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Assignment 3 – Prototyping, Usability &
Interface Design
● Prototypes & Persona
Assignment 3 is worth 12% of the final mark.
This assignment will give you the opportunity to integrate and develop your analytical, modelling and communication skills. Specifically, it will help you:
● Understand the value of prototyping in helping identify and document user requirements accurately and completely;
● Develop your interface design skills, considering functional requirements, personas, standards, usability and interface design principles; ● Develop your presentation and communication skills.
Assignment outline:
You have been given the task of gathering and documenting the requirements for a new information system for Secondo store using prototyping to understand and confirm the business requirements, and design the system user interfaces.
Assessment criteria:
A detailed marking scheme is available in the Assignments section on Moodle. We highly recommend you review the marking scheme before commencing the assignment.
Assignment help:
Students are encouraged to post questions about the assignment and the system on the Ed Discussion forum – Assignment 3 section. We will have a FAQs post pinned in the
NOTE: Staff will make every attempt to answer questions promptly – NOT necessarily immediately.
Assignment planning and management:
Assignment planning and management must be done using the Trello Kanban project management tool. Failure to actively use Trello will result in a reduction in your Team Assignment Project Management mark.
If there are extenuating circumstances that require an extension, please contact your campus lecturer.
Submission process:
● The file name of the submission should follow this format:
• FIT2001_Assignment3_ Team[yourTeamID].pdf
• e.g. FIT2001_Assignment3_Team99.pdf
● All team members are responsible for the final submission, and therefore every team member should review the final version, prior to its submission.
● Each team member must accept the digital coversheet on Moodle. Failure to do so will result in your assignment not being submitted correctly, and thus not being marked.
● Ideally, a single file (PDF) should contain the entire submission, if there is a need for multiple files, all files need to be in pdf format.
This assignment will help you understand and develop prototypes of the business requirements of the system desired by Secondo store.
Use the ‘Secondo System Detailed Description’ and the associated sample forms (See
Assignment 2 section of FIT2001 Moodle site), and the information received during the User Story Mapping Workshop with the client Dan, to complete the following tasks.
Assumptions: Please make sure to note any assumptions made for each of the tasks.
Construct complete interface mock-up prototypes (wireframe models) for the following business functionality:
● Process new stock o Create new stock (Owner) o Finalise sale price (Owner) o Finalise markdown schedule (Owner) o Manage stocking fee payment (Owner)
● Return unsold stock o Identify unsold items (Owner)
o Organise client pickup of unsold items (Owner)
o Organise removal of items not picked up by client (Owner)
● Manage consignment client o Register new client (Individual and Business Client) o Sign in (Client) o Delete client account (Client) o Manage client details (Client)
NOTE: A copy of the content of emails and notifications sent/received do not need to be included in your prototypes, but the sending of the emails, notifications etc. should be described in the description of the screen.
The purpose of the prototypes is to show that you understand the system requirements for the required business functionality, and have thought about error handling, messages, standards, usability and human computer interaction principles in your design.
You must include:
● The prototypes for the required business functionality
● A brief description of how each screen works (use Workshop 9 student suggested solutions as a guide as to how you can do this – it is NOT meant to be a proper, detailed user guide). You must include ALL error messages and any other messages associated with the functionality of the screens.
● The Secondo Consignment Client persona to assist with the development of your interfaces – you will need to make assumptions as you cannot conduct the research
● A research plan to create your persona – a brief description (not more than 200 words)
of the research you would conduct and analysis you would do if it was possible
Balsamiq (only 30-day free trial),, Miro, Lucidchart (not free).
1. Prototypes – showing each screen, a description of how it works – including all error messages and any other messages, and all the links between the screens for the specified functionality
2. Secondo Consignment Client Persona and research plan for developing the persona
DEMONSTRATION OF PROTOYPES (20%) + (Minus 50% of individual mark for Assignment 3 for non-attendance at demonstration)
Using the prototypes you have created and submitted, demonstrate/explain to your client how the prototypes work and how all their business needs are addressed. Discuss the functionality in terms of the various personas (users) using the system. Please note the following:
● ALL members of each team must participate in the presentation – we would like all of you to get the opportunity to practise your presentation skills;
● You must consider the most logical and concise way to present your prototypes within the 15 minutes time frame;
● You have ~15 minutes to demonstrate your prototypes o On-campus – Project to the monitors using MirrorOp
o Online classes: Use the share screen facility in Zoom – Cameras of all team members MUST BE ON
● You are not required to hand in anything for this component of the assignment.
● Attendance at the demonstration is mandatory. Failure to attend the demonstration without a valid reason and appropriate evidence will result in a 50% reduction of your final individual mark for Assignment 3.
Please refer to the Faculty Style Guide for assistance with Report Writing:
For the Team Assignment Project Management, please refer to the section “Assignment planning and management:” on page 2 of this document.


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