Welcome to The Logic Design Lab! Solved

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Lab 4: Finite State Machines
Prof. Chun-Yi Lee
Lab 4 Outline
Basic questions (1.5%)
Individual assignment
Advanced questions (5%)
Group assignment
Demonstration on your FPGA board (In class)
Lab report should be submitted using PDF format
Assignment submission (Submit to EEClass)
Lab 4 Rules
Lab 4 Submission Requirements
Source codes and testbenches
Please follow the templates EXACTLY
We will test your codes by TAs’ testbenches
Lab 4 report
Please submit your report in a single PDF file
Please draw the block diagrams and state transition diagrams of your designs
Please explain your designs in detail
Please list the contributions of each team member clearly
Please explain how you test your design
What you have learned from Lab 4
Basic Questions

Moore machine
Green represents input, while red represents output
Output your current state as well

S0: 3’b000 S1: 3’b001 S2: 3’b010 S3: 3’b011 S4: 3’b100 S5: 3’b101 8
Mealy machine
Green represents input, while red represents output
Output your current state as well
When rst_n == 1’b0, state = S0
Mealy 0 / 1
S0: 3’b000 S1: 3’b001 S2: 3’b010 S3: 3’b011 S4: 3’b100 S5: 3’b101
Many-to-one linear-feedback shift register (LFSR)

One-to-many linear-feedback shift register (LFSR)

When RESET == 1’b0, reset DFF[7:0] to 8’b10111101
Please draw the state transition diagram of the DFFs in LFSR for the first ten states after rst_n is raised to 1’b1 in your report
Please describe what happens if we reset the DFFs to 8’d0 in your report

Advanced Questions
Verilog Advanced Question 1
Content-addressable memory (CAM) design
Design a CAM that stores n sets of m-bit data lines (n = 16, m = 8)
Input: clk, wen, ren, addr[3:0], din[m-1:0]
Verilog Advanced Question 1 (Con’t)
When wen == 1’b1, write din to CAM[addr] When ren == 1’b1:
• If there is only one matching data in the CAM, set dout to the matching data’s address and set hit to 1’b1
• If there are multiple matches in the CAM, set dout to the largest address among them and set hit to 1’b1.
• If there is no match in the CAM, set dout to 1’b0 and set hit to 1’b0
When both wen and ren are 1’b1, perform read operation only and ignore the write request
When both ren and wen are 1b’0, set dout to 1’b0 and set hit to 1’b0
Please refer to the next page for example waveform
Verilog Advanced Question 1 (Con’t)

Verilog Advanced Question 2
Scan chain design
Scan chain is a technique used in design for testing. The objective is to make testing easier by providing a simple way to set and observe every flip-flop in a circuit. The structure of a scan chain is illustrated in the next page.
• In order to achieve the above objective, the DFFs in a circuits are all replaced by a special type of DFF, called scan DFF (SDFF), which is also shown in the next page. An SDFF contains several extra ports: scan_in and scan_en, and is larger than the original DFF.
• All the SDFFs are connected in a chain, which is called a scan chain.
In this question, you are required to design a scan chain for a 4-bit multiplier, which is a combinational circuit and can be designed by any modeling technique.
• Input: clk, rst_n, scan_in, scan_en
• Output: scan_out
Reset all SDFFs to 1’b0 when rst_n == 1’b0 17
Verilog Advanced Question 2 (Con’t)

rst_n clk
Verilog Advanced Question 2 (Con’t)
The behavior of a scan chain
The behavior of a scan chain contains three phases: scan in, capture, and scan out.
• Scan in
• In this phase, scan_en is set to 1’b1, and a test pattern is scanned (shifted) from the scan_in port into the scan chain bit-by-bit.
• Capture
• In this phase, scan_en is set to 1’b0, and the circuit performs its original functionality.
• The inputs of the multiplier is provided by the values stored in SDFF. The output of the multiplier is stored back to the SDFFs at the positive clock edge.
• Scan out
• In this phase, scan_en is set to 1’b1 again, and the values stored in the SDFFs are shifted to the scan_out port of the scan chain bit-by-bit.
Please refer to the next page for the example behavior waveform.
Verilog Advanced Question 2 (Con’t)

Verilog Advanced Question 3
Built-in self test (BIST)
In the previous question, we designed a scan chain. Now we add a test pattern generator in front of it. The test pattern generator is implemented by a 8-bit many-to-one LFSR, which is the same as the design in the basic question 3. Since the test pattern generator is inside a chip, this architecture is called “built-in self test (BIST)”.
Please reuse the scan chain from the advanced question 2
Please modify your LFSR from the basic question 3 so that only the MSB of the LFSR is shifted into the scan chain.
Typically, a circuit with BIST does not have scan_in and scan_out ports. However, for the grading purposes, the two ports are set as output ports, so as to allow them to be observable.
Input: clk, rst_n, scan_en
Output: scan_in, scan_out
Verilog Advanced Question 3 (Con’t)

Advanced Questions
FPGA Demonstration
The 1A2B game
Traditionally, this is a two-player code-breaking game. However, in this lab, we modify it to a single-player game
The rule
In the beginning of each game, the FPGA generates a random number consisting of four non-repeating digits, where each digit ranges from 0 to 9 The player’s task is to guess this number using the hints given by the FPGA The behavior of this game contains two phases: the initial phase and the guessing phase
The initial phase
When the reset button is pressed, reset the game to this phase
In this phase, the seven-segment display shows “1A2b”, and wait for the player to push the start button
After pressing the start button, a random non-repeating 4 digit answer is generated and displayed using the LEDs, where LED[15:12] represents the first digit, LED[11:8] represent the second digit, and so on 25
The guessing phase
The LEDs should continue displaying the generated answer
The player is required to guess this number one by one, from the MSB to the LSB using the leftmost 4 switches (i.e., SW[15:12]). The digit that is being guessed will flicker until the player enters his/her guess using the enter button
After all the 4 digits have been entered, the seven segment display should show XAYb according the correctness of the player’s guess, where X is the number of the digits with correct digit positions, and Y is number of the correct digits that are out of place.
If the player’s guess matches the answer, return the game to the initial phase after the enter button is pressed (remember to clear all the LEDs!)
If the player’s guess does not match the answer, return to this guessing phase and guess again after the enter button is pressed
Please note that the answer of each game should be random and generated using the
LFRS, which should keep operating and is only sampled when the start button is pressed
Please refer to the demonstration video from the TAs
Please refer to the next page for the state transition diagram

An example of the
state transition diagram
start button
The guess is being entered or the guess is incorrect
The layout of the switches, the buttons, and the seven segment display
The real answer in the following example is 4381, as indicated by the LED pattern

An example of the behavior of the 1A2B game (the answer in this example 4381)
Video demonstration link: shorturl.at/iuvJ3
Please note that we will note intentionally input patterns with:
Repeating digits Digits with values larger than 9


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