PSTAT131 – Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning (Solution)

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UCSB PSTAT131 Final Project
Sunrise Gao
Introduction 1
What is Credit Card Fraud Detection? 2
About the Dataset 2
Exploratory Data Analysis 2
Loading Packages and Data 2
Analyzing the Data 4
Visualizing the Data 5
Data Splitting 5
Model Fitting 6
Model 1: Boosted Tree 6
Model 2: Logistic Regression 10
Model 3: Decision Tree Model 12
Model 4: LDA 14
Model 5: QDA 17
Conclusion 20
Reference 21

With the development of technology, online shopping has been unprecedentedly easy and convenient by many applications and browsers that can auto-fill your personal information and save it online. People no longer need to re-type every information that is needed to shop online. Only a few click to get the job done. However, this could rise a major problem that people’s personal information such as credit card, home address get stolen, and is used unauthorizedly and illegally. This is called credit card frauds. Many shops and banks have developed a lot of way to protect customers from credit card fraud such as adding extra authorization step like Two-Factor Authentication(getting verify code from phone or email). But, there is always new way fraudsters get your information: Lost or stolen credit cards. Skimming your credit card, such as at a gas station pump. Therefore, early credit card fraud detection is essentially important.

What is Credit Card Fraud Detection?
Credit card fraud detection is the collective term for the policies, tools, methodologies, and practices that credit card companies and financial institutions take to combat identity fraud and stop fraudulent transactions. As today’s well-developed technology, there is so many new ways that people’s information could get leaked or stolen. Analyzing and improving a newer and better model and algorithm for credit card fraud detection frequently is very important.
About the Dataset
Now Let’s get started. I will be doing exploratory data analysis first.
Exploratory Data Analysis
Loading Packages and Data
Check rmd file for full packages list.
Loading Data
# read data mydata <- read.csv(“creditcard.csv”) head(mydata)
## Time V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
## 1 0 -1.3598071 -0.07278117 2.5363467 1.3781552 -0.33832077 0.46238778
## 2 0 1.1918571 0.26615071 0.1664801 0.4481541 0.06001765 -0.08236081
## 3 1 -1.3583541 -1.34016307 1.7732093 0.3797796 -0.50319813 1.80049938
## 4 1 -0.9662717 -0.18522601 1.7929933 -0.8632913 -0.01030888 1.24720317
## 5 2 -1.1582331 0.87773675 1.5487178 0.4030339 -0.40719338 0.09592146
## 6 2 -0.4259659 0.96052304 1.1411093 -0.1682521 0.42098688 -0.02972755
## V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12
## 1 0.23959855 0.09869790 0.3637870 0.09079417 -0.5515995 -0.61780086
## 2 -0.07880298 0.08510165 -0.2554251 -0.16697441 1.6127267 1.06523531
## 3 0.79146096 0.24767579 -1.5146543 0.20764287 0.6245015 0.06608369
## 4 0.23760894 0.37743587 -1.3870241 -0.05495192 -0.2264873 0.17822823
## 5 0.59294075 -0.27053268 0.8177393 0.75307443 -0.8228429 0.53819555
## 6 0.47620095 0.26031433 -0.5686714 -0.37140720 1.3412620 0.35989384
## V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18
## 1 -0.9913898 -0.3111694 1.4681770 -0.4704005 0.20797124 0.02579058
## 2 0.4890950 -0.1437723 0.6355581 0.4639170 -0.11480466 -0.18336127
## 3 0.7172927 -0.1659459 2.3458649 -2.8900832 1.10996938 -0.12135931
## 4 0.5077569 -0.2879237 -0.6314181 -1.0596472 -0.68409279 1.96577500
## 5 1.3458516 -1.1196698 0.1751211 -0.4514492 -0.23703324 -0.03819479
## 6 -0.3580907 -0.1371337 0.5176168 0.4017259 -0.05813282 0.06865315
## V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24
## 1 0.40399296 0.25141210 -0.018306778 0.277837576 -0.11047391 0.06692807
## 2 -0.14578304 -0.06908314 -0.225775248 -0.638671953 0.10128802 -0.33984648
## 3 -2.26185710 0.52497973 0.247998153 0.771679402 0.90941226 -0.68928096
## 4 -1.23262197 -0.20803778 -0.108300452 0.005273597 -0.19032052 -1.17557533
## 5 0.80348692 0.40854236 -0.009430697 0.798278495 -0.13745808 0.14126698
## 6 -0.03319379 0.08496767 -0.208253515 -0.559824796 -0.02639767 -0.37142658
## V25 V26 V27 V28 Amount Class
## 1 0.1285394 -0.1891148 0.133558377 -0.02105305 149.62 0
## 2 0.1671704 0.1258945 -0.008983099 0.01472417 2.69 0
## 3 -0.3276418 -0.1390966 -0.055352794 -0.05975184 378.66 0
## 4 0.6473760 -0.2219288 0.062722849 0.06145763 123.50 0
## 5 -0.2060096 0.5022922 0.219422230 0.21515315 69.99 0
## 6 -0.2327938 0.1059148 0.253844225 0.08108026 3.67 0
Checking Dimension
# check original data dimension dimension <- dim(mydata) dimension
## [1] 284807 31
The data set has 284807 observations and 31 columns. There is 1 column for Time, 28 columns for PCA transformation, 1 column for purchase amount, and 1 column for class. Please check codebook for a detailed explanation for every variable.
Checking Missing Value
# check missing value sum(
## [1] 0
There is no missing value. We are good to go.
Analyzing the Data
# genuine and fraudulent count mydata %>%
## Class n
## 1 0 284315
## 2 1 492
Here, we see that class = “0” is labeled as the transaction is genuine and class = “1” is labeled as fraudulent. So, there are 284315 valid transactions and 492 fraudulent cases. As we can see only about 0.17% fraudulent transaction out all the transactions. The data is highly unbalanced. so I will first apply models without balancing it, and if we don’t get a good accuracy, we might have to find a way to balance this dataset.
# comparing summary of two transcation cases. genuine_case <- mydata %>%
filter(Class == 0) describe(genuine_case$Amount)
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew
## X1 1 284315 88.29 250.11 22 41.62 29.98 0 25691.16 25691.16 17
## kurtosis se ## X1 846.72 0.47
fraud_case <- mydata %>%
filter(Class == 1) describe(fraud_case$Amount)
## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew
## X1 1 492 122.21 256.68 9.25 58.83 13.71 0 2125.87 2125.87 3.73
## kurtosis se
## X1 17.47 11.57
By comparing summary of genuine cases and fraud cases, we can see that the mean of fraud case is higher than genuine cases which means the average money transaction for the fraudulent cases is more. This makes sense as credit card fraud is intended to steal as much money as it could as once. So, higher amount transactions can be a factor to detect fraudulent case.
Visualizing the Data
# correlation matrix correlation <- cor(mydata)
corrplot(correlation, tl.cex = 0.6, number.cex = 0.5, method = “circle”, type = “full”)

I will be doing data splitting in next step.
Data Splitting
Convert class to factor
# convert class to factor mydata <- mydata %>%
mutate(Class = factor(Class, levels = c(“1”, “0”))) %>% select(-Time, )
Initial Data Splitting
Checking Dimension for Splitting Data
# check dimension for training and testing dim(cc_train)
## [1] 227845 30
## [1] 56962 30
Here, we will have 227845 values for training set and 56962 values for testing set.
Model Fitting
In this step, I will be fitting boosted tree, decision tree, logistic regression, and in total of 3 models.
Creating Recipe & K-Fold
# create recipe and remove zero variance cc_recipe <- recipe(Class ~ ., cc_train) %>% step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% step_zv(all_nominal_predictors()) %>% step_normalize(all_predictors())
# create k-fold cc_folds <- vfold_cv(cc_train, v = 5, strain = Class)
Model 1: Boosted Tree
First, I will do boosted tree model.
Setting up
# setup bt_model <- boost_tree(trees = tune()) %>% set_engine(“xgboost”) %>% set_mode(“classification”)
# define grid bt_grid <- grid_regular(trees(c(10,200)),levels = 10)
# workflow bt_workflow <- workflow() %>% add_model(bt_model) %>% add_recipe(cc_recipe)
bt_res <- tune_grid( bt_workflow, resamples = cc_folds, grid = bt_grid, metrics = metric_set(roc_auc),) autoplot(bt_res)

The roc_auc keeps increasing until reaches the peak around 0.978 with around 30 tress.
Fitting the Model
# select best tree and fit best_tree <- select_best(bt_res) bt_final <- finalize_workflow(bt_workflow, best_tree) bt_final_fit <- fit(bt_final, data = cc_train)
augment(bt_final_fit, new_data = cc_test)%>%
accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 1.00
From the result above, the best boosted tree has 0.9995436 accuracy that almost equal to 1. (Notice: the exact result might by rounded when knitting, please see code for the exact value if needed.)
Heat Map
# heat map augment(bt_final_fit, new_data = cc_test) %>%
conf_mat(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) %>% autoplot(type = “heatmap”)
69 8
18 56867

1 0
The best boosted tree model has successful predicted 69 of 87 observations with 0.9995435 accuracy.
# ROC augment(bt_final_fit, new_data = cc_test)%>%
roc_curve(Class, .pred_1) %>% autoplot()

# AUC augment(bt_final_fit, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_auc(Class, .pred_1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 roc_auc binary 0.970
Boosted tree model looks great and has very high accuracy as it is the first model we fit. Let’s see if other models can do best!
Model 2: Logistic Regression
For the third model, I will be fitting logistic regression model.
Setting Up
# setup log_model <- logistic_reg() %>%
set_engine(“glm”) %>% set_mode(“classification”)
# workflow log_workflow <- workflow() %>%
add_model(log_model) %>% add_recipe(cc_recipe)
Fitting the model
# fit the training data log_fit_train <- fit(log_workflow, cc_train)
# predict predict(log_fit_train, new_data = cc_train, type = “class”) %>% bind_cols(cc_train %>% select(Class)) %>% accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.999
# fit the testing data
log_fit_test <- fit(log_workflow, cc_test)
# predict predict(log_fit_test, new_data = cc_test, type = “class”) %>%
bind_cols(cc_test %>% select(Class)) %>% accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.999
As the result above, logistic regression model also has a very high accuracy with both training and testing data, and accuracy for testing data is 0.9992978.
Heat Map
# heat map augment(log_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
conf_mat(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) %>% autoplot(type = “heatmap”)
55 8
32 56867

1 0
Logistic regression model successful predicted 55 out of 87 observations.
augment(log_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_curve(Class, .pred_1) %>% autoplot()

# AUC augment(log_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_auc(Class, .pred_1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 roc_auc binary 0.981
Model 3: Decision Tree Model
For the third model, I will do decision tree model.
Setting Up
# setup dt_model <- decision_tree() %>% set_engine(“rpart”)
dt_model_class <- dt_model %>%
# fit training data
dt_model_fit <- dt_model_class %>%
fit(Class ~ ., data = cc_train)
dt_model_fit %>% extract_fit_engine() %>% rpart.plot(roundint=FALSE)

Fiting the Model
# fit testing data augment(dt_model_fit, new_data = cc_test) %>%
accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.999
After fitting the model, the accuracy of desicion tree model is 0.9994382 which is very high as well.
Heat map
augment(dt_model_fit, new_data = cc_test) %>%
conf_mat(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) %>% autoplot(type = “heatmap”)
68 13
19 56862

1 0
As the result shown above, decision tree model has predicted 68 out of 87 observations.
augment(dt_model_fit, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_auc(Class, .pred_1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 roc_auc binary 0.908
Model 4: LDA
Finally, I will be doing LDA and QDA model.
Setting Up
#setup lda_model <- discrim_linear() %>% set_mode(“classification”) %>% set_engine(“MASS”)
# workflow lda_workflow <- workflow() %>% add_model(lda_model) %>% add_recipe(cc_recipe)
Fitting the model
# fit the training data lda_fit_train <- fit(lda_workflow, cc_train)
# predict for training data predict(lda_fit_train, new_data = cc_train, type = “class”) %>% bind_cols(cc_train %>% select(Class)) %>% accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.999
# fit the testing data lda_fit_test <- fit(lda_workflow, cc_test)
# predict for testing data predict(lda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test, type = “class”) %>% bind_cols(cc_test %>% select(Class)) %>% accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.999
As the result above, LDA’s accuracy is quite similar to logistic regression with 0.9992451 for testing data.
Heat Map
# heat map
augment(lda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
conf_mat(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) %>% autoplot(type = “heatmap”)
61 17
26 56858

1 0
LDA model has predicted 61 out 87 observations.
# ROC augment(lda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_curve(Class, .pred_1) %>% autoplot()

# AUC augment(lda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_auc(Class, .pred_1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 roc_auc binary 0.989
Model 5: QDA
Here, I am going do the QDA model as the last one.
Setting Up
# setup qda_model <- discrim_quad() %>% set_mode(“classification”) %>% set_engine(“MASS”)
# workflow qda_workflow <- workflow() %>%
add_model(qda_model) %>% add_recipe(cc_recipe)
Fitting the model
# fit the training data qda_fit_train <- fit(qda_workflow, cc_train)
# predict for training data predict(qda_fit_train, new_data = cc_train, type = “class”) %>% bind_cols(cc_train %>% select(Class)) %>% accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.975
# fit the testing data qda_fit_test <- fit(qda_workflow, cc_test)
# predict for testing data predict(qda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test, type = “class”) %>% bind_cols(cc_test %>% select(Class)) %>% accuracy(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 accuracy binary 0.984
QDA model performed well with another high accuracy 0.9841824 for testing data, though it is not as higher as logistic regression and LDA.
Heat Map
# heat tmap augment(qda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
conf_mat(truth = Class, estimate = .pred_class) %>% autoplot(type = “heatmap”)
11 890

1 0
Surprisingly, QDA without the highest accuracy predicted 76 out of 87 which is the most out of all 5 models we have done so far.
# ROC augment(qda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_curve(Class, .pred_1) %>% autoplot()

# AUC augment(qda_fit_test, new_data = cc_test) %>%
roc_auc(Class, .pred_1)
## # A tibble: 1 x 3
## .metric .estimator .estimate
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 roc_auc binary 0.986
Let’s do a quick recap.
We have done 4 model, all of the them have very high accuracy, but still there is only that perform the best prediction which is.
Model Accuracy AUC Prediction
Boosted Tree 0.9995436 0.9698348 69 out of 87
Logistic Regression 0.9992978 0.980975 55 out of 87
Decision Tree 0.9994382 0.9078385 68 out of 87
LDA 0.9992451 0.9885043 61 out of 87
QDA 0.9885043 0.9864512 76 out of 87
In every model, we have compared their accuracy, AUC as well as prediction they have predicted by heat map. As the table shown above, with the data set is highly unbalanced as fraudulent transactions are way less than genuine transactions, QDA model surprisingly predicted the most truth values without the highest accuracy. On the other hand, boosted tree model has the highest accuracy and predicted 69 truth value out of 87. Although QDA model predicted more truth values than boosted tree model, but was the highest accuracy of all models we have fit, I would still pick boosted tree model as final model to do prediction. I believe that in the futures there will be a better method and faster algorithm to detect credit card fraud quickly and correctly though it is going to be a long way, but it is a learning process and it is all worth it at the end! Thank you for reading!

Credit Card Detection
Steps to Take if You Are a Victim of Credit Card Fraud
Credit Card Fraud Detection: Everything You Need to Know


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