FIT2094 – (Solution)

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FIT2094 Databases
Assignment 1A – Conceptual Model – Monash Movement (MM)
Learning Outcomes: 2, 3 (see Unit Preview)
Assignment weighting 5%
Assignment marked out of 100 and released as a grade out of 5

Your task for this assignment is to design a model for a database which can be used to support the activities of a fitness center business called Monash Movement.
Monash Movement operates a number of fitness centres located in towns and cities across the country. People can join up and become a member of Monash Movement to make use of the facilities and classes which are available.
Each centre has a number of facilities such as Gymnasium, Spin Room, Swimming Pool,
Aerobic Exercise Room, etc. Each of these facilities is identified by a facility room number. These room numbers are not unique across Monash Movement, room numbers are reused within each centre, they are however unique within each centre. For a facility we wish to record the facility name, a description of the facility and its capacity (the number of participants it can accommodate). Each centre has at least one facility.

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You are free to make assumptions if needed however they must align with the details here and in the assignment forums and must be clearly documented (see the required submission files).
Please ENSURE you include your name and ID on every page of any document you submit. If a document is a multipage document, please also make sure you include page numbers on every page.
All working files, as you work on this assignment task, must be stored in GIT and must show a clear history of development. Your work for this task MUST be saved in your working directory in your Assignment 1A folder and regularly pushed to the FIT GitLab server to build this history of development. Any submission with less than two pushes to the FITGitLab server will incur a grade penalty of 10 marks (a 10 mark deduction).
Students must regularly check that their pushes have been successful by logging in to the web interface of the FIT GitLab server; you must not simply assume they are working. Before submission, via Moodle, you must log in to the web interface of the GitLab server and ensure your submission files are present on the GitLab server.
The task to complete:
Using LucidChart (or your choice of diagramming tool), prepare a FULL conceptual model (Entity Relationship Diagram) using crow’s foot notation for Monash Movement (MM) described above.
● For this FULL conceptual model, include:
○ identifiers (keys) for each entity
○ all required attributes, and
○ all relationships. The cardinalities as min and max, using crows foot notation, must be shown for all relationships on the diagram.
● Attributes must be modelled as listed in this case study ie. there is no requirement to break down composite attributes
● Surrogate keys must not be added to this model.
Your model must conform to the FIT2094-FIT3171 ERD standards listed in tutorial 3, failure to do so will incur grade penalties.
Submission Requirements
Assignment 1A:
The following files are to be submitted and must exist in your FITGitLab server repo:
● A single page pdf file containing your full final conceptual model. Name the file mm_conceptual.pdf. This file must be created via File – Export/Download As/Print to a PDF from your drawing package (do not use screen capture) and must be able to be accessed with a development history via GIT. You can create this development history by downloading your PDFs and committing/pushing to GIT as you work on your model.
● A PDF document containing any assumptions you wish to make your marker aware of (create the document in MS Word or Google Docs and save it as PDF). Name the file mm_assumptions.pdf. If you have made no assumptions, submit the document with a single statement saying “No assumptions made”. The source document, as an MS Word document, must be available in your GitLab account (for Google Docs simply download as Microsoft Word before adding to your repo).
Late submission will incur penalties of 5 marks deduction per 12 hours or part thereof late. Submissions are not accepted beyond 7 days late.
Please note we cannot mark any work on the Git Server; you need to ensure that you submit correctly via Moodle since it is only in this process that you complete the required student declaration without which work cannot be assessed.
It is your responsibility to ENSURE that the files you submit are the correct files – we strongly recommend after uploading a submission, and prior to actually submitting in Moodle, that you download the submission and double-check its contents.
Your assignment MUST show a status of “Submitted for grading” before it will be marked.

Please carefully read the documentation under “Assignment Submission” on the Moodle Assessments page.
Marking Rubric
Outstanding (HD) Adequate (Range P – D) Not Adequate (N)
Identified the required Entities
[30 marks] ● All/most entities identified.
● All/most keys are
correctly identified.
● No “extra” entities included ● Majority of entities identified.
● Majority of keys are correctly identified. ●
● None or few entities identified.
None or few keys are correctly identified
Identified the correct attributes for each Entity [30 marks] ● All/most required
attributes identified and placed in correct entities.
● No “extra” attributes included ● Majority of required attributes identified and placed in correct entities. ● None/few required attributes identified and placed in correct entities.
Identified the required Relationships
[10 marks] ● All/most required
relationships identified.
● No “extra” relationships included ● Majority of required relationships identified. ●
. None/few required relationships identified.
Identified all Cardinalities for every relationship
[20 marks] ● All/Most of depicted relationships cardinalities are correctly identified. ● Majority of depicted relationships cardinalities are correctly identified. ● None/few of depicted
relationships cardinalities are correctly identified.
Able to correctly use the required notation convention and be consistent in its usage. [10 marks] ● All notations in the model are consistent and follow FIT2094-FIT3171 ERD standards. ● Most notations in the model are consistent and follow FIT2094-FIT3171 ERD standards. ● Few notations in the model are consistent or follow FIT2094-FIT3171 ERD standards.
Able to correctly push the model to FITGitLab server
with a
history of at least two pushes. If less than two pushes showing a clear development history a grade deduction of 10 marks applied.


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