RNNs and GRUs and Search, Oh My!
11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning (Spring 2024)
Start Here
– You are allowed to talk with / work with other students on homework assignments
– You can share ideas but not code, you must submit your own code. All submitted code will be compared against all code submitted this semester and in previous semesters using MOSS.
• Directions:
– Do not use any auto-differentiation toolboxes (PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, etc) – you are only permitted and recommended to vectorize your computation using the Numpy library.
– We recommend that you look through all of the problems before attempting the first problem. However we do recommend you complete the problems in order, as the difficulty increases, and questions often rely on the completion of previous questions.
Homework objectives
If you complete this homework successfully, you would ideally have learned:
• How to write code to implement an RNN from scratch
– How to implement RNN cells and how to build a simple RNN classifier using RNN cells
– How to implement GRU cells and how to build a character predictor using GRU cells
– How to implement CTC loss forward and backward pass
(CTC loss is a criterion specific for recursive neural network, its functionality is similar to how we used cross-entropy loss for HW2P2)
• How to decode the model output probabilities to get an understandable output
– How to implement Greedy Search
– How to implement Beam Search
The culmination of all of the Homework Part 1’s will be your own custom deep learning library, which we are naming mytorch © just like any other deep learning library like PyTorch or Tensorflow. The files in your homework are structured in such a way that you can easily import and reuse modules of code for your subsequent homeworks. For Homework 3, MyTorch will have the following structure: gru rnn
char rnn autograder
test ctc decoding test ctc test ctc test test gru test test test rnn test toy
• Hand-in your code by running the following command from the directory containing the handout, then SUBMIT the created handin.tar file to autolab:
• Debug individual sections of your code by running the following command from the top level directory:
python3 autograder/ test_name
The test name are rnn, gru, ctc, beam search based on which section you are testing.
• Autograde your code by running the following command from the top level directory:
python3 autograder/
Test individual sections of your code by running the following command from the top level directory:
python3 autograder/ test_name
The test name are mcq, rnn, gru, ctc, search based on which section you are testing.
– Import any other external libraries other than numpy, as extra packages that do not exist in autolab will cause submission failures. Also do not add, move, or remove any files or change any file names.
1 Notation 5
2 Multiple Choice [5 points] 6
3 RNN Cell 8
3.1 RNN Cell Forward (5 points) 9
3.2 RNN Cell Backward (5 points) 11
3.3 RNN Phoneme Classifier (10 points) 12
3.3.1 RNN Classifier Forward 12
3.3.2 RNN Classifier Backward 13
4 GRU Cell 15
4.1 GRU Cell Forward (5 points) 16
4.2 GRU Cell Backward (15 points) 18
4.3 GRU Inference (10 points) 21
5 CTC 22
5.1 CTC Loss (25 points) 26
5.1.1 CTC Forward 26
5.1.2 CTC Backward 27
6 CTC Decoding: Greedy Search and Beam Search 27
6.1 Greedy Search (5 points) 28
6.1.1 Example 28
6.1.2 Pseudo-code 28
6.2 Beam Search (15 points) 30
6.2.1 Example 30
6.2.2 Pseudo-code 31
7 Toy Examples 34
7.1 RNN 34
7.2 GRU 35
7.3 CTC 36
7.4 Beam Search 37
1 Notation
**Numpy Tips:
• Use A * B for element-wise multiplication A ⊙ B.
• Use A @ B for matrix multiplication A · B.
• Use A / B for element-wise division A ⊘ B.
Linear Algebra Operations
AT Transpose of A
A ⊙ B Element-wise (Hadamard) Product of A and B (i.e. every element of A is multiplied by the corresponding element of B. A and B must have identical size and shape)
A · B Matrix multiplication of A and B
A ⊘ B Element-wise division of A by B (i.e. every element of A is divided by the corresponding element of B. A and B must have identical size and shape)
Set Theory
S A set
R The set of real numbers
RN×C The set of N × C matrices containing real numbers Functions and Operations
f : A → B The function f with domain A and range B
log(x) Natural logarithm of x
ς(x) Sigmoid,
tanh(x) Hyperbolic tangent,
maxS f The operator maxa∈S f(a) returns the highest value f(a) for all elements in the set S
argmaxS f The operator argmaxa∈S f(a) returns the element of the set S that maximizes f(a)
σ(x) Softmax function, σ : RK → (0,1)K and for i = 1,…,K
Derivative of scalar y with respect to scalar x
Partial derivative of scalar y with respect to scalar x
Jacobian matrix J ∈ RN×M of f : RM → RN
2 Multiple Choice [5 points]
(1) Question 1: Review the following chapter linked below to gain some stronger insights into RNNs. [1 point]
(A) I have decided to forgo the reading of the aforementioned chapter on RNNs and have instead dedicated myself to rescuing wildlife in our polluted oceans.
(B) I have completed the optional reading of
(Note the RNN they derive is different from the GRU later in the homework.)
(C) Gravitational waves ate my homework.
(2) Question 2: Read the following materials to better understand how to compute derivatives of vectors and matrices: Computing Derivatives, How to compute a derivative and answer the following question.
Given matrices A ∈ Rm×n,B ∈ Rn×p, and C ∈ Rm×p, and a scalar function f(A,B,C) = (A·B)⊙C, where ⊙ denotes element-wise multiplication, what is the derivative of f(A,B,C) with respect to matrix B? Hint: How to compute a derivative page 5-6. [1 point]
(A) A · CT
(B) CT · (A ⊙ I)
(C) CT · A
(D) AT · C
(3) Question 3: In an RNN with N layers, how many unique RNN Cells are there? [1 point]
(A) 1, only one unique cell is used for the entire RNN
(B) N, 1 unique cell is used for each layer
(C) 3, 1 unique cell is used for the input, 1 unique cell is used for the transition between input and hidden, and 1 unique cell is used for any other transition between hidden and hidden
(4) Question 4: Given a sequence of ten words and a vocabulary of four words, find the decoded sequence using greedy search. [1 point]
probs = [[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], [0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1],
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
[0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2],
[0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
[0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1],
[0.1, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2],
[0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1],
[0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3],
[0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1]]
Each row gives the probability of a symbol at that timestep, we have 10 time steps and 4 words for each time step. Each word is the index of the corresponding probability (ranging from 0 to 3).
(A) [3,0,3,0,3,1,1,0,2,0]
(B) [3,0,3,1,3,0,1,0,2,0]
(C) [3,0,3,1,3,0,0,2,0,1]
(A) I understand.
(B) I do not understand.
(C) Potato
3 RNN Cell
In mytorch/rnn we will write an Elman RNN cell.
Figure 2: The red box shows one single RNN cell. RNNs can have multiple layers across multiple time steps. This is indicated by the two-axis in the bottom-left.
In this section, your task is to implement the forward and backward attribute functions of RNNCell class. Please consider the following class structure. class RNNCell:
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size):
<Weight definitions>
<Gradient Definitions>
def init_weights(self, W_ih, W_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
def zero_grad(self):
<zeroing gradients>
def forward(self, x, h_prev_t): h_t = # TODO return h_t
def backward(self, delta, h, h_prev_l, h_prev_t): dz = None # TODO
# 1) Compute the averaged gradients of the weights and biases self.dW_ih += None # TODO self.dW_hh += None # TODO self.db_ih += None # TODO self.db_hh += None # TODO
# # 2) Compute dx, dh_prev_t dx = None # TODO dh_prev_t = None # TODO return dx, dh_prev_t
As you can see, the RNNCell class has initialization, forward, and backward attribute functions. Immediately once the class is instantiated, the code in init is run. In forward, we calculate h t. The attribute function forward includes:
• As arguments, forward expects x and h prev t as input.
• As an attribute, forward stores no variables.
• As an output, forward returns variable h t
In backward, we calculate gradient changes and store values needed for optimization. The attribute function backward includes:
• As arguments, backward expects inputs delta (graident wrt current layer), h t, h prev l and h prev t.
• As attributes, backward stores dW ih, dW hh, db hh and db ih.
• As an output, backward returns dx and dh prev t.
3.1 RNN Cell Forward (5 points)
Table 1: RNNCell Class Forward Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
input size Hin scalar − The number of expected features in the input x
hidden size Hout scalar − The number of features in the hidden state h
x xt matrix N × Hin Input at current time step
h prev t ht−1,l matrix N × Hout Previous time step hidden state of current layer
h t ht matrix N × Hout Current time step hidden state of current layer
W ih Wih matrix Hout × Hin Weight between input and hidden
b ih bih vector Hout Bias between input and hidden
W hh Whh matrix Hout × Hout Weight between previous hidden and current hidden
b hh bhh vector Hout Bias between previous hidden and current hidden
The underlying principle of computing each cell’s forward output is the same as any neural network you have seen before. There are weights and biases that are plugged into an affine function, and finally activated. But what does the forward pass look like for the RNN cell that has to also incorporate the previous state’s memory?
Each of the inputs have a weight and bias attached to their connections. First, we compute the affine function of both these inputs as follows.
Figure 3: Perceptron (top) versus single layer, single time step RNN cell (bottom)
Affine function for inputs
Wih · xt + bih (1)
Affine function for previous hidden state
Whh · ht−1,l + bhh (2)
Now we add up these affines and pass it through the tanh activation function. The final equation can be written as follows.
ht,l = tanh(Wih · xt + bih + Whh · ht−1,l + bhh) (3)
You can also refer to the equation from the PyTorch documentation for computing the forward pass for an Elman RNN cell with a tanh activation found here: nn.RNNCell documentation. Use the “activation” attribute from the init method as well as all of the other weights and biases already defined in the init method. The inputs and outputs are defined in the starter code.
Also, note that this can be completed in one line of code!
3.2 RNN Cell Backward (5 points)
Table 2: RNNCell Class Backward Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
h t ht,l matrix N × Hout Hidden state at current time step and current layer
x xt matrix N × Hin Input at current time step
h prev t ht−1,l matrix N × Hout Hidden state at previous time step and current layer
delta ∂L/∂h matrix N × Hout gradient wrt current hidden layer
dx ∂L/∂x matrix N × Hin gradient wrt hidden state at current time step and input layer
dh prev t ht−1,l matrix N × Hout gradient wrt hidden state at previous time step and current layer
dW ih ∂L/∂Wih matrix Hout × Hin Gradient of weight between input and hidden
db ih ∂L/∂bih vector Hout Gradient of bias between input and hidden
dW hh ∂L/∂Whh matrix Hout × Hout Gradient of weight between previous hidden and current hidden
db hh ∂L/∂bhh vector Hout Gradient of bias between previous hidden and current hidden
Given (delta) and forward equation
ht,l = tanh(Wih · xt + bih + Whh · ht−1,l + bhh)
calculate each of the gradients for the backward pass of the RNN Cell.
1. (self.dW ih)
2. (self.dW hh)
3. (self.db ih)
4. (self.db hh)
5. ) (returned by the method, explained below)
6. prev t) (returned by the method, explained below)
With the way that we have chosen to implement the RNN Cell, you should add the calculated gradients to the current gradients. This follows from the idea that, given an RNN layer, the same cell is used at each time step. Figure 1 in the multiple choice shows this loop occurring for a single layer.
Note that the gradients for the weights and biases should be averaged (i.e. divided by the batch size) but the gradients for dx and dh prev t should not.
(Also, note that a clean implementation will only require 6 lines of code. In other words, you can calculate each gradient in one line, if you wish)
How to start? Read How to compute a derivative page 13-50 with an example of backprop of LSTM cell!
3.3 RNN Phoneme Classifier (10 points)
In models/rnn implement the forward and backward methods for the RNN Phoneme Classifier.
Read over the init method and uncomment the self.rnn and self.output layer after understanding their initialization. self.rnn consists of RNNCell and self.output layer is a Linear layer that maps hidden states to the output.
Making sure to understand the code given to you, implement an RNN as described in the images below. You will be writing the forward and backward loops. A clean implementation will require no more than 10 lines of code (on top of the code already given).
Below are visualizations of the forward and backward computation flows. Your RNN Classifier is expected to execute given with an arbitrary number of layers and time sequences.
Table 3: RNNPhonemeClassifier Class Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
x x matrix N× seq len ×Hin Input
h 0 h0 matrix num layers×N × Hout Initial hidden states
delta ∂L/∂h matrix N × Hout Gradient w.r.t. last time step output
3.3.1 RNN Classifier Forward
Follow the diagram given below to complete the forward pass of RNN Phoneme Classifier. Zero-initialize h0 if no h0 is specified.
Figure 4: The forward computation flow for the RNN.
Figure 5: The forward computation flow for the RNN at time step t.
3.3.2 RNN Classifier Backward
This question might be the toughest question conceptually, in this homework. However, if you follow this pseudocode and try to understand whats going on, you can complete it without much hassle.
Algorithm 1: Backward Pass for RNN
Input: delta: Gradient w.r.t. last time step output
Output: dx: Gradient of the loss with respect to the input sequence
1 for t ← seq len − 1 to 0 do
2 for l ← num layers − 1 to 0 do
// Get h prev l either from hiddens or x depending on the layer (Recall that hiddens has an extra initial hidden state)
// Use dh and hiddens to get the other parameters for the backward method
(Recall that hiddens has an extra initial hidden state)
// Update dh with the new dh from the backward pass of the rnn cell
3 if l ̸= 0 then
// If you aren’t at the first layer, you will want to add dx to the dh from l-1th layer.
4 end
6 end
// Normalize dh by batch size since initial hidden states are also treated as parameters of the network (divide by batch size)
7 return dh ; // Gradient of the loss with respect to the initial hidden states
The exact same is given in your handout as well. You will be able to complete this question easily, if you understand the flow with the help of the figures 6, 7 and then follow the pseudocode.
Figure 6: The backward computation flow for the RNN.
Figure 7: The backward computation flow for the RNN at time step t.
4 GRU Cell
In a standard RNN, a long product of matrices can cause the long-term gradients to vanish (i.e reduce to zero) or explode (i.e tend to infinity). One of the earliest methods that were proposed to solve this issue is LSTM (Long short-term memory network). GRU (Gated recurrent unit) is a variant of LSTM that has fewer parameters, offers comparable performance and is significantly faster to compute. GRUs are used for a number of tasks such as Optical Character Recognition and Speech Recognition on spectograms using transcripts of the dialog. In this section, you are going to get a basic understanding of how the forward and backward pass of a GRU cell work.
Figure 8: GRU Cell
Replicate a portion of the torch.nn.GRUCell interface. Consider the following class definition. class GRUCell:
def forward(self, x, h_prev_t):
self.x = x self.hidden = h_prev_t self.r = # TODO self.z = # TODO self.n = # TODO h_t = # TODO return h_t def backward(self, delta):
self.dWrx = # TODO self.dWzx = # TODO self.dWnx = # TODO
self.dWrh = # TODO self.dWzh = # TODO self.dWnh = # TODO
self.dbrx = # TODO self.dbzx = # TODO self.dbnx = # TODO
self.dbrh = # TODO self.dbzh = # TODO self.dbnh = # TODO return dx, dh
As you can see in the code given above, the GRUCell class has forward and backward attribute functions. In forward, we calculate h t. The attribute function forward includes multiple components:
• As arguments, forward expects input x and h prev t.
• As attributes, forward stores variables x, hidden, r, z, and n.
• As an output, forward returns variable h t.
In backward, we calculate the gradient changes needed for optimization. The attribute function backward includes multiple components:
• As an argument, backward expects input delta.
• As attributes, backward stores variables dWrx, dWzx, dWnx, dWrh, dWzh, dWnh, dbrx, dbzx, dbnx, dbrh, dbzh, dbnh and calculates dz, dn, dr, dh prev t and dx.
• As an output, backward returns variables dx and dh prev t.
NOTE: Your GRU Cell will have a fundamentally different implementation in comparison to the RNN Cell (mainly in the backward method). This is a pedagogical decision to introduce you to a variety of different possible implementations, and we leave it as an exercise to you to gauge the effectiveness of each implementation.
4.1 GRU Cell Forward (5 points)
Table 4: GRUCell Forward Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
input size Hin scalar − The number of expected features in the input x
hidden size Hout scalar − The number of features in the hidden state h
x xt vector Hin observation at the current time-step
h prev t ht−1 vector Hout hidden state at previous time-step
Wrx Hout × Hin
Wzx Hout × Hin
Wnx Hout × Hin
Wrh Hout × Hout
Wzh Hout × Hout
Wnh Hout × Hout
brx brx vector Hout bias vector for input (for reset gate)
bzx bzx vector Hout bias vector for input (for update gate)
bnx bnx vector Hout bias vector for input (for candidate hidden state)
brh brh vector Hout bias vector for hidden state (for reset gate)
bzh bzh vector Hout bias vector for hidden state (for update gate)
bnh bnh vector Hout bias vector for hidden state (for candidate hidden state)
In mytorch/gru implement the forward pass for a GRUCell using Numpy, analogous to the Pytorch equivalent nn.GRUCell (Though we follow a slightly different naming convention than the Pytorch documentation.) The equations for a GRU cell are the following:
rt = σ(Wrx · xt + brx + Wrh · ht−1 + brh) (4)
zt = σ(Wzx · xt + bzx + Wzh · ht−1 + bzh) (5)
nt = tanh(Wnx · xt + bnx + rt ⊙ (Wnh · ht−1 + bnh)) (6)
ht = (1 − zt) ⊙ nt + zt ⊙ ht−1 (7)
Derive the appropriate shape of rt,zt,nt,ht using the equation given. Note the difference between elementwise multiplication and matrix multiplication.
Please refer to (and use) the GRUCell class attributes defined in the init method, and define any more attributes that you deem necessary for the backward pass. Store all relevant intermediary values in the forward pass.
The inputs to the GRUCell forward method are x and h prev t represented as xt and ht−1 in the equations above. These are the inputs at time t. The output of the forward method is ht in the equations above.
There are other possible implementations for the GRU, but you need to follow the equations above for the forward pass. If you do not, you might end up with a working GRU and zero points on autolab. Do not modify the init method, if you do, it might result in lost points.
Equations given above can be represented by the following figures:
Figure 9: The computation for rt
Figure 10: The computation for zt
Figure 11: The computation for nt
4.2 GRU Cell Backward (15 points)
In mytorch/gru implement the backward pass for the GRUCell specified before. The backward method of the GRUCell seems like the most time-consuming task in this homework because you have to compute 14 gradients but it is not difficult if you do it the right way. This method takes as input delta, and you must calculate the gradients w.r.t the parameters and return the derivative w.r.t the inputs, xt and ht−1, to the cell. The partial derivative input you are given, delta, is the summation of: the derivative of the loss w.r.t the input of the next layer xl+1,t and the derivative of the loss w.r.t the input hidden-state at the next time-step hl,t+1. Using these partials, compute the partial derivative of the loss w.r.t each of the six weight matrices, and the partial derivative of the loss w.r.t the input xt, and the hidden state ht.
Table 5: GRUCell Backward Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
delta ∂L/∂ht vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t ht
dWrx ∂L/∂Wrx matrix Hout × Hin Gradient of loss w.r.t Wrx
dWzx ∂L/∂Wzx matrix Hout × Hin Gradient of loss w.r.t Wzx
dWnx ∂L/∂Wnx matrix Hout × Hin Gradient of loss w.r.t Wnx
dWrh ∂L/∂Wrh matrix Hout × Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t Wrh
dWzh ∂L/∂Wzh matrix Hout × Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t Wzh
dWnh ∂L/∂Wnh matrix Hout × Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t Wnh
dbrx ∂L/∂brx vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t brx
dbzx ∂L/∂bzx vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t bzx
dbnx ∂L/∂bnx vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t bnx
dbrh ∂L/∂brh vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t brh
dbzh ∂L/∂bzh vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t bzh
dbnh ∂L/∂bnh vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t bnh
dx ∂L/∂xt vector Hin Gradient of loss w.r.t xt
dh prev t ∂L/∂ht−1 vector Hout Gradient of loss w.r.t ht−1
The table above lists the 14 gradients to be computed, and delta is the input of the backward function.
How to start? Given below are the equations you need to compute the derivatives for backward pass. We also recommend refreshing yourself on the rules for gradients from Lecture 5.
NOTE: As you compute the above gradients, you will notice that a lot of expressions are
being reused. Store these expressions in other variables to write code that is easier for you to debug. This problem is not as big as it seems. Apart from dx and dh prev t, all gradients can computed in 2-3 lines of code. For your convenience, the forward equantions are listed here:
rt = σ(Wrx · xt + brx + Wrh · ht−1 + brh) (8)
zt = σ(Wzx · xt + bzx + Wzh · ht−1 + bzh) (9)
nt = tanh(Wnx · xt + bnx + rt ⊙ (Wnh · ht−1 + bnh)) (10)
ht = (1 − zt) ⊙ nt + zt ⊙ ht−1 (11)
In the backward calculation, we start from terms involved in equation 11 and work back to terms involved in equation 8.
1. Forward Eqn: ht = (1 − zt) ⊙ nt + zt ⊙ ht−1
2. Forward Eqn: nt = tanh(Wnx · xt + bnx + rt ⊙ (Wnh · ht−1 + bnh))
3. Forward Eqn: zt = σ(Wzx · xt + bzx + Wzh · ht−1 + bzh)
4. Forward Eqn: rt = σ(Wrx · xt + brx + Wrh · ht−1 + brh)
5. Terms involved in multiple forward equations:
(a) Utilize the provided tanh class in without modification. Understand its backward method’s behavior regarding storing and passing the state parameter. Its backward method can work in 2 ways:
i. If backward is called after calling forward, the object already has the tanh value stored inside the self.state instance variable. So, backpropagation can be done without explicitly passing the state parameter to the backward method.
ii. If backward is called without storing forward, self.state won’t be present. Hence, we pass it as an input – the 2nd parameter of the backward method. If you have the output of tanh, you should pass it as the 2nd parameter of backward so that you don’t rely on forward being called by the test before backward.
(b) Consistency in matrix multiplication is crucial for calculating gradients. Ensuring uniformity in the application of matrix operations guarantees accurate and reliable gradient computations, minimizing errors in the backpropagation process.
4.3 GRU Inference (10 points)
In models/char, use the GRUCell implemented in the previous section and a linear layer to compose a neural net. This neural net will unroll over the span of inputs to provide a set of logits per time step of input.
Big differences between this problem and the RNN Phoneme Classifier are 1) we are only doing inference (a forward pass) on this network and 2) there is only 1 layer. This means that the forward method in the CharacterPredictor can be just 2 or 3 lines of code and the inference function can be completed in less than 10 lines of code.
You have to complete the following in this section.
• The CharacterPredictor class by initializing the GRU Cell and Linear layer in the init function
• The forward pass for the class and the return what is necessary. The input dim is the input dimension for the GRU Cell, the hidden dim is the hidden dimension that should be outputted from the GRU Cell, and inputted into the Linear layer. And num classes is the number of classes being predicted from the Linear layer. (We refer to the linear layer self.projection in the code because it is just a linear transformation between the hidden state to the output state)
• Then complete the inference function which takes the following inputs and outputs.
– Input
∗ net: An instance of CharacterPredictor
∗ inputs (seq len, feature dim): a sequence of inputs
– Output
∗ logits (seq len, num classes): Unwrap the net seq len time steps and return the logits (with the correct shape)
You will compose the neural network with the CharacterPredictor class in models/char and use the inference function (also in models/char to use the neural network that you have created to get the outputs.
Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) is a type of neural network output and associated scoring function, for training recurrent neural networks (RNNs) such as LSTM networks to tackle sequence problems where the timing is variable.
In Homework 3 Part 2, for the utterance to phoneme mapping task, you will utilize CTC Loss to train a seq-toseq model. In this part, CTC/, you will implement the CTC Loss based on the ForwardBackward Algorithm as shown in lecture.
For the input, you are given the output sequence from an RNN/GRU. This will be a probability distribution over all input symbols at each timestep. Your goal is to use the CTC algorithm to compute a new probability distribution over the symbols, including the blank symbol, and over all alignments. This is known as the posterior Pr(st = Sr|S,X) = γ(t,r).
Use the (CTC/ file to complete this section.
class CTC(object):
def __init__(self, BLANK=0) self.blank = BLANK
def extend_target_with_blank(self, target):
extSymbols = # TODO skipConnect = # TODO return extSymbols, skipConnect
def get_forward_probs(self, logits, extSymbols, skipConnect):
alpha = # TODO return alpha
def get_backward_probs(self, logits, extSymbols, skipConnect):
beta = # TODO return beta
def get_posterior_probs(self, alpha, beta):
gamma = # TODO return gamma
Table 6: CTC Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
target – matrix (target len,) Target sequence
logits – matrix (input len, len(Symbols)) Predicted probabilities
extSymbols – vector (2 * target len + 1,) Output from extending the target with blanks
skipConnect – vector (2 * target len + 1,) Boolean array containing skip connections
alpha α vector (input len, 2 * target len + 1) Forward probabilities
beta β vector (input len, 2 * target len + 1) Backward probabilities
gamma γ vector (input len, 2 * target len + 1) Posterior probabilities
As you can see, the CTC class consists of initialization, get forward probs, and get backward probs attribute functions. Immediately once the class is instantiated, the code in init will run. The initialization phase assigns the argument BLANK to variable self.blank.
Tip: You will be able to complete this section completely based on the pseudocodes given in the lecture slides.
Figure 12: An overall CTC setup example
1. Extend target with blank Given an output sequence from an RNN/GRU, we want to extend the target sequence with blanks, where blank has been defined in the initialization of CTC.
skipConnect: An array with same length as extSymbols to keep track of whether an extended symbol Sext(j) is allowed to connect directly to Sext(j-2) (instead of only to Sext(j-1)) or not. The elements in the array can be True/False or 1/0. This will be used in the forward and backward algorithms.
The extend target with blank attribute function includes:
• As an argument, it expects target as input.
• As an attribute, forward stores no attributes.
• As an output, forward returns variable extSymbols and skipConnect.
Figure 13: Extend symbols
Figure 14: Skip connections
2. Forward Algorithm In forward, we calculate alpha α(t,r) (Fig.15).
α(t,r) = P(S0…Sr,st = Sr|X) = ytSr X α(t − 1,q)
The attribute for get forward probs include:
• As an argument, forward expects logits, extSymbols, skipConnect as input.
• As an attribute, forward stores no attributes.
• As an output, forward returns variable alpha
Figure 15: Forward Algorithm
3. Backward Algorithm In backward, we calculate beta β(t,r) (Fig. 16), which is defined recursively in terms of the β(t + 1,q) of the next time step.
β(t,r) = P(st+1 ∈ succ(Sr),succ(Sr),…,SK−1|X) = ytSr X β(t + 1,q)
Where succ(Sr) is any symbol that is permitted to come after (in other words, permitted to succeed) Sr and can include Sr. The attribute for get backward probs include:
• As an argument, forward expects logits, extSymbols, skipConnect as input.
• As an attribute, forward stores no attributes.
• As an output, forward returns variable beta
4. CTC Posterior Probability In posterior probability, we calculate gamma γ(t,r) (Fig. 17). The attribute function backward include:
• As an argument, forward expects alpha, beta as input.
• As an attribute, forward stores no attributes.
• As an output, forward returns variable gamma
Figure 16: Backward Algorithm
Figure 17: Posterior Probability
5.1 CTC Loss (25 points)
class CTCLoss(object):
def __init__(self, BLANK=0) super(CTCLoss, self).__init__() self.BLANK = BLANK self.gammas = [] self.ctc = CTC()
def forward(self, logits, target, input_lengths, target_lengths):
for b in range(B):
total_loss = np.sum(total_loss) / B return total_loss
def backward(self): dY = # TODO return dY
Table 7: CTC Loss Components
Code Name Math Type Shape Meaning
target – matrix (batch size, paddedtargetlen) Target sequences
logits – matrix (seqlength, batch size, len(Symbols)) Predicted probabilities
input lengths – vector (batch size,) Lengths of the inputs
target lengths – vector (batch size,) Lengths of the target
loss – scalar – Avg. divergence between posterior. probability γ(t,r) and the input symbols ytr
dY dY matrix (seqlength, batch size, len(Symbols)) Derivative of divergence wrt the input symbols at each time.
5.1.1 CTC Forward
In CTC/, you will implement CTC Loss using your implementation of the forward method.
Here for one batch, the CTC loss is calculated for each element in a loop and then meaned over the batch. Within the loop, follow the steps:
1. set up a CTC
2. truncate the target sequence and the logit with their lengths
3. extend the target sequence with blanks
4. calculate the forward probablities, backward probabilities and posteriors
5. compute the loss
In forward function, we calculate avgLoss. The attribute function forward include:
• As an argument, forward expects target, input lengths, target lengths as input.
• As an attribute, forward stores gammas and extSymbols as attributes.
• As an output, forward returns variable avgLoss.
5.1.2 CTC Backward
Using the posterior probability distribution you computed in the forward pass, you will now compute the divergence ▽YtDIV of each Yt.
Similar to the CTC forward, loop over the items in the batch and fill in the divergence vector.
In backward function, we calculate dY. The attribute function backward include:
• As an argument, backward expects no inputs.
• As an attribute, backward stores no attributes.
• As an output, backward returns variable dY
6 CTC Decoding: Greedy Search and Beam Search
After training your sequence model, the next step to do is to decode the model output probabilities to get an understandable output. Even without thinking explicitly about decoding, you have actually done a simple version of decoding in both HW1P2 and HW2P2. You take the predited class as the one with the highest output probability by searching through the probabilities of all classes in the final linear layer. Now we will learn about decoding for sequence models.
• In CTC/, you will implement greedy search and beam search.
• For both the functions you will be provided with:
– SymbolSets, a list of symbols that can be predicted, except for the blank symbol.
– y probs, an array of shape (len(SymbolSets) + 1, seq length, batch size) which is the probability distribution over all symbols including the blank symbol at each time step.
∗ The probability of blank for all time steps is the first row of y probs (index 0).
∗ The batch size is 1 for all test cases, but if you plan to use your implementation for part 2 you need to incorporate batch size.
After training a model with CTC, the next step is to use it for inference. During inference, given an input sequence X, we want to infer the most likely output sequence Y . We can find an approximate, sub-optimal solution Y ∗ using:
Y ∗ = argmax p(Y |X)
Y We will cover two approaches for the inference step:
• Greedy Search
• Beam Search
Use the CTC/ file to complete this section.
6.1 Greedy Search (5 points)
One possible way to decode at inference time is to simply take the most probable output at each time-step, which will give us the alignment A∗ with the highest probability as:
A∗ = argmaxYpt(at|X)
where pt(at|X) is the probability for a single alignment at at time-step t. Repeated tokens and ϵ (the blank symbol) can then be collapsed in A∗ to get the output sequence Y .
6.1.1 Example
Figure 18: Greedy Search
Consider the example in Figure 18. The output is given for 7 time steps. Each probability distribution has 5 element (4 for each symbol and 1 for the blank). Greedy decode chooses the most likely time-aligned sequence by choosing the symbol corresponding to the highest probability at that time step. The final output is obtained by compressing the sequence to remove the blanks and repetitions in-between blanks. The class is given below.
6.1.2 Pseudo-code
class GreedySearchDecoder(object):
def __init__(self, symbol_set): self.symbol_set = symbol_set
def decode(self, y_probs):
decoded_path = [] blank = 0 path_prob = 1
# 1. Iterate over sequence length – len(y_probs[0])
# 2. Iterate over symbol probabilities
# 3. update path probability, by multiplying with the current max probability
# 4. Select most probable symbol and append to decoded_path # 5. Compress sequence (Inside or outside the loop)
return decoded_path, path_prob
Note: Detailed pseudo-code for Greedy Search can be found in the lecture slides.
6.2 Beam Search (15 points)
Although Greedy Search is easy to implement, it misses out on alignments that can lead to outputs with higher probability because it simply selects the most probable output at each time-step.
To deal with this short-coming, we can use Beam Search, a more effective decoding technique that obtains a sub-optimal result out of sequential decisions, striking a balance between a greedy search and an exponential exhaustive search by keeping a beam of top-k scored sub-sequences at each time step (BeamWidth).
In the context of CTC, you would also consider a blank symbol and repeated characters, and merge the scores for several equivalent sub-sequences. Hence at each time-step we would maintain a list of possible outputs after collapsing repeating characters and blank symbols. The score for each possible output at current time-step will be the accumulated score of all alignments that map to it. Based on this score, the top-k beams will be selected to expand for the next time-step.
6.2.1 Example
Fig. 19 depicts a toy problem for understanding Beam Search. Here, we are performing Beam Search over a vocabulary of {-, A, B}, where ” – ” is the BLANK character. The beam width is 3 and we perform three decoding steps. Table 8 shows the output probabilities for each token at each decoding step.
Vocabulary P(symbol) @ T=1 P(symbol) @ T=2 P(symbol) @ T=3
– 0.49 0.38 0.02
A 0.03 0.44 0.40
B 0.47 0.18 0.58
Table 8: Probabilities of each symbol in the vocabulary over three consecutive decoding steps
Figure 19: Beam Search over a vocabulary / symbols set = {-, A, B} with beam width (k) = 3. (” – ” == BLANK). The blue shaded nodes indicate the compressed decoded sequence at given time step, and the expansion tables show the probability (right column) and symbols (left column) at each time step pre-pended with the current decoded sequence
To perform beam search with a beam width = 3, we select the top 3 most probable sequences at each time step, and expand them further in the next time step. It should be noted that the selection of top-k most probable sequences is made based on the probability of the entire sequence, or the conditional probability of a given symbol given a set of previously decoded symbols. This probability will also take into account all the sequences that can be reduced (collapsing blanks and repeats) to the given output. For example, the probability of observing a ”A” output at the 2nd decoding step will be:
P(A) = P(A) ∗ P(−|A) + P(A) ∗ P(A|A) + P(−) ∗ P(A|−)
This can also be observed in 19, where the sequence ”A” at time step = 2 has three incoming connections. The decoded sequence with maximum probability at the final time step will be the required best output sequence, which is the sequence ”A” in this toy problem.
6.2.2 Pseudo-code
Here’s a skeleton of what you’re expected to implement:
Your function BeamSearch(SymbolSets, y probs, BeamWidth) should accept three arguments:
• SymbolSets: Think of this as your alphabet, the range of all possible symbols that can be produced.
• y probs: This is a tensor containing the probabilities for each symbol at each timestep.
• BeamWidth: This parameter limits the number of partial sequences (or ’paths’) that you keep track of at each timestep.
Consider initializing the beam search with one path consisting of a ’blank’ symbol. At each timestep, iterate over your current best paths. Consider extending each path by every possible new symbol, and calculate the score of the new paths.
Remember, when extending a path with a new symbol, you’ll encounter three scenarios:
1. The new symbol is the same as the last symbol on the path.
2. The last symbol of the path is blank.
3. The last symbol of the path is different from the new symbol and is not blank.
After extending the paths, retain only the best paths, as determined by the ’beam width’.
At the end of all timesteps, remove the ’blank’ symbol if it’s at the end of a path. Translate the numeric symbol sequences to string sequences, sum up the scores for paths that end up with the same final sequence, and find the best overall path.
Remember to return the highest scoring path and the scores of all final paths.
Note: The provided y probs are designed for a batch size of 1 for simplicity. Consider how you might adapt this function to handle larger batch sizes.
You can implement additional methods within this class, as long as you return the expected variables from the decode method (which is called during training). You are also welcomed to try a more efficient way. One of which has the following pseudocode.
Algorithm 2: Efficient Beam Search Algorithm
Input: SymbolSets,y probs,BeamWidth Output: BestPath,MergedPathScores
1 Initialize:
2 BestPaths ← a dictionary, maps a blank symbol path to a score of 1.0
3 TempBestPaths ← an empty dictionary
4 foreach timestep in y probs do
5 Extract the current symbol probabilities;
6 foreach path, score in BestPaths limited by BeamWidth do
7 foreach new symbol in current symbol probabilities do
8Based on the last symbol of path, determine the new path;
9Update the score for the new path in TempBestPaths;
10 end
12 Update BestPaths with TempBestPaths;
13 Clear TempBestPaths;
14 end
// At the end of all timesteps, remove the ’blank’ symbol if it’s at the end of a path
15 Initialize
16 MergedPathScores as an empty dictionary;
17 BestPath ← blank symbol path
21 22
23 24
(Explanations and examples have been provided by referring: class BeamSearchDecoder(object):
def __init__(self, symbol_set, beam_width):
self.symbol_set = symbol_set self.beam_width = beam_width def decode(self, y_probs):
T = y_probs.shape[1] bestPath, FinalPathScore = None, None
# your implementation return bestPath, FinalPathScore
Figure 20: Efficient Beam Search procedure
7 Toy Examples
In this section, we will provide you with a detailed toy example for each section with intermediate numbers. You are not required but encouraged to run these tests before running the actual tests.
Run the following command to run the whole toy example tests
• python3 autograder/toy
You can also debug individual sections of your code by running the following command from the top level directory:
python3 autograder/ test_name
7.1 RNN
You can run tests for RNN only with the following command.
python3 autograder/toy rnn
You can run the above command first to see what toy data you will be tested against. You should expect something like what is shown in the code block below. If your value and the expected does not match, the expected value will be printed. You are also encouraged to look at the test rnn file and print any intermediate values needed.
*** time step 0 *** input:
[[-0.5174464 -0.72699493]
[ 0.13379902 0.7873791 ]] hidden:
[[-0.45319408 3.0532858 0.1966254 ]
[ 0.19006363 -0.32204345 0.3842657 ]]
For the RNN Classifier, you should expect the following values in your forward and backward calculation. You are encouraged to print out the intermediate values in rnn to check the correctness. Note that the variable naming follows Figure 4 and Figure 6.
*** time step 0 *** input:
[[-0.5174464 -0.72699493]
[ 0.13379902 0.7873791 ]
[ 0.2546231 0.5622532 ]]
[[-0.32596806 -0.66885584 -0.04958976]] h_2,1:
[[ 0.0457021 -0.38009422 0.22511855]] h_3,1:
[[-0.08056512 -0.3035707 0.03326178]] h_1,2:
[[-0.57588165 -0.05876583 0.07493359]] h_2,2:
[[-0.39792368 -0.50475268 -0.18843713]] h_3,2:
[[-0.39261185 -0.16278453 0.06340214]]
[[-0.81569054 0.15619404 0.14065858 0.08515406 0.12171953 0.09829506 0.11741257 0.09625671]] dh_3,2:
[[-0.10989283 -0.33949198 -0.13078328]] dh_2,2:
[[-0.19552927 0.10362767 0.10584534]] dh_1,2:
[[ 0.07086602 0.02721845 -0.10503672]] dh_3,1:
[[ 0.10678867 -0.08892407 0.17659623]] dh_2,1:
[[ 0.02254178 -0.10607887 -0.2609735 ]] dh_1,1:
[[-0.00454101 0.00640496 0.14489316]]
7.2 GRU
You can run tests for GRU only with the following command.
python3 autograder/toy gru
Similarly to RNN toy examples, we provide two inputs for GRU, namely GRU Forward One Input (single input) and GRU Forward Three Input (a sequence of three input vectors). You should expect something like what is shown in the code block below.
*** time step 0 *** input data: [[ 0 -1]] hidden: [ 0 -1 0]
Values needed to compute z_t for GRU Forward One Input:
W_zx :
[[ 0.33873054 0.32454306]
[-0.04117032 0.15350085]
[ 0.19508289 -0.31149986]] b_zx: [ 0.3209093 0.48264325 -0.48868895]
[[ 5.2004099e-01 -3.2403603e-01 -2.4332339e-01]
[ 2.0603785e-01 -3.4281990e-04 4.7853872e-01]
[-2.5018784e-01 8.5339367e-02 -2.9516235e-01]]
b_rh: [ 0.05053747 0.27746138 -0.20656243] z_act: Sigmoid activation
Expected value of z_t using the above values:
[0.58066287 0.62207662 0.55666673]
Values needed to compute r_t for GRU Forward One Input:
[[-0.12031382 0.48722494]
[ 0.29883575 -0.13724688]
[-0.54706806 -0.16238078]]
[-0.43146715 0.1538158 -0.01858002]
[[ 0.12764311 -0.4332353 0.37698156]
[-0.3329033 0.41271853 -0.08287123] [-0.11965907 -0.4111069 -0.57348186]]
[ 0.05053747 0.2774614 -0.20656243]
r_t: Sigmoid Activation
Expected value of r_t using the above values:
[0.39295226 0.53887278 0.58621625]
Values needed to compute n_t for GRU Forward One Input:
[[0.34669924 0.2716753 ]
[0.2860521 0.06750154] [0.14151925 0.39595175]]
[ 0.54185045 -0.23604721 0.25992656]
[[-0.29145974 -0.4376279 0.21577674] [ 0.18676305 0.01938683 0.472116 ] [ 0.43863034 0.22506309 -0.04515916]]
[ 0.0648244 0.47537327 -0.05323243]
n_t: Tanh Activation
Expected value of n_t using the above values:
[ 0.43627021 -0.05776569 -0.2905497 ]
Values needed to compute h_t for GRU Forward One Input:
z_t: [0.58066287 0.62207662 0.55666673] n_t: [ 0.43627018 -0.05776571 -0.29054966] h_(t-1): [ 0 -1 0]
Expected values for h_t:
[ 0.18294427 -0.64390767 -0.12881033]
7.3 CTC
You can run toy tests for CTC and CTC loss only with the following command.
python3 autograder/toy ctc
Each function in and ctc will be tested and you will receive scores if you pass or error messages if you fail. Example failure messages are shown below:
Section 4 – Extend Sequence with Blank
Shape error, your shapes doesnt match the expected shape.
Wrong shape for extSymbols
Your shape: (0,)
Expected shape: (5,)
Extend Sequence with Blank: *** FAIL ***
Section 4 – Extend Sequence with Blank
Closeness error, your values dont match the expected values.
Wrong values for Skip_Connect
Your values: [0 0 0 1 1]
Expected values: [0 0 0 1 0]
Extend Sequence with Blank: *** FAIL *** ——————–
7.4 Beam Search
You can run tests for Beam Search only with the following command:
python3 autograder/toy beam search The details of the toy test case is explained in Section 6.2.1.
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