PIC20A – Submitting your homework Solved

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The zip file you extracted to find this pdf includes a file called WAVHeader.java. In this assignment, you will edit this file and submit it to Gradescope.
• Name the file exactly as just stated.
• Do not enclose WAVHeader.java in a folder or zip it. (Do not place it inside a package.)
Do not submit WAVStereoException.java, WAV.java, Test.java, or Test2.java.
You should be submitting exactly one file and it should have the extension .java.
• Be sure that your code compiles and runs with the audio files, WAVStereoException.java, WAV.java, and Test.java using Adoptium’s Temurin Version 11 (LTS).
1. Check that you can play
• fmt1_chan1_sr44100_bit16.wav • fmt1_chan2_sr44100_bit16.wav • fmt1_chan1_sr48000_bit16.wav • fmt1_chan2_sr48000_bit16.wav • fmt1_chan1_sr44100_bit24.wav • fmt1_chan2_sr48000_bit24.wav • fmt3_chan1_sr48000_bit32.wav
• fmt3_chan2_sr44100_bit32.wav
• euclid.wav
Confirm that not_WAV.wav does not play.
2. Confirm that you can compile and run Test.java. Using an IDE will complicate this process (add it to the list of ways an IDE makes your life less good) since you will have to store the files in an appropriate place and/or give full paths to their location. If you use the Terminal or command prompt, after cding to the directory called HW5, you’ll type javac Test.java followed by java Test and it will work.
Notice that two files are created: 220_m.wav and 220_440_s.wav. Before solving the homework assignment, these will not play successfully (even though they store audio data).
3. Open WAVHeader.java.
(a) A WAV file consists of two parts: a part before the audio data, what we’ll refer to as the header, and the audio data (sometimes together with footers which we’ll ignore).
(b) WAVHeader.java allows us to store the information found in a WAV file header. It also allows the reading and writing of WAV file headers.
(c) Read the description before the class interface.
Read the section which explains the format of a WAV header (before the instance fields).
Look at the declarations of the instance fields.
Read the section which explains the format of a WAV header again, darting back and forth between the instance fields as you do so. Spend a long time doing this, especially thinking about the number of bytes and data types when I mention them.
Remember that a short is 2 bytes and that an int is 4 bytes. Also, remember that ASCII characters can be stored using one byte – this is what the WAV file does – but that JAVA chars are two bytes (storing ASCII characters by having one of the bytes set to 0).
It’s essential to understand the structure of WAV header, but not necessary to have a deep understanding of what the instance fields mean in DSP. (d) Understand the initializer block.
(e) You don’t need to understand the constructor WAVHeader(int, int, int, int, int) carefully. It’s probably a little more satisfying if you do, but what matters most is that you realize there are various quantities…
• audio_fmt,
• channels,
• sample_rate_per_chan,
• bit_depth_of_sample,
• samples_per_channel
…which determine all of the others.
Lots of the WAV files in HW5.zip are labelled by the first four quantities. For those files, the last quantity is determined by the formula 8 * sample_rate_per_chan because there’s 8 seconds of audio.
(f) Compact disk quality audio uses a sample rate (per channel) of 44,100Hz, a bit depth of 16, and this forces the audio format to be 1. makeWAVHeaderForCompactDiskQualityAudio calls the previous constructor with those values and channels set to 1 or 2 depending on whether it is the mono or stereo version. Notice how the stereo version throws a custom exception if the lengths of arrays for the left and right channels disagree.
(g) readWAVHeaderFromFile reads in the first 4096 bytes of a WAV file. It is careful about catching and sometimes rethrowing exceptions, but otherwise, all it does is call a private constructor with those bytes passed as an argument: return new WAVHeader(bytes). It is one of your jobs to make sure that this constructor does the correct thing. Now you see why I suggested that you pay attention to the number of bytes each piece of information uses.
(h) Upon running Test.java, you can see the result of 10 calls to toString. This will gives a useful way to track your progress on WAVHeader(byte[]).
(i) Making sure that you understand the numbers in the definition of getHeaderSize will be a good way to assess how well you are understanding the structure of a WAV file header. getDataSize is easy.
(j) private WAVHeader(byte[] b) and public byte[] getBytes() have bad definitions. Your homework assignment is to fix them.
4. Open WAVStereoException.java and read it. Look back on the definition of makeWAVHeaderForCompactDiskQualityAudio(short[], short[]) to see why it exists and how it is used.
5. Open WAV.java. It is useful if you understand this file. The most important things to take away are…
• The audio data is written by a call to fout.write(dataBytes) where dataBytes is filled up using a ByteBuffer and calls to putShort.
I suggest that you write getBytes by using a ByteBuffer and calls to put, putShort, and putInt.
6. Open Test.java.
• The calls to WAVHeader.readWAVHeaderFromFile should be used to check your progress on WAVHeader(byte[]). The correct output is listed at the end and saved in output.txt. The last two test cases are important since one involves junk, and the other involves a bad riff_header, a bad wave_header, and a bad fmt_header.
• If your getBytes() method is correct (except perhaps with regards to junk), then the audio files written, 220_m.wav and 220_440_s.wav, will sound correct.
7. Write private WAVHeader(byte[] b).
• I would wrap the bytes in a ByteBuffer.
• Then you can extract the information you need by calling get, getShort, and getInt.
• Remember, WAV files store ASCII characters using one byte, not like JAVA with chars.
• Remember the last two test case outputs in output.txt.
8. Write public byte[] getBytes().
• You need to make sure that the array you return has the correct size.
• To fill it up, I would wrap it in a ByteBuffer.
• Then you can create bytes by calling put, putShort, and putInt.
• If you are correct regarding junk, then Test2.java will print true.
You should make sure that private WAVHeader(byte[] b) handles junk correctly first.

705636 WAVE fmt 16
1 sample_rate_per_chan 44100 bytes_per_sec 88200
block_size_in_bytes 2
bit_depth_of_sample 16
data_header data
data_size 705600
riff_header RIFF
riff_size 1411236
wave_header WAVE
fmt_header fmt
fmt_size 16
audio_fmt 1
channels 2
sample_rate_per_chan 44100 bytes_per_sec 176400
block_size_in_bytes 4
bit_depth_of_sample 16 data_header data data_size 1411200 768036 WAVE fmt 16
1 sample_rate_per_chan 48000 bytes_per_sec 96000
block_size_in_bytes 2 bit_depth_of_sample 16
data_header data
data_size 768000
riff_header RIFF
riff_size 1536036
wave_header WAVE
fmt_header fmt
fmt_size 16
audio_fmt 1
channels 2
sample_rate_per_chan 48000 bytes_per_sec 192000
block_size_in_bytes 4
bit_depth_of_sample 16 data_header data data_size 1536000 1058436 WAVE fmt 16
1 sample_rate_per_chan 44100 bytes_per_sec 132300
block_size_in_bytes 3 bit_depth_of_sample 24
data_header data
data_size 1058400
riff_header RIFF
riff_size 2304036
wave_header WAVE
fmt_header fmt
fmt_size 16
audio_fmt 1
channels 2
sample_rate_per_chan 48000 bytes_per_sec 288000
block_size_in_bytes 6
bit_depth_of_sample 24 data_header data data_size 2304000 1536036 WAVE fmt 16
1 sample_rate_per_chan 48000 bytes_per_sec 192000
block_size_in_bytes 4 bit_depth_of_sample 32
data_header data
data_size 1536000
riff_header RIFF
riff_size 2822436
wave_header WAVE
fmt_header fmt
fmt_size 16
audio_fmt 3
channels 2
sample_rate_per_chan 44100 bytes_per_sec 352800
block_size_in_bytes 8
bit_depth_of_sample 32 data_header data data_size 2822400

35478580 WAVE
junk_header JUNK
junk_size 28
fmt_header fmt
fmt_size 16
audio_fmt 1
channels 2
sample_rate_per_chan 44100 bytes_per_sec 176400
block_size_in_bytes 4
bit_depth_of_sample 16
data_header data
data_size 35476048
riff_header NOPE
riff_size 1411236
wave_header BYTE
fmt_header Oops
fmt_size 16
audio_fmt 1
channels 2
sample_rate_per_chan 44100 bytes_per_sec 176400
block_size_in_bytes 4
bit_depth_of_sample 16
data_header data data_size 1411200


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