EEE 212-1-Odd Solved

$ 24.99


Part A. [40 points]
Using a crystal of 11.0592 MHz, produce a blinking LED of frequency 300 Hz on P1.1 with variable duty cycle of Y%, where Y is given below according to last digit of your student number.
Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Y 20 25 30 33.3 40 60 66.6 70 75 80

Part B [60 points]
For this part, you will generate two different signals sequentially. The first sequence is the signal you have generated for part B. The second one will have a frequency of 75 Hz with variable duty cycle between 10% and 90%. The duty cycle 10D (the percentage of time the LED is ON) will be determined at the beginning by an input D from the keypad such that 10D% will be duty cycle provided D is the typed key.
Both signals will be generated at the same pin. Generate each signal for 1 s duration. Note that you might need to make adjustments to your code from part A to compensate for additional instructions.


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