Wiser Lake mean([lakes[c(369:378), 8]) ### mean 2007-2013 conductivity, Wiser Lake
Descriptive Statistics for Groups of Data
• You can generate results for groups of variables using summary(lakes) (see page 15)
• Another option is to use grouping functions like tapply, lapply, sapply, by
round(sapply(lakes[c(1:378), c(5:16)], mean), 1)
do temp ph cond chl alk turb nh3 tn no3 tp srp
8.9 18.1 7.6 118.0 13.8 35.0 3.9 18.6 684.5 103.5 31.8 7.1
### I selected all rows, but only columns 5-16 … why? ### here is a shorter way to select all rows: lakes[, c(5:16)]
by(cond, site, summary) site: ARM
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
53.00 54.50 58.05 59.28 62.82 68.00
———————————————————–site: BAGL
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
10.00 11.00 12.00 12.12 12.60 15.00
———————————————————–### (etc for remaining lakes)
Writing Simple Functions
• One of the features of R is that is it programmable. You can create simple functions or entire custom packages
• Writing a simple function to calculate Standard Error of the Mean
SE <- function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x))
SE(cond) 4.611665 round(SE(cond), 1)
• Writing a more complex function to estimate 95% confidence interval
ci95 <- function(x) {
t.value <- qt(0.975, length(x)-1) standard.error <- SE(x) ci <- t.value * standard.error
cat(“95 CI = “, round(mean(x) -ci, 1), “to “, round(mean(x) +ci, 1), ” “) }
95 CI = 109 to 127.1
Exercise #2 – Modifying Simple Functions
• Modify the SE function to calculate the standard error of the mean for total phosphorus (tp) (Answer = 3.2 µg-P/L)
Discussion: The IWS data are uncensored, so there are negative values in the total phosphorus results (min = -9.5 µg/L). How does this influence variance-based statistics like the standard error?
• Modify the SE function to select lakes with total phosphorus ≥3.2 µg/L (IWS detection limit) Answer = 3.5 µg/L
• Optional: Modify ci95 to calculate the 95% confidence interval for total phosphorus in lakes with conductivities ≥100 µS
Answer: 95 CI = 37.3 to 63.8
Saving Output to a Data Matrix
• We saw that the tapply command can be used to repeat ⇒simple functions
> round(tapply(cond, site, mean),1)
59.3 12.1 12.9 33.6 106.5 5.8 89.2 139.9 59.4 261.3 31.2 19.0 55.0
• We can create a temporary object that contains the results:
sitemean <- round(tapply(cond, site, mean),1)
• Here is how to create additional summary statistics, then “stack” the results into a new data matrix using cbind:
sitemed <- round(tapply(cond, site, median),1) sitemin <- round(tapply(cond, site, min),1) sitemax <- round(tapply(cond, site, max),1) siteN <- tapply(cond, site, length)
summary.stats <- cbind(sitemin, sitemean, sitemed, sitemax, siteN)
Saving Output to a Data Matrix, continued
• This is a more advanced example, following the approach on page 24
• The objects are stacked into summary.stats using cbind, then made into a data.frame that includes site names (unique(site))
• The names function is used to add descriptive names to the final data matrix, which is saved using the write.table function
lakes <- read.table(“lakes.csv”, T, sep=”,”) attach(lakes) sitemean <- round(tapply(cond, site, mean),1) sitemed <- round(tapply(cond, site, median),1) sitemin <- round(tapply(cond, site, min),1) sitemax <- round(tapply(cond, site, max),1) siteN <- tapply(cond, site, length) siteID <- unique(site) summary.stats <- cbind(sitemin, sitemean, sitemed, sitemax, siteN) cond.stats <- data.frame(siteID, summary.stats)
names(cond.stats) <- c(“Site”, “Min”, “Mean”, “Median”, “Max”, “Count”)
write.table(cond.stats, “conductivity.csv”, quote=F, row.names=F, col.names=T, sep=”,”)
Writing/Running Source Files
• Most R users do not type long sequences of commands in the terminal window.
• Instead, we create ASCII text files containing the R commands
By convention, R source files use the extension .R or .r, but Windows can make it hard to save files with this extension
Fortunately, R also reads source files with .txt extensions • To create a simple source file, open Wordpad or any ASCII editor, type the R syntax below, then save the file as simplelake.txt in your minicourse folder
lakes <- read.table(“lakes.csv”, T, sep=”,”)
attach(lakes) summary(lakes)
Writing/Running Source Files, continued
• Switch to the R terminal window and type
⇒Make sure you changed the working directory to your minicourse folder and saved the source file to that folder
• If you did everything correctly, you should see nothing but the wedge-shaped start of line symbol (>) because R doesn’t automatically print all output
• Re-open simplelake.txt, edit the last line to include a print statement, save file, then source the file
lakes <- read.table(“lakes.csv”, T, sep=”,”)
attach(lakes) print(summary(lakes))
• You should get a statistical summary for lakes.csv
Questions/One-on-One Instruction
• This portion of the minicourse is designed for personalized instruction, so can proceed at your own pace
• Novice R-users should review the examples and try to generate simple descriptive statistics for a different water quality variable (e.g., temperature)
• Intermediate and advanced R-users can set up source files and work on their own data sets
• Each section of this minicourse includes an edited source file that can be used to duplicate the more complex examples. The files are posted on the IWS web site (
R Source Files

Parts 1 – 4: ecology1.r – ecology4.r
White River case study whiteriver.r
PCA clustering case study PCAclustering.r

Advanced Topics
R and Dates
• Year, month, and day can be converted with ISOdate or chron (discussed in Part 2)
• Strings of the form “2012/05/12” can be converted with strptime
• If your dates are factors, convert them first with as.character or create them with stringsAsFactors=FALSE
• Resulting objects can be used to plot on the horizontal axis
lake.dates <- ISOdate(lakes$year, lakes$month, lakes$day) lake.dates[1]
[1] “2009-08-31 12:00:00 GMT” lake.dates[1] + 1
[1] “2009-08-31 12:00:01 GMT” lake.dates[1] + 24*60*60
[1] “2009-09-01 12:00:00 GMT” strptime(“2012/5/12″, format=”%Y/%m/%d”)
[1] “2012-05-12 PDT” strptime(“12/5/12″, format=”%y/%m/%d”)
[1] “2012-05-12 PDT” strptime(“2012/5/12 13:30:02″ , format=”%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S”)
[1] “2012-05-12 13:30:02 PDT” datestrings <- c(“2012/5/1”, “2015/2/22”, “2011/12/25″) strptime(datestrings, format=”%Y/%m/%d”)
[1] “2012-05-01 PDT” “2015-02-22 PST” “2011-12-25 PST”
Supplemental References
• Crawley, Michael J. 2013. The R Book. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-97392-9 • Dalgaard, Peter. 2008. Introductory Statistics with R, 2nd Edition. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-79053-4
• Lander, Jared P. 2014. R for Everyone, Advanced Analytics and
Graphics. Addison Wesley Data & Analytics Series, ISBN
978-0-321-88803-7 • Teetor, Paul. 2011. The R Cookbook. O’Reilly Publishers. ISBN 978-0-596-880915-7


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