MA 109 : Calculus-I D1 T4, Tutorial 1 Solved

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Devansh Jain
IIT Bombay
Questions to be Discussed
Sheet 1
2 (iv) – Sandwich Theorem for finding limits
3 (ii) – Checking convergence of a sequence
5 (iii) – Monotonic Bounded sequences are convergent
7 – Proof using definition
9 – Relation between product and convergence
11 – Conditions for exchanging product and limits (Discussed in lecture)
2. (iv) lim (n)1/n.
Define hn := n1/n โˆ’ 1.
Then, hn โ‰ฅ 0 โˆ€n โˆˆ N. (Why?)
Observe the following for n > 2 :
n = (1 + hn)n > 1 + nhn .
Thus, hn .
Using Sandwich Theorem, we get that lim hn = 0 which gives us that lim n1/n = 1.
nโ†’โˆž nโ†’โˆž

3. (ii) To show: is not convergent.
We will use the following two results: (a) Sum of convergent sequences is convergent.
(b) The sequence {(โˆ’1)n}nโ‰ฅ1 is not convergent. We now proceed as follows:
an := (โˆ’1)n .
It is easy to show that bn := is convergent. (Its absolute value will behave the n
same way as 1/n.)
Now, for the sake of contradiction, let us assume that (an) converges. Then, by (a),
we have it that cn := an + bn = must be convergent.
However, (cn) converging is equivalent to {(โˆ’1)n}nโ‰ฅ1 converging. (Why?) However, by (b), we know that the above is false. Thus, we have arrived at a contradiction.
5. (iii) a1 = 2, an+1 = 3 + โˆ€n โ‰ฅ 1.
Claim 1. an < 6 n โˆˆ N.
Proof. We shall prove this via induction. The base case n = 1 is immediate as 2 < 6. Assume that it holds for n = k. an 6
By principle of mathematical induction, we have proven the claim.
Claim 2. an < an+1 โˆ€n โˆˆ N.
Proof. an+1 โˆ’ an = 3 โˆ’ n = 6 โˆ’ an > 0 =โ‡’ an+1 > an.
2 2
ak+1 = 3 + .
Thus, (an) is a monotonically increasing sequence that is bounded above. Therefore, it must converge. Use lim an+1 = lim an = L and then solve for L.
nโ†’โˆž nโ†’โˆž
7. If lim an = L 6= 0, show that there exists n0 โˆˆ N such that nโ†’โˆž
|an| โ‰ฅ for all n โ‰ฅ n0.
Let us choose . Why is this a valid choice of ?)
By hypothesis, there exists n0 โˆˆ N such that whenever n โ‰ฅ n0.

9. (i) {anbn}nโ‰ฅ1 is convergent, if {an}nโ‰ฅ1 is convergent.
(ii) {anbn}nโ‰ฅ1 is convergent, if {an}nโ‰ฅ1 is convergent and {bn}nโ‰ฅ1 is bounded.
Both are false.
The sequences, an := 1 โˆ€n โˆˆ N and bn := (โˆ’1)n โˆ€n โˆˆ N act as a counterexample for both the statements.
11. (i) We shall show that the statement is false with the help of a counterexample.
Let a = โˆ’1, b = 1, c = 0. Define f and g as follows:
1/x ;x 6= 0 f (x) = x and g(x) = . 0 ;x = 0
It can be seen that lim f (x) = 0 but lim[f (x)g(x)] = lim 1 = 1. xโ†’0 xโ†’c xโ†’0
(ii) We shall prove that the given statement is true.
We are given that g is bounded. Thus, โˆƒM โˆˆ R+ such that |g(x)| โ‰ค M โˆ€x โˆˆ (a, b).
Let > 0 be given. We want to show that there exists ฮด > 0 such that whenever 0 < |x โˆ’ c| < ฮด.
Let . As lim f (x) = 0, there exists ฮด > 0 such that xโ†’c
Thus, whenever 0 < |x โˆ’ c| < ฮด, we have it that
(iii) We shall prove that the given statement is true.
Let > 0 be given. Let l := lim g(x).
Let .
By hypothesis, there exists ฮด1 > 0 such that 0
Also, there exists ฮด2 > 0 such that 0 .
Let ฮด = min{ฮด1, ฮด2}. Then, whenever 0 < |x โˆ’ c| < ฮด, we have that:

Thus, we have it that 0



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