WEB322 Assignment 1 Solved

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Assessment Weight:
5% of your final course Grade Objective:
This first assignment will get you setup with your development environment, tooling, and a Heroku account as well as introduce you to the development workflow used in this course (Visual Studio Code + Git + Heroku).
For this assignment, we will be publishing our first web app on Heroku.

Step 1: Installing Software
โ€ข Visual Studio Code
โ€ข Node.js
โ€ข Git
โ€ข Heroku CLI (Command Line Interface)

Step 2: Following the Guide

Step 3: Customizing the server code (server.js)
Once you have completed the guide (Step 2), and have a simple “Hello World” app running on Heroku, you must personalize the output:
โ€ข Instead of “Hello World” โ€“ change your app to output your full name and student number, for example “James Mwangi – 057465064”
โ€ข HINT: If you make any changes to your server.js file after publishing to Heroku, you will have to: o Commit your changes to your local git repo using the following procedure:
โ–ช Click on the Source Control Icon in the sidebar that has a “1” on it in Visual Studio Code โ–ช Enter a message (in the “Message” box) describing your change, ie “updated server.js” โ–ช Click the checkmark above the message box to commit your changes. o Push your changes to Heroku by issuing the command: ” git push heroku master” from the Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code

Assignment Submission:
1. Add the following declaration at the top of your server.js file (do not forget to include the URL to your app on Heroku:
/********************************************************************************* * WEB322: Assignment 1
* I declare that this assignment is my own work in accordance with Seneca Academic Policy. * No part of this assignment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source * (including web sites) or distributed to other students.
* Online (Heroku) URL: _______________________________________________________

2. Compress (.zip) the files in your Visual Studio working directory (this is the folder that you opened in Visual Studio โ€“ it should contain a node_modules folder, a server.js file and a package.json file) Important Note:
โ€ข Paste your Webappโ€™s Heroku URL in the Comments Section of the submissions page. Failure to paste Heroku URL in the Comments Section of your submissions page will attract a -1.0 penalty. This means that your web appโ€™s Heroku URL should be pasted in the declaration section at the top of server.js code and also be pasted in the Comments Section of your submissions page.
โ€ข Submitted assignments must run locally i.e. start up errors causing the assignment app to fail on startup will result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.


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