Scheduler Simulator
● Understand how to implement user-level thread scheduling
● Understand how signal works in Linux
● Understand how scheduling algorithms affect results
Requirement (1/5)
1. Tasks & task manager
○ Use ucontext and the related APIs to create tasks
○ Implement a task manager to manage tasks, including their state, data structures and so on
○ Implement task state-related APIs that can be used by the tasks (described in slide 10-11)
i. void task_sleep(int msec_10); ii. void task_exit();
Requirement (2/5)
2. Task scheduler
○ Use ucontext and the related APIs to do context switch ○ Implement three scheduling algorithms
■ RR with time quantum = 30 (ms)
■ priority-based preemptive scheduling, smallest integer → highest priority ○ The algorithm is determined at execution: ./scheduler_simulator {algorithm} ■ algorithm = FCFS / RR / PP
○ Once the scheduler dispatches CPU to a task, print a message in the format:
Task {task_name} is running.
○ If there are no tasks to be scheduled, but there are still tasks waiting, print a message in the format:
CPU idle.
Requirement (2/5)
function.h function.c
Requirement (3/5)
3. Resource handler
○ Implement resource-related APIs that can be used by the task (described in slide 12-13)
i. void get_resource(int count, int *resource_list);
ii. void release_resource(int count, int *resource_list);
○ There should be 8 resources with id 0-7 in the simulation.
○ How to simulate resources is up to your design. For example, you can use a boolean array, resource_available = { true, false, true, …. }
Requirement (4/5)
4. Timer & signal handler
○ Use related system calls to set a timer that should send a signal (SIGVTALRM) every 10 ms ○ The signal handler should do the followings:
i. Calculate all task-related time (granularity: 10ms)
ii. Check if any tasks’ state needs to be switched iii. Decide whether re-scheduling is needed
Requirement (5/5)
5. Command line interface
shell mode simulation mode
Ctrl + z or simulation over
○ Should support four more commands (details are described in slide 14-17)
i. add: Add a new task
ii. del: Delete a existing task
iii. ps: Show the information of all tasks, including TID, task name, task state, running time, waiting time, turnaround time, resources occupied and priority (if any)
iv. start: Start or resume simulation
○ Ctrl + z should pause the simulation and switch to shell mode
○ Timer should stop in the shell mode and resume when the simulation resumes
○ When the simulation is over, switch back to shell mode after printing a message in the format: Simulation over.
API Description (1/4)
● void task_sleep(int msec_10);
○ Print a message in the format: Task {task_name} goes to sleep.
○ This task will be switched to WAITING state
○ After 10 * msec_10 ms, this task will be switched to READY state
API Description (2/4)
● void task_exit();
○ Print a message in the format: Task {task_name} has terminated.
○ This task will be switched to TERMINATED state
API Description (3/4)
● void get_resource(int count, int *resource_list);
○ Check if all resources in the list are available
➢ If yes
■ Get the resource(s)
■ Print a message for each resource in the list in the format:
Task {task_name} gets resource {resource_id}.
➢ If no
■ This task will be switched to WAITING state
■ Print a message in the format: Task {task_name} is waiting resource.
■ When all resources in the list are available, this task will be switched to READY state
■ Check again when CPU is dispatched to this task
API Description (4/4)
● void release_resource(int count, int *resource_list);
○ Release the resource(s)
○ Print a message for each resource in the list in the format:
Task {task_name} releases resource {resource_id}.
Shell Command (1/4)
● add
○ Command format: add {task_name} {function_name} {priority}
○ Create a task named task_name that runs a function named function_name
○ priority is ignored if the scheduling algorithm is not priority-based preemptive scheduling
○ This task should be set as READY state
○ Print a message in the format: Task {task_name} is ready.
Shell Command (2/4)
● del
○ Command format: del {task_name}
○ The task named task_name should be switched to TERMINATED state ○ Print a message in the format: Task {task_name} is killed.
Shell Command (3/4)
● ps
○ Command format: ps
○ Show the information of all tasks, including TID, task name, task state, running time, waiting time, turnaround time, resources occupied and priority (if any)
○ Example
1) The TID of each task is unique, and TID starts from 1.
2) There is no turnaround time for unterminated tasks.
3) Time unit: 10ms
Shell Command (4/4)
● start
○ Command format: start
○ Start or resume the simulation
○ Print a message in the format: Start simulation.
● If you cannot explain smoothly, you won’t get points.
● All purple texts are prescribed formats and must be followed.
● You should implement hw3 with C language.
● You will get a template from hw3 github classroom (see Appendix for details).
● You can modify makefile as you want, but make sure your makefile can compile your codes and generate the executable file correctly.
● The executable file should be named scheduler_simulator.
● Make sure your codes can be compiled and run in the DEMO environment introduced in the hw0 slide.
GitHub Classroom
● GitHub classroom
Click Here to start your assignment.
● ucontext
○ The Open Group Library
○ Linux manual page
■ getcontext()
■ setcontext()
■ makecontext()
■ swapcontext()
● signal
○ Gitbook
○ Linux manual page
● timer
○ Linux manual page
○ IBM® IBM Knowledge Center
Appendix – file structure of the template
● shell.h/.c, command.h/.c, builtin.h/.c are shell-related files, and builtin.c contains the four commands need to be implemented in this assignment
● resource.h/.c contains resource-related APIs that need to be implemented
● task.h/.c contains task state-related APIs that need to be implemented
● function.h/.c contains functions run by tasks. These 2 files cannot be modified
● test folder contains all test cases, an auto-judge script for the shell and an auto-run script for the simulation
Appendix – how to use auto-judge and auto-run
● Auto-run the scheduler simulator
➢ python3 test/ {algorithm} {test_case}
➢ algorithm can be FCFS, RR, PP or all, where all will perform three rounds of simulation for all scheduling algorithms
➢ test_case can be test/general.txt, test/test_case1.txt or test/test_case2.txt
■ Test case files contain a list of commands seperated by newlines. You can also write your own test cases, just follow the format
■ test/general.txt tests all requirements except pausing
■ test/test_case1.txt and test/test_case2.txt are test cases that need to observe the results
➢ The auto-run script will generate a file to store the simulation result, and the file name is {test_case’s file name}_{algorithm}.txt, for example, general_FCFS.txt
➢ Auto-run script does not support pausing with Ctrl + z
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