ISE529 – Module 3 Homework (Solution)

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ISE-529 Predictive Analytics
1a) Read the file “HW Problem 1 Dataset.csv” into a dataframe and convert the category column X6 into binary dummary variables. Display the first three rows of the resulting dataset.
In [96]: import pandas;

df = pandas.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer = “HW Problem 1 Dataset.csv”); bd_df = pandas.get_dummies(df); print(bd_df.head(3));
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Y X6_Blue X6_Red X6_Yellow 0 11 47 18 3 56 153.157223 0 0 1
1 19 91 11 93 1 809.384179 0 1 0
2 48 33 36 31 22 395.466944 0 1 0
1b) Using statsodels, perform a regression for Y using X1 through X5 and your dummy variables display the fit summary below.
import statsmodels.api as sm;

X = bd_df[[“X1”, “X2”, “X3”, “X4”, “X5”, “X6_Blue”, “X6_Red”, “X6_Yellow”]];
Y = bd_df[“Y”];

X = sm.add_constant(X);

model = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit(); print(model.summary());
In [97]:
OLS Regression Results ==============================================================================
Dep. Variable: Y R-squared: 0.892
Time: 06:27:30 Log-Likelihood: -6515.8
No. Observations: 1000 AIC: 1.305e+04
Df Residuals: 992 BIC: 1.309e+04 Df Model: 7
Covariance Type: nonrobust ============================================================================== coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] —————————————————————————— const -126.5616 16.115 -7.854 0.000 -158.185 -94.939 X1 4.0399 0.181 22.331 0.000 3.685 4.395
X2 0.0312 0.179 0.174 0.862 -0.321 0.383 X3 13.0721 0.181 72.131 0.000 12.717 13.428
X4 4.8075 0.180 26.651 0.000 4.454 5.162
X5 0.0114 0.182 0.063 0.950 -0.346 0.369
X6_Blue -327.6865 8.734 -37.519 0.000 -344.826 -310.548 X6_Red 55.1448 10.647 5.180 0.000 34.252 76.037
X6_Yellow 145.9802 8.780 16.626 0.000 128.750 163.210
Omnibus: 3.577 Durbin-Watson: 1.920 Prob(Omnibus): 0.167 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3.649
Skew: 0.139 Prob(JB): 0.161
Kurtosis: 2.899 Cond. No. 1.11e+17 ==============================================================================
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 1.09e-27. This might indicate that there are strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.
1c) Investigating the resulting coefficient p-values, Which predictors appear to not have a statistically significant relationship to the response variable?
X2 and X5 don’t have statistically significant relationship to the response variable, because their p-values are higher than 0.05, which is considered an insignificant p-value.
1d) Drop any predictors that you found not to have a relationship with the response and display the first 10 rows of the resulting dataframe.
In [98]: dp_bd_df = bd_df.drop([“X2”, “X5”], axis = 1); print(dp_bd_df.head(10));
X1 X3 X4 Y X6_Blue X6_Red X6_Yellow
0 11 18 3 153.157223 0 0 1 1 19 11 93 809.384179 0 1 0
2 48 36 31 395.466944 0 1 0
3 4 43 68 892.610788 0 0 1
4 82 37 65 476.573108 1 0 0 5 41 6 88 797.891711 0 0 1
6 29 83 12 871.984975 1 0 0
7 22 44 89 952.367041 0 0 1
8 12 39 67 343.993916 1 0 0
9 2 68 96 1297.651894 0 0 1
1e) Re-run the regression without the irrelevant variables and display the fit summary
X = dp_bd_df[[“X1”, “X3”, “X4”, “X6_Blue”, “X6_Red”, “X6_Yellow”]];
Y = dp_bd_df[“Y”];

X = sm.add_constant(X);

sm_model = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit(); print(sm_model.summary());
In [99]:
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Y R-squared: 0.892
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.891 Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1641.
Time: 06:27:30 Log-Likelihood: -6515.9
No. Observations: 1000 AIC: 1.304e+04 Df Residuals: 994 BIC: 1.307e+04
Df Model: 5
Covariance Type: nonrobust ============================================================================== coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] —————————————————————————— const -124.9434 12.853 -9.721 0.000 -150.165 -99.722 X1 4.0403 0.181 22.375 0.000 3.686 4.395 X3 13.0704 0.181 72.310 0.000 12.716 13.425
X4 4.8084 0.180 26.693 0.000 4.455 5.162
X6_Blue -327.1534 8.165 -40.068 0.000 -343.176 -311.131
X6_Red 55.6757 10.113 5.505 0.000 35.830 75.521
X6_Yellow 146.5344 8.108 18.073 0.000 130.624 162.445
Omnibus: 3.549 Durbin-Watson: 1.919
Prob(Omnibus): 0.170 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3.621 Skew: 0.138 Prob(JB): 0.164
Kurtosis: 2.898 Cond. No. 1.11e+18 ==============================================================================
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The smallest eigenvalue is 6.82e-30. This might indicate that there are strong multicollinearity problems or that the design matrix is singular.
1f) Write the full regression equation
Y = 4.0403 X1 + 13.0704 X3 + 4.8084 X4 + -327.1534 X6_Blue + 55.6757 X6_Red + 146.5344 X6_Yellow – 124.9434 1g) Write the equation for the observations where the “color” category is yellow:
Y = 4.0403 X1 + 13.0704 X3 + 4.8084 X4 + 146.5344 1 – 124.9434
1h) Write the equation for the observations where the “color” category is blue:
Y = 4.0403 X1 + 13.0704 X3 + 4.8084 X4 + -327.1534 1 – 124.9434
Write the equation for the observations where the “color” category is red:
Y = 4.0403 X1 + 13.0704 X3 + 4.8084 X4 + 55.6757 1 – 124.9434
1i) Now, use the sklearn library to run the same regression and display the resulting model coefficients
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression;

X = dp_bd_df[[“X1”, “X3”, “X4”, “X6_Blue”, “X6_Red”, “X6_Yellow”]];
Y = dp_bd_df[“Y”];

sk_model = LinearRegression().fit(X, Y); print(sk_model.coef_);
In [100…
[ 4.04032489 13.07044352 4.8083891 -285.50560589 97.32346179 188.1821441 ]
1j) Calculate and display the following fit assessment statistics: R2, Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, and Max Error
In [101… from sklearn import metrics;

Y_pred_list = sk_model.predict(dp_bd_df[[“X1”, “X3”, “X4”, “X6_Blue”, “X6_Red”, “X6_Yellow”]]);

print(“R^2: “, metrics.r2_score(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list));
print(“Mean Squared Error: “, metrics.mean_squared_error(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Mean Absolute Error: “, metrics.mean_absolute_error(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Max Error: “, metrics.max_error(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list));
R^2: 0.8919740759220801
Mean Squared Error: 26738.19374639029
Mean Absolute Error: 130.8626856230258
Max Error: 540.8391996665016
1k) Using Seaborn, create a scatterplot of the actual values of Y vs the predicted values of Y
import seaborn;

temp_df = pandas.DataFrame(
“true_Y”: dp_bd_df[“Y”],
“pred_Y”: Y_pred_list,
“X1”: dp_bd_df[“X1”],
“X3”: dp_bd_df[“X3”],
“X4”: dp_bd_df[“X4”]
} );
seaborn.scatterplot(data = temp_df, x = “pred_Y”, y = “true_Y”).set(title = “true_Y vs pred_Y”);
In [102…

Investigate adding nonlinear terms
1L) Now, create one scatterplot for each numeric predictor (not including dummy variables) against the response variables:
In [103… seaborn.scatterplot(data = temp_df, x = “X1”, y = “true_Y”).set(title = “X1 vs true_Y”);

In [104… seaborn.scatterplot(data = temp_df, x = “X3”, y = “true_Y”).set(title = “X3 vs true_Y”);

In [105… seaborn.scatterplot(data = temp_df, x = “X4”, y = “true_Y”).set(title = “X4 vs true_Y”);

1M) Which predictor or predictors appear to have a nonlinear relationship with the response variable?
X1 and X4 have nonlinear relationships with the response variable.
1n) Try adding a squared term of any predictors that appear to have a nonlinear relationship. Re-run the regression and display the resulting coefficients and assessment statistics (R2, Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, and Max Error)
sqrt_bd_df = dp_bd_df;
sqrt_bd_df[“X1^2”] = sqrt_bd_df[“X1”] ** 2;
X = sqrt_bd_df[[“X1”, “X3”, “X4”, “X6_Blue”, “X6_Red”, “X6_Yellow”, “X1^2”]];
Y = sqrt_bd_df[“Y”];

sk_model_sqrt = LinearRegression().fit(X, Y); print(sk_model_sqrt.coef_);

Y_pred_list = sk_model_sqrt.predict(dp_bd_df[[“X1”, “X3”, “X4”, “X6_Blue”, “X6_Red”, “X6_Yellow”, “X1^2”]]);

print(“R^2: “, metrics.r2_score(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list));
print(“Mean Squared Error: “, metrics.mean_squared_error(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Mean Absolute Error: “, metrics.mean_absolute_error(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Max Error: “, metrics.max_error(dp_bd_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list));
In [106…
[ 4.77561843e+00 1.30667064e+01 4.80507629e+00 -2.85852064e+02
9.74807249e+01 1.88371339e+02 -7.29697800e-03]
R^2: 0.8921007192743416
Mean Squared Error: 26706.847432823768
Mean Absolute Error: 130.5816887588017
Max Error: 552.7524568701187
Investigate adding interaction effects
1o) For each numeric predictor, plot a scatterplot against the response variable color coding and the points according to their category values and include regresison lines
color_dict = dict(
“Yellow”: “yellow”,
“Blue”: “blue”,
“Red”: “red”
seaborn.lmplot(data = df, x = “X1”, y = “Y”, hue = “X6”, palette = color_dict).set(title = “X1 vs Y”);
In [107…

In [108… seaborn.lmplot(data = df, x = “X2”, y = “Y”, hue = “X6”, palette = color_dict).set(title = “X2 vs Y”);

In [109… seaborn.lmplot(data = df, x = “X3”, y = “Y”, hue = “X6”, palette = color_dict).set(title = “X3 vs Y”);

In [110… seaborn.lmplot(data = df, x = “X4”, y = “Y”, hue = “X6”, palette = color_dict).set(title = “X4 vs Y”);

In [111… seaborn.lmplot(data = df, x = “X5”, y = “Y”, hue = “X6”, palette = color_dict).set(title = “X5 vs Y”);

1p) Which predictor appears to have interactions with the color category?
For X1, X2 and X5, the red line appears to have interactions with the color category. For X4, the blue line appears to interactions with the color category.
1q) Add an interaction effect to the model for this predictor, run the new regression, and display the coefficients and fit statistics
ie_df = df; x1_red_list = []; x2_red_list = []; x5_red_list = []; x4_blue_list = [];
for idx, row in df.iterrows(): if row[“X6”] == “Blue”:
x4_blue_list.append(row[“X4”] * 1); else: x4_blue_list.append(0);
if row[“X6”] == “Red”:
x1_red_list.append(row[“X1”] * 1); x2_red_list.append(row[“X2”] * 1); x5_red_list.append(row[“X5”] * 1); else:
x1_red_list.append(0); x2_red_list.append(0); x5_red_list.append(0);

ie_df[“X1*isRed”] = x1_red_list; ie_df[“X2*isRed”] = x2_red_list; ie_df[“X5*isRed”] = x5_red_list; ie_df[“X4*isBlue”] = x4_blue_list;

X = ie_df[[“X1”, “X2”, “X3”, “X4”, “X5”, “X1*isRed”, “X2*isRed”, “X5*isRed”, “X4*isBlue”]]; Y = ie_df[“Y”];

ie_model = LinearRegression().fit(X, Y); print(ie_model.coef_);

Y_pred_list = ie_model.predict(ie_df[[“X1”, “X2”, “X3”, “X4”, “X5”, “X1*isRed”, “X2*isRed”, “X5*isRed”, “X4*isBlue”]]);

print(“R^2: “, metrics.r2_score(ie_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Mean Squared Error: “, metrics.mean_squared_error(ie_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Mean Absolute Error: “, metrics.mean_absolute_error(ie_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list)); print(“Max Error: “, metrics.max_error(ie_df[“Y”], Y_pred_list));
In [112…
[ 4.24611575e+00 -3.17356201e-04 1.30611533e+01 8.02432317e+00
9.61370293e-02 -2.95725489e-01 -5.62013614e-01 -3.19169834e-01
R^2: 0.9011482271049731
Mean Squared Error: 24467.4403704698
Mean Absolute Error: 125.54166583486094 Max Error: 605.6174064118887
1r) Using statsmodels, run the same regression and assess the p-values of the coefficients. Which interaction affects appear to be statistically significant?
X = ie_df[[“X1”, “X2”, “X3”, “X4”, “X5”, “X1*isRed”, “X2*isRed”, “X5*isRed”, “X4*isBlue”]]; Y = ie_df[“Y”];

X = sm.add_constant(X);

model = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit(); print(model.summary());
In [113…
OLS Regression Results
============================================================================== Dep. Variable: Y R-squared: 0.901
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.900 Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1003.
No. Observations: 1000 AIC: 1.296e+04
Df Residuals: 990 BIC: 1.301e+04
Df Model: 9
Covariance Type: nonrobust ============================================================================== coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975] —————————————————————————— const -186.8344 20.514 -9.108 0.000 -227.090 -146.579 X1 4.2461 0.190 22.400 0.000 3.874 4.618
X2 -0.0003 0.184 -0.002 0.999 -0.361 0.360
X3 13.0612 0.174 75.025 0.000 12.720 13.403 X4 8.0243 0.187 42.869 0.000 7.657 8.392
X5 0.0961 0.190 0.507 0.613 -0.276 0.469
X1*isRed -0.2957 0.376 -0.786 0.432 -1.034 0.443
X2*isRed -0.5620 0.354 -1.586 0.113 -1.257 0.133 X5*isRed -0.3192 0.363 -0.879 0.379 -1.031 0.393
X4*isBlue -8.2288 0.188 -43.759 0.000 -8.598 -7.860
Omnibus: 0.296 Durbin-Watson: 1.949 Prob(Omnibus): 0.862 Jarque-Bera (JB): 0.325
Skew: 0.041 Prob(JB): 0.850 Kurtosis: 2.968 Cond. No. 492. ==============================================================================
[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
X4*isBlue appears to be statistically significant


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