The purpose of this homework is to learn how to play games using Deep Q-Network. In each of the games mentioned below, the objective for the agent is to win the game or maximize the total score achieved during the game:
a) Cartpole-v0. You are familiar with this game from the last assignment. Use discount factor = 0.95 for this game.
i) Plot (average) maximum of the Q function versus iteration to track progress of your network.
ii) After training your neural network for 24 hours, play 1000 games using your trained neural network andplot the sum of rewards in each game (no discounting here).
b) MsPacman-v0. Take a look here to learn how the game is played. Train a neural net that uses images of the game as state and models the action-value function. The discount factor is 0.99. This game has 9 actions.
mspacman_color = 210 + 164 + 74 def preprocess_observation(obs):
img = obs[1:176:2, ::2] # crop and downsize img = img.sum(axis=2) # to greyscale img[img==mspacman_color] = 0 # Improve contrast img = (img // 3 – 128).astype(np.int8) # normalize from -128 to 127 return img.reshape(88, 80, 1)
i) Plot (average) maximum of the Q function versus iteration to track progress of your network.
ii) After training your neural network for 24 hours, play 1000 games using your trained neural network andplot the sum of rewards in each game (no discounting here).
• Your DQN implementation must use a deep neural net, a replay buffer, and the notion of the target network.
• You are not allowed to use someones code and you are also not allowed to read or copy-and-paste someone else code.
• You can use Tensorflow and all of the functions that come with it (and all modules that are part of anaconda).
• All of you must use deepdish and your code must use a single GPU card.
• Please make sure to submit the code along with the plots.
• You are allowed to use any trick that can help with faster convergence.
• Your assignment score will be based on the performance of your algorithm and how much reward it gains in both games. You will get the majority of the points as long as your code is correct and your plots show that the network is learning how to play. The following criterion will be used for to grade your assignment:
– Top 20% performance get 100 points.
– Those ranked from 50% to 80% get 95 points.
– Those ranked from 20% to 50% get 92.5 points.
– Bottmon 20% get 90 points.
– The winner gets an extra 10 points (thus 110 points).
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