WEB322 Assignment 1 Solved

$ 20.99


Assessment Weight:
5% of your final course Grade Objective:
This first assignment will get you setup with your environment, tooling, and a git account as well as introduce you to the development workflow used in this course (Visual Studio Code + Git + Cyclic).
For this assignment, we will be publishing our first web app on Cyclic.

Step 1: Installing Software
In order to create web applications and publish them online, you will need to download and install the following software.
โ€ข Visual Studio Code
โ€ข Node.js
โ€ข Git

Step 2: Following the Guide

Assignment Submission:
1. Add the following declaration at the top of your server.js file (do not forget to include the Cyclic URL to your app):
/********************************************************************************* * WEB322 โ€“ Assignment 1
* I declare that this assignment is my own work in accordance with Seneca Academic Policy.
* No part of this assignment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source
* (including web sites) or distributed to other students.
* Online (Cyclic) URL: _______________________________________________________

2. Compress (.zip) the files in your Visual Studio working directory (this is the folder that you opened in Visual
Studio โ€“ it should contain a node_modules folder, a server.js file and package.json / package-lock.json files)
3. Paste the Cyclic link of your app in the comment box when you upload the assignment files. Failure to do so will result in zero marks.
Important Note:
โ€ข Submitted assignments must run locally, ie: start up errors causing the assignment/app to fail on startup will result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.


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