Exercises – Paramathics Interview Task II Solved

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Martin D. Pham
1 Problem
Given a sparse lower triangular matrix L ∈ Rn×n and a vector b ∈ Rn, we apply forward substitution to solve for the system:
Lx = b
Storing L in compressed column format allows a naive forward substitution implementation to skip iterating over zero-valued contributions given by the zero-valued entries of L.
We can further optimize the serial algorithm using the strategy shown in Sympiler. Steps are as follows: (1) construct adjacency graph DGL = (V,E) of L representing dependencies between columns in triangular solve; (2) using the sparsity of b, i.e. β = {i|bi 6= 0}, perform depth-first search on DGL starting from β to determine ReachL(β); (3) only the columns in ReachL(β) contribute to the non-zero RHS entries and so all other columns, i.e. V ReachL(β), can be skipped during iteration.
No parallel optimizations were successful. Some naive attempts at using reduction clause with + operator to sum entries but updating for triangular solve became an issue regarding untangling loop dependency when working in CCS format. Seems like motivation for decoupled symbolic analysis?
2 Results
OS Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Memory 31.2GiB
Processor Intel® Core™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz × 8
Compiler g++ (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1 18.04) 7.5.0
Linear system Naive compressed column Adjacency graph Speedup
torso1 0.057025 0.034461 x1.6548
TSOPF 0.223503 0.223382 x1.0005
Table 2: Average wall time in seconds using omp get wtime over 10 runs between naive forward substitution compared to adjacency graph optimization.
Linear system |V | |ReachL(β)| |ReachL(β)|/|V |
torso1 116158 34314 0.30
TSOPF 35696 35414 0.99
Table 3: Total number of columns compared to number of contributing columns that need to be included in forward substitution. torso1 skips 70% of columns while TSOPF only skips 1%.
The adjacency optimization improved performance for torso1 but not TSOPF. Looking at the relative sizes of ReachL(β) for both systems, we find that torso1 is able to skip a significant number of columns while TSOPF barely benefits. The relative residuals in different norms (computed using given naive matrixvector multiplication) also suggest that the matrix in TSOPF is ill-conditioned.
Resources links attached to assignment.


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