Input and output in C Language
1. Write a program to print Hello Students on the screen.
2. Write a program to print Hello in the first line and Students in the second line.
3. Write a program to print “MySirG” on the screen. (Remember to print in double quotes)
4. WAP to find the area of the circle. Take radius of circle from user as input and print the result in below given format.
Expected output format – “Area of circle is A having the radius R”. Replace A with area & R with radius.
5. WAP to calculate the length of String using printf function.
6. WAP to print the name of the user in double quotes.
Expected output format – “Hello , Amit Kumar”
7. WAP to print “%d” on the screen.
8. WAP to print “ ” on the screen.
9. WAP to print “\” on the screen.
Output format –
11. WAP to take time as an input in below given format and convert the time format and display the result as given below.
Output format – “HH hour and MM Minute”
Example –
“11:25” converted to “11 Hour and 25 Minute”
12. Find output of below code:
int main()
int x = printf(“ineuron”); printf(“%d”,x); return 0;
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