Name: Nnamdi Kelvin Ikenna-Obi (nzi0007) Comp 3270 Programming Assignment (Solution)

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Step Cost of each execution Total # of times executed
1 1 1
2 1 n + 1
3 1 n(n + 1)
4 1 n^2
5 1 n^2(n + 1)
6 6 n^3
7 7 n^2
8 2 1
Multiply col.1 with col.2, add across rows and simplify
T1(n) = 1 + n+1 + n(n+1) + n2 + n2(n + 1) + 6n3 + 7n2 + 2
= 7n3 + 10n2 + 2n + 4
Big-O Notation of Algorithm 1: O(n3)

Step Cost of each execution Total # of times executed
1 1 1
2 1 n + 1
3 1 n
4 1 n(n + 1)
5 6 n^2
6 7 n^2
7 2 1
Multiply col.1 with col.2, add across rows and simplify
T2(n) = 1 + n+1 + n + n(n+1) + 6n2 + 7n2 + 2
= 14n2 + 3n + 4
Big-O Notation of Algorithm 2: O(n2)

Step Cost of each execution Total # of times executed in any single recursive call
1 4 1
2 7 1
Steps executed when the input is a base case: line 1 or line 2
First recurrence relation: T(n=1 or n=0) = 7 when n = 1 and 4 when n = 0
3 5 1
4 2 1
5 1 n + 1
6 6 n
7 8 n
8 2 1
9 1 n + 1
10 6 n
11 8 n
12 4 1
13 4 (cost excluding the recursive call)
14 5 (cost excluding the recursive call)
15 14 1
Steps executed when input is NOT a base case: 13 steps
Second recurrence relation: T(n>1) = 2T(n/2) + 30n + 38

Simplified second recurrence relation (ignore the constant term): T(n>1) = 2T(n/2) + 30n

Solve the two recurrence relations using any method (recommended method is the Recursion Tree). Show your work below:

T(n) 30n 30n

T(n/2) 30n/2 30n/2 30n

T(n/22) 30n/4 30n/4 30n/4 30n/4 30n

T(n/2i) log2n 30n

T3(n) = 30n log2n + 30n
Big-O Notation of Algorithm 3: O(n log(n))

Step Cost of each execution Total # of times executed
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 n + 1
4 7 n
5 7 n
6 2 1
Multiply col.1 with col.2, add across rows and simplify
T4(n) = 1 + 1 + n+1 + 7n + 7n + 2
= 15n + 5
Big-O Notation of Algorithm 4: O(n)

This graph shows the Theoretical analysis vs empirical analysis with respect to n. The predicted time complexity for each algorithm did not match the actual time taken by each algorithm except for algorithm 1, as for algorithm 3 and 4, they seem to have deviated a lot with their respective curvatures and algorithm 2 slightly.


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