1. (cell) Your pie (a cell array), with kind words from Mary Berry hidden in the layers of the pastry (nested cell arrays)
1. (char) A sentence from Mary Berry, extracted from the layers of your pie pastry
2. (double) Maximum number of layers in your pie pastry Topics: (unnesting), (string manipulation)
After the signature challenge, Paul Hollywood kneaded your spirits harder than an enriched dough and now youโre feeling pretty down. Lucky for you, hidden inside the lamination of your pie pastry from the technical are warm, comforting words of wisdom from Mary Berry herself. If you can find these words and make them into a sentence, you stand a chance at turning your weekend around and pulling out a great bake during the showstopper challenge.
Function Description:
You are given a pie (cell array) with Mary Berryโs words of encouragement tucked into the layers of the pastry (nested cell arrays). For the first output, unnest the words and form them into a sentence. You should put spaces in between the words when you form the output sentence. The second output should be the largest number of layers (deepest nested cell array) in your pastry. On your marks, get set, BAKE!
pie = {‘you’, {{{{‘can’}}}}, {{‘definitely see’}}, {{{‘the’}}},
{{{{{{‘layers here’}}}}}}}
[maryBerrySays, maxLayers] = piCrust(pie) maryBerrySays -> ‘you can definitely see the layers here’ maxLayers -> 7
โ The input is guaranteed to only have 1 row.
โ The contents of the unnested cells will always be type char.
โ There should not be an extra space at the beginning or end of the output sentence.
Function Name: piDetective
1. (cell) 1xM cell array containing various data types
2. (cell) 1xM cell array containing various data types
1. (cell) 1xN cell array containing only words that start with ‘i’ or ‘p’
2. (double) The number of times the word ‘pi’ appears in the first output Topics: (iteration), (cell arrays), (cell concatenation)
You are THE Pi Detective, nobody is anywhere as good as you. At night you lurk the streets with one goal in mind: find all the pi. You snag everything that even somewhat resembles pi so you can go analyze your findings later on back at the lab. You have one advantage that keeps you above the rest though, it’s your secret weapon: MATLAB.
Function Description:
Given two 1XM cell arrays, find the words that start with ‘p’ (case insensitive) in the first cell array and the words that start with ‘i'(case insensitive) in the second cell array. Your first output should be all of the words from the first cell array that start with ‘p’ and all of the words from the second cell array that start with ‘i’. The words must appear in the order in which they appear in the cell array with the words from the first cell array taking precedence over the words from the second cell array, as shown in the example below. Your second output should be the amount of times {‘pi’} (case insensitive) appears in the first output.
ca1 ={‘PiCrust’, ‘CS1371’, 532, true, ‘Pi’, ‘piThonSux’, 931} ca2 = {‘Impostor’, 213, ‘imresize()’, 4, ‘pi’, ‘bag’, ‘s’}
[newCa,numPi] = piDetective(ca1, ca2);
newCa โ {‘PiCrust’, ‘Impostor’, ‘imresize()’, ‘Pi’,
‘piThonSux’} numPi โ 1
โ Make sure to be case insensitive
โ The cell arrays can contain multiple types of data
โ The 2 inputted cell arrays will always be the same length
โ Only count the occurrences of ‘pi’ if they are in their own cell in the outputted cell array Function Name: piEcesOfPie
3. (cell) MX3 The cell array containing all the data you have on the orders
3. (cell) MX3 The cell array with the missing values calculated. Topics: (iteration), (cell arrays), (conditionals)
Here at the Archimedes bakery you are preparing for the influx of orders that are sure to come with pi day. In order to handle the increased volume, the bakery is automating some of the orders that are coming in, and have stored that relevant data for each pie in a cell array. Unfortunately, the customers did not properly read the instructions on the online ordering site, and most of the orders are missing some key measurements. Fortunately, you realize a way to calculate each of the missing values from the data you have using MATLAB!
Function Description:
You will be given a cell array containing numerical values corresponding to the volume (V) (column 1), radius (R) (column 2), and height (h) (column 3) of a cylinder shaped pie. Every row is a different pie. Some values are missing and have been replaced with the corresponding variables. Missing variables in column 1 have been replaced with ‘V’, missing variables in column 2 have been replaced with ‘R’, and missing variables in column 3 have been replaced with ‘h’. With this data given, iterate through the cell array and replace the values of type char with the corresponding numerical values. Calculate the missing values using the following equation and round the value to 2 decimal places:
Example: ๐ = ฯ๐
ca ={‘V’,3,2;
[ca_fix]= piEcesOfPie(ca);
ca_fix -> {56.55,3, 2;
10 ,3,0.35}
โ Each row will have at most one missing variable
โ Make sure to round the values that you enter into the cell array to 2 decimal points
Function Name: pillagePublix
1. (cell) An MX3 cell array containing the Publix inventory
2. (char) A string containing your grocery list
1. (cell) An MX3 cell array containing the updated Publix inventory
2. (char) A string describing the total cost of your groceries Topics: (cell array manipulation), (iteration)
Shiver me timbers! You grew up hearing horror stories about pirate diets, but when you pledged your life to piracy, you didn’t expect it to actually be this bad. It’s almost pi day, and you’re craving something that isn’t rotten, stale, or covered in salt. You’ve finally convinced your fellow crewmates to stop by the grocery store for all the necessary ingredients – keeping things professional, of course. Time to pillage Publix.
Function Description:
inventory = {‘Apple’, 18, 0.52;
‘Salt’, 50, 1.37;
‘Flour’, 29, 3.20}
list = ‘flour-3,APPLE-15’
[updatedInventory, sent] = pillagePublix(inventory, list) updatedInventory -> {Apple, 3, 0.52;
Salt, 50, 1.37;
Flour, 26, 3.20}
sent -> ‘My total is $17.40.’
โ You can have more than one item on your list
โ Every item on your list will exist in the inventory.
โ There will always be enough of each item to buy what you need. โ Case does not matter.
โ Think about how you can format a number with two decimal points in a string. โ Recall which string functions work on cell arrays!
Function Name: piThonSux
1. (cell) An N x 3 cell array representing a scoresheet containing names, scores, and types of pies
1. (cell) An N x 5 cell array of updated and sorted values
Topics: (cell array manipulation), (masking), (sorting), (if/switch statements), (iteration), (casting), (unnesting)
Function Description:
Category of Pie Types of Pies included Score Adjustment
‘Fruit’ apple, cherry, blueberry Increase the score by 0.5 points
‘Savory’ chicken pot pie Increase the score by 20%
‘Classic’ key lime, pecan Decrease the score by 0.3 points (too boring)
‘Dessert’ french silk, nutella Increase the score by 20%
‘Other’ All other pies Reduce the score by 15%
scoreSheet =
{‘Name’, ‘Score’, ‘Type’;
‘Geoff_Collins’, {{{{4.04}}}}, ‘PeCaN’;
‘Kantwon_Rogers’, 7.6, ‘french silk’;
‘George_Burdell’, {{‘8.999’}}, ‘apple’;
‘Mascot_Buzz’, ‘1.0’, ‘chicken pot pie’
‘Angel_Cabrera’, ‘5.468’, ‘strawberry’;}
updatedScores= piThonSux(scoreSheet) updatedScores โ
*1×1 cell is MATLAB’s way of displaying a nested cell; refer to the original scoreSheet for these nested values as they should be the same value for both the original and updated scoresheet .
โ The column headers will always be included in the first row and will be given exactly as
‘Name’, ‘Type’, and ‘Score’, but can be in any order
โ Entries in the ‘Scores’ column will always be either of type double, char, or cell; ‘Names’ will always be of type char; ‘Type’ will always be of type char
โ When determining categories, the type of pie is case insensitive, but the category name itself is case sensitive and should be written exactly as stated in the table.
โ The order of the original columns should stay the same in the output with the ‘Category’ and ‘Adjusted Score’ columns appended to the right of them respectively.
โ There will never be a tie between updated scores for sorting purposes
โ Don’t forget about masking!
โ Think about how you can check the data type of the scores and properly cast them to the correct type in order to perform mathematical operations on them. Which built-in functions might you use?
Extra Credit Function Name: piEdmontPark
1. (cell) MxN map of the area around piedmont park
1. (cell) MxN modified map
2. (double) the number of pi’s you ate along the way
Topics: (cell arrays), (iteration: pathing), (conditionals), (data types)
You’ve talked to a therapist, and after many difficult days you’ve finally overcome your cannoli addiction from last week (Let’s be real, that’s what it was…). You head to the CULC as the new you, and when you arrive you see a flyer advertising the Annual Pi Festival over at Piedmont Park! You feel your heart rate rise, and your mouth begins to water. Your kneeps are weak, your arms are heavy, you’re drooling over the prospect of pi already! Looks like another therapy session might be in store, but first you’ve got a pi-licious craving to feed!
Function Description:
Your goal is to make it from GT to the Pi Festival at Piedmont Park. Because so many people will be going, they dropped some pi along the way for you to eat! Begin by locating your starting position, indicated by a {‘GT’}, case sensitive. Then, begin iterating through the cell array. Cells you can move to will contain values of type char (e.g. {‘a’}) or type cell (e.g. {{1, 3; 2, 4}}) and the cells you cannot move onto will contain type double (e.g. {0}).
As you iterate through the cell array:
โ Navigate through the cells, following the type char values in a single step, horizontal or vertical direction until you reach either of the following:
โ a Teleport Pad (TP)
โ a cell containing the string ‘pie’
โ The behavior of TPs is described below in detail.
โ Count the number of times you path over a cell containing the string ‘pi’. This is your
2nd output.
โ Replace all cells you’ve pathed over with a {0}.
โ Once you reach the cell containing ‘pie’, stop iterating. You made it to the Pie Festival! Output the resulting map as your 1st output.
As the name suggests, teleport pads will transport you to a different position on your map cell array. The TPs rely on a previous function you have written: pythag(). Each value at the TP will be a 2×2 cell array containing values of type double. These values correspond to two sets of inputs for pythag(). The first column corresponds to the first input of pythag() (a), and the second column corresponds to the second input of pythag() (c). The first row of the array, when input into pythag(), will output your change in rows, and the second row, when input into pythag(), will output your change in columns. Add these changes to the row and column indices of the TP you are currently on (your current position) to obtain the indices of the next path to begin iterating through.
For example, let’s say your TP cell was at position (1,2) and it contained the array
{1.5, 2.5; 4, 5}, your change in rows would be pythag(1.5, 2.5) โ 2 and your change in columns would be pythag(4, 5) โ 3. You would then “teleport” to position
(3,5) on your map and continue pathing. An example of this is shown below.
TP = {1.5, 2.5; 4, 5}; map = {‘GT’ TP 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 ‘here’ 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0};
** This does not reflect an actual test case, and is ONLY for showing the teleport functionality Ensure to include the pythag() function in your submission.
TP = {3,5;4,5}; % TP is of class cell, and defined here for clarity
map = {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 ‘GT’ ‘a’ ‘b’ 0 0 0 ‘f’ ‘g’ ‘h’ 0;
0 0 0 TP 0 0 0 ‘pi’ 0 ‘i’ 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ‘pi’ 0 ‘pie’ 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ‘d’ 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ‘c’ 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 ‘a’ ‘b’ 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[finalMap, numPi] = piedmontPark(map); finalMap โ 0 0 0
{0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ‘pie’ 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
% The array above is a 9×11 cell array numPi โ
โ You MUST submit the pythag function along with your code.
โ There will be a single, unambiguous path with no dead ends leading you to the finish.
You will never have to make a decision on which way to go.
โ By the nature of the pathing, you will never traverse a previously pathed location.
โ You will always have a border on the edge cells of the array to prevent indexing out of bounds.
โ You do not move diagonally.
โ You should replace any tile you have travelled over with a {0}, regardless of the class, except the final tile ({‘pie’}).
โ The TPs will always teleport you to a path, and never directly on another TP.
โ TP cell values will always result in integers when input into pythag() correctly.
โ There will not be {‘pi’}’s and TPs outside of your path.
โ The teleporters are listed in the example as TP, but refer to the problem description for what they actually appear as
โ ๐Helper๐Functions๐
โ Consider the order of operations you must make when iterating through the cell array.
โ You can call functions that exist in your current folder from other functions!
โ Remember that pythag() took in the length of one of the triangle’s sides as the first input and the triangle’s hypotenuse as its second input, and calculated the other side’s length.
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