IS1200 – Solved

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Lab 3 – I/O Programming
Welcome to our third lab! In this laboratory exercise you will learn the fundamentals of input/output, timers, and interrupt programming. After finishing this lab, you should be able to
1. Write code for general-purpose input/output (GPIO) ports.
2. Write code to initialize and use simple input/output devices, such as buttons and LEDs.
3. Write code to initialize and use devices with handshaking, such as a programmable timer.
4. Write code to initialize and handle interrupts.
5. Have a general understand for how to read non-trivial technical manuals, data sheets, and header files.
You must do the lab work in advance, except for the Surprise Assignment. The teachers will examine your skills and knowledge at the lab session.
We recommend that you book a lab-session well in advance, and start preparing at least a week before the session.
You can ask for help anytime before the lab session. There are several ways to get help; see the course website for details and alternatives.
During the lab session, the teachers work with examination as well as offering help. Make sure to state clearly that you want to ask questions, rather than being examined.
Resources and Reading Guidelines
• Lectures 5 and 6.
• Exercise 2 (including the suggested solutions).
• PIC32 Reference Manuals and ChipKIT Reference Manuals.
• The C header file pic32mx.h, that is available here:
/opt/mcb32/include/pic32mx.h on Windows and Linux, and here:
/Applications/ on Mac OS (after that you have installed the MCB Tools).
• See the course web page Literature and Resources for links and details.
Examination is for each assignment. Examining one assignment takes 5–15 minutes. Make sure to call the teacher immediately when you are done with an assignment.
Please state clearly that you want to be examined, rather than getting help.
The teacher checks that your program behaves correctly, and that your code follows all coding requirements and is easily readable. In particular, all assembly-language code must conform to the calling conventions for MIPS32 systems. Compile-time warnings are not acceptable.
The teacher will also ask questions, to check that your knowledge of the design and implementation of your program is deep, detailed and complete. When you write code, make detailed notes on your choices of algorithms, data-structures, and implementation details. With these notes, you can quickly refresh your memory during examination, if some particular detail has slipped your mind.
You must be able to answer all questions. In the unlikely case that some of your answers are incorrect or incomplete, we follow a specific procedure for re-examination. This procedure is posted on the course website.
This lab is examined in three parts. You can only be examined on one part at a time. Part 1 – Assignment 1.
Part 2 – Assignment 2.
Part 3 – Assignment 3 and the Surprise Assignment.
Through-out all assignments, test your code continually by running it on the Uno32 board with Basic IO Shield.
Assignment 1: Polling switches
In this assignment, you will write code that (repeatedly) examines the values of one or more input bits. This is called polling, and is the simplest way to check input from a switch or push-button. You will also write code to send output-data to LEDs.
Parts a and b of this assignment are preliminaries, laying the foundation for your work.
a) Create a new directory time4io. Then find your previous lab work from the assemblyprogramming lab 1. Copy all your files from lab 1 (including labwork.S) into the new directory time4io.
b) Open a Terminal window (an msys2 window on Windows). Change to the new directory and type the command make
Look for warnings and errors, and correct them all. Then connect the Uno32 board and type make install
Check that the code runs correctly on the Uno32 board (with Basic IO Shield). After these steps, you’ll know that your old code still works (or you’ll know that you have things to fix before starting this lab!).
Parts c and d deal with output-data, which is often a little simpler than input.
c) In file mipslabwork.c, add code in function labinit to initialize Port E so that bits 7 through 0 of Port E are set as outputs (i.e., the 8 least significant bits). These bits are connected to 8 green LEDs on the Basic IO Shield. Register TRISE has address 0xbf886100.You should initialize the port using your own volatile pointer, that is, you should not use the definitions in pic32mx.h, yet. Do not change the function (direction) of any other bits of Port E.
d) In file mipslabwork.c, add code in function labwork to increase the binary value shown on the 8 green LEDs once each time the function tick is called. Initialize the value to 0, so that the LEDs show how many “ticks” have occurred since the program was started. See below. You should use your own volatile pointer. Register PORTE has address 0xbf886110.
starting value
when tick is called for the first time
…and the second time
third time
fourth time
…and so on
The remaining parts of assignment 1 deal with input.
e) In file mipslabwork.c, add code in function labinit to initialize port D so that bits 11 through 5 of Port D are set as inputs. You should do this by using the definitions in pic32mx.h Do not change the function (direction) of any other bits of Port D.
f) Create a new file time4io.c. Begin the file with the following three lines:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pic32mx.h>
#include “mipslab.h”
In this file, write a C function that returns the status of the toggle-switches on the board, with the following specification.
Function prototype: int getsw( void ); Parameter: none.
Return value: The four least significant bits of the return value should contain data from switches SW4, SW3, SW2, and SW1. SW1 corresponds to the least significant bit. All other bits of the return value must be zero.
Notes: The function getsw will never be called before Port D has been correctly initialized. The switches SW4 through SW1 are connected to bits 11 through 8 of Port D.
g) In file time4io.c, add a C function that returns the current status of the push-buttons BTN2, BTN3, and BTN4 with the following specification1.
Function prototype: int getbtns(void); Parameter: none.
Return value: The 3 least significant bits of the return value must contain current data from push buttons BTN4, BTN3, and BTN2. BTN2 corresponds to the least significant bit. All other bits of the return value must be zero.
Notes: The function getbtns will never be called before Port D has been correctly initialized. The buttons BTN4, BTN3, and BTN2, are connected to bits 7, 6 and 5 of Port D.
h) In file mipslabwork.c, modify the function labwork to also call getbtns. If any button is pressed, the function getsw must be called, and the value of the variable mytime updated as follows (see next page).
• Pressing BTN4 copies the value from SW4 through SW1 into the first digit of mytime. If SW4 through SW1 are set to 0100, time would change from, say, 16:53 into 46:53.
• Pressing BTN3 copies the value from SW4 through SW1 into the second digit of mytime. If SW4 through SW1 are set to 0100, time would change from, say, 16:53 into 14:53.
• Pressing BTN2 copies the value from SW4 through SW1 into the third digit of mytime. If SW4 through SW1 are set to 0100, time would change from, say, 16:53 into 16:43.
• Pressing two (or three) buttons simultaneously should update both (or all three) relevant digits of mytime.
The figures on the next page illustrate this with an example.

Diagram showing which digit should be updated, depending on which button is pressed.
If the toggle-switches (SW4 through SW1) have been set to 0100, pressing a button would change the corresponding digit into a ‘4’.

In this example, the switches are set to 4 (0100 binary), so the selected digit changes into a ‘4’.
When running your code on the Uno32 board with Basic IO Shield, verify that you can set all three digits: minutes (two digits) and seconds (only the tens digit).
Questions for Assignment 1
• Test pressing BTN3 and BTN2 at the same time. What happens? Why?
• Three device-registers for input/output control are TRISE, TRISESET, and TRISECLR. Their functions are related. How? What are the differences?
• In the generated assembly code, in which MIPS register will the return values from functions getbtns and getsw be placed in. You should be able to answer this question without debugging the generated assembly code.
• In this exercise, we explained which bits that should be used in Port D and Port E. How can you find this information in the PIC32 and ChipKIT manuals? Be prepared to demonstrate how to find this information in the manuals.
Advice: check the lecture slides from lecture 5 for ideas.
Assignment 2: Timer
In this assignment, you will use a timer device. Timers are controlled directly by a very accurate pulse-generator (called a crystal oscillator). Because of this, timers can can be used for very precise measurements of time. The resolution of these measurements depends on the pulse-frequency and is usually well into the sub-microsecond range. Some examples are:
• Measuring the interval between input-pulses from a sensor on a wheel, to calculate the speed of a vehicle.
• Examining the execution time of some part of a program, to determine if additional optimization could be useful.
• Repeating some action at precise intervals, such as updating the display of a clock every second. This is what you will do in the current assignment.
a) Create a new directory time4timer. Copy all files from assignment 1 into the new directory.
b) In file mipslabwork.c, add code to initialize Timer 2 for timeouts every 100 ms (that is 10 timeouts per second). Be prepared to justify your choices of clock-rate divider and time-out period. In file mipslabwork.c, change the labwork function so that it never calls delay. Instead, the labwork function should test the time-out event flag.
If the flag indicates a time-out event, your code must reset the flag. Make the calls to time2string, display_string, display_update, and tick conditional, so that these functions are only called in case of a time-out event. Run your code on the board and verify that the timedisplay is updated 10 times per second.
Note: T2CON, IFS(0), and other hardware addresses, are defined by file pic32mx.h.
Note: Don’t let the call to getbtns depend on a time-out. The function getbtns can be called in every loop iteration. On the other hand, calling the display functions in every iteration would lead to unpleasant flickering.
c) In file mipslabwork.c, add a global counter timeoutcount. In function labwork, use the counter to count up to 10 time-out events. Change your code so that time2string,
display_string, display_update and tick are only called once in 10 time-out events. Run your code on the board and verify that the time-display is updated once per second.
Questions for Assignment 2
• When the time-out event-flag is a “1”, how does your code reset it to “0”?
• What would happen if the time-out event-flag was not reset to “0” by your code? Why?
• Which device-register (or registers) must be written to define the time between time-out events? Describe the function of that register (or of those registers).
• If you press BTN3 quickly, does the time update reliably? Why, or why not? If not, would that be easy to change? If so, how?
Assignment 3: Interrupts
In the previous assignments, you have used polling of input-data and polling of a timer event-flag. The downside of polling is that it keeps the processor busy, checking input and/or event flags.
With interrupts, the processor can perform any kind of useful computation instead. When input data changes, or when the timer event-flag goes on, ordinary computation is temporarily suspended; the processor starts executing an interrupt-service routine (ISR) instead.
However, the fact that ordinary program execution can be interrupted at any time makes it hard to debug problems related to interrupt programming. We will therefore limit this assignment to one source of interrupts: the timer event-flag.
Helpful hint: During debugging, you can use the function display_debug to examine the contents of a memory address or variable. See file mipslab.h for more information.
Parts a, b, c, and d of this assignment are preliminaries, laying the foundation for your work.
a) Create a new directory time4int. Copy all files from assignment 2 into the new directory.
b) In file mipslabwork.c, add the following line near the beginning of the file:
int prime = 1234567;
c) In file mipslabwork.c, change the labwork function to look like this:
void labwork( void ) { prime = nextprime( prime ); display_string( 0, itoaconv( prime ) ); display_update(); }
d) In file mipslabwork.c, change the function user_isr to look like this:
void user_isr( void ) { time2string( textstring, mytime ); display_string( 3, textstring );
display_update(); tick( &mytime ); }
In parts e and f, you write code that will execute on an interrupt.
e) In file mipslabwork.c, add code into the function user_isr to acknowledge interrupts from Timer 2. Note that function user_isr should include the code that is called every time an interrupt occurs. It should not include the code that initializes the interrupt routine.
f) In file mipslabwork.c, change function user_isr to update and check the global counter timeoutcount, so that that time2string, display_string, display_update and tick are only called once in 10 invocations of user_isr. This is similar to what you did in Assignment 2.
In parts g and h, you write code to enable interrupts. All the other parts must be in place before interrupts are enabled.
g) In file labwork.S, add a function enable_interrupt that executes the ei instruction (and then returns to the caller). The ei instruction enables interrupts globally.
h) In file mipslabwork.c, add code to the function labinit, to enable interrupts from Timer 2, and of course to enable interrupts globally. Before enabling interrupts globally, all other initialization must be complete. Note: IEC(0) is at 0xbf881060, and IPC(2) at 0xbf8810b0.
Questions for Assignment 3
• When the time-out event-flag is a “1”, how does your code reset it to “0”?
• What would happen if the time-out event-flag was not reset to “0” by your code? Why?
• From which part of the code is the function user_isr called? Why is it called from there?
• Why are registers saved before the call to user_isr? Why are only some registers saved?
• Which device-register (or registers), and which processor-register (or registers) must be written to enable interrupts from the timer? Describe the functions of the relevant registers.
Assignment 4: Surprise assignment
You will get a surprise assignment at the lab session.
You must finish the surprise assignment during the session.
The surprise assignment is demonstrated together with Assignment 3.
Version history
1.2: Updated assignment 3e. Clarified the meaning of function user_isr. 2015-10-06.
1.1: Updated assignment 1d, specifying that pic32mx.h not should be used, 2015-09-29.
1.0.1: Added KTH logotype, 2015-09-28.
1.0: First released version, 2015-09-28.


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