OOP345 – Workshop 3 Solved

$ 20.99


In this workshop, you design and code a couple of class templates and test them on different instantiations.
Upon successful completion of this workshop, you will have demonstrated the abilities to
• design and code a class template
• template a class variable
• specialize a class template for a particular type
• instantiate a template class
• specialize a member function of a class template to process a particular type
• derivate a template class from another template class
All your work (all the files you create or modify) must contain your name, Seneca email and student number.
You are responsible to back up your work regularly.
Late Submission Penalties:
• In-lab portion submitted late, with at-home portion: 0 for in-lab. Maximum of 7/10 for the entire workshop.
• If any of in-lab, at-home or reflection portions is missing, the mark for the workshop will be 0/10.

This workshop consists of three modules:
• w3 (supplied)
• List
• LVPair
Enclose all your source code within the sict namespace and include the necessary guards in each header file. The output from your executable running Visual Studio with the following command line argument should look like
Command Line : C:Users…Debugin_lab.exe Sales.txt

Ticket Sales
Student : 25 Adult : 13
Student : 12
Adult : 6
Student : 5
Adult : 15
The input for testing your solution is stored in a user-prepared file. The name of the file is specified on the command line as shown in red above. The file is supplied with this workshop.
For a complete solution to the in-lab part of this workshop you need to create two source files:
• List.h – defines a class template for a list of elements of any data type (for example, a list of ints)
• LVPair.h – defines a class template for a label-value pair (for example, a product label stored in an std::string object and a quantity stored in an int object)

List Module
Design and code a class template named List for managing an array of any datatype. The template parameters in order of their specification are
a) T – the type of any element in the array
b) N – the maximum number of elements in the array and
Your template includes a data member of type size_t (an unsigned int) that holds the number of elements in the array.
Your template design includes the following member functions:
• size_t size() const – a query that returns the number of elements stored in the array
• const T& operator[](size_t i) const – an overloaded operator that receives an index and returns a reference to the unmodifiable object stored at that index of the array.
• void operator+=(const T& t) – an overloaded operator that receives a reference to an unmodifiable object t of type T. If space to store the additional element is available, this operator appends a copy of the referenced object t to the set of elements currently stored in the array. If space to store the additional element is not available, this operator does nothing.

LVPair Module
Design and code a class template named LVPair for managing a label-value pair. The template parameters identify the types of the label and value objects that constitute an LVPair object: a) L – the type of the label
b) V – the type of the value
Your template design includes the following member functions:
• LVPair() – default constructor – leaves the object in a safe empty state
• LVPair(const L& label, const V& value) – an overloaded constructor that copies the values received in its parameters into the instance variables.
• void display(std::ostream& os) const – a query that inserts into os the label and value stored in the current object separated by a space-colon-space string (“ : ”) as shown in the example above
• std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const LVPair& pair) – a non-friend helper function that inserts into the os object the LVPair object referenced in the 2nd function parameter

A text file named Sales.txt is included in the directory containing the Visual Studio project file. When executing your solution specify this file name as a command line argument.
In-Lab Submission (30%)
To test and demonstrate execution of your program use the same data as shown in the output example above.
Upload your source code to your matrix account. Compile and run your code using the latest version of the gcc compiler and make sure that everything works properly.
Then, run the following command from your account: (replace profname.proflastname with your professor’s Seneca userid)
~profname.proflastname/submit 345XXX_w3_lab<ENTER>

The at-home part of this workshop upgrades your in-lab solution to include
a) alignment of the label and value output in pretty columnar format
b) accumulation of the values in a List for a specified label
To implement each upgrade, you will derive a templated class from your original templated class (one derived class from List and one derived class from LVPair) and specialize the class derived from LVPair as described below.
Copy your completed in-lab header files (List.h and LVPair.h) to your at-home project directory. Add your template upgrades to these header files.
The output from your solution will look something like:
Command Line : C:Users…Debugat_home.exe References.txt Sales.txt

Individual Index Entries ========================
Types : 23 Pointers : 26
References : 26
Pointers : 150
Pointers : 162
References : 65

Collated Index Entries ======================
Pointers 26 150 162
References 26 65

Detail Ticket Sales
Student : 25
Adult : 13
Student : 12
Adult : 6
Student : 5
Adult : 15

Summary of Ticket Sales =======================
Student Tickets = 86.10 Adult Tickets = 110.50

Note that the output for each file consists of two parts: a list of entries and a summary of the entries. The summary following each list of entries is the ‘sum’ of the entries. In the case of the References.txt file, this sum is a concatenation of the values for each given label. In the case of the Sales.txt file, the sum is the arithmetic sum of the values for each given label.

LVPair Module
Your LVPair module needs to include both summation and label alignment functionality.
Derive, from your original LVPair template class, a class template named SummableLVPair to manage the summation and pretty displaying of labeled values. Your derived class includes the following two class variables of the specified type:
• V – holds the initial value for starting a summation (this depends on the type of the value in the label-value pair and will be defined separately).
• size_t – holds the minimum field width for pretty columnar output of label-value pairs – this is the minimum number of characters needed to display anyone of the labels in a set of labels.
Enable overriding of your LVPair::display() member function by declaring it virtual. This is the only change that you need to make to your original template.
Your derived template class includes the following member functions:
• SummableLVPair() – default constructor – leaves the object in a safe empty state
• SummableLVPair(const L& label, const V& v) – an overloaded constructor that calls the base class 2-argument constructor, passes the values received to the base class and increases the stored field width if it is less than the return of characters required to display the label for all LVPair objects. This class assumes that the type of the first parameter has a member function named size(), which returns that value.
• const V& getInitialValue() – a class function that returns the initial value for the summation of a set of LVPair objects of label type L.
• V sum(const L& label, const V& sum) const – this query receives two unmodifiable references – one to a label (label) and another to a partially accumulated sum (sum) – and returns in a V object the sum of the value of the current object and the partially accumulated sum.
• void display(std::ostream& os) const – a query that inserts into the std::ostream object the label and value stored in the base class. Before calling the display() function on the base class, this query sets the std::ostream object to left-justified insertion and a field width equal to that stored for objects of this class. (This field width is stored in the class variable).
Your design includes the following additional statements:
• A templated declaration that initializes the field width class variable to 0.
• A template specialization that initializes the starting value for an LVPair<std::string, int> type to 0.
• A template specialization that initializes the starting value for an LVPair<std::string, std::string> type to an empty string.
• A template specialization of the sum() query for LVPair<std::string, std::string> types that inserts a single space between concatenating strings.

List Module
Your List module needs to include summation functionality for a specified label.
Derive, from your original List template, a class template named LVList to manage a list of summable elements. The template parameters for the LVList template in order of their specification are
a) T – the type of any element in the array
b) L – the type of the specified label
c) V – the type of the summation value
d) N – the maximum number of elements in the array and
Your derived template adds one member function to the list hierarchy:
• V accumulate(const L& label) const – a query that receives a reference to an unmodifiable label (L) object and returns the sum of the values of all elements in the current LVList object that have label of the specified name (label) in a locally created value (V) object. This function initializes the accumulator (V) object to the initial value for objects of the label-value pair (T) (see below) and then accumulates the values by calling the append query on each element in the list stored in the base class. (Hint: to access the size() and operator[]() member functions of the base class, cast the current object (*this) to a reference to the base class sub-object – ((List<T, N>&)*this) – before calling the member function on the base class sub-object.)

Main Module
Your main module needs to identify the types that the compiler needs to apply in creating classes to process the input files. Use the information from your own template design to identify the types to be passed as arguments to the templates declarations.
Complete the main function supplied with the at-home project file by adding 4 statements:
a) Declare an object named references as an instance of an LVList derived class. In this case, each derived class object is a SummableLVPair object, which consists of a label of std::string type and a value of std::string type.
b) From each record received as input from the References.txt file create a temporary SummableLVPair object and add it to the references object.
c) Declare an object named ticketSales as an instance of an LVList derived class. In this case, each derived class object is a SummableLVPair object, which consists of a label of std::string type and a value of int type. (Hint: Examine the declaration of the ticketSales object in in_lab/w3.cpp for an example of the syntax for this instruction.)
d) From each record received as input from the Sales.txt file create a temporary SummableLVPair object and add it to the ticketSales object.

Study your final solution, reread the related parts of the course notes, and make sure that you have understood the concepts covered by this workshop. This should take no less than 30 minutes of your time. Explain in your own words what you have learned in completing this workshop. Include in your explanation but do not limit it to the following points (40%):
• The reason for specializing the sum() member function.
• The reason for specializing the initial value for a summation.
• The reason for defining the class variable outside the class definition.
To avoid deductions, refer to code in your solution as an example of your implementation of the concepts that you describe.
Include all corrections to the Quiz you have received (30%).

At-Home Submission (70%)
To test and demonstrate execution of your program use the same data as shown in the output example above.
Upload your source code to your matrix account. Compile and run your code using the latest version of the gcc compiler and make sure that everything works properly.
Then, run the following command from your account: (replace profname.proflastname with your professor’s Seneca userid)
~profname.proflastname/submit 345XXX_w3_home<ENTER>


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