COAL – Computer Organization and Assemble Language (Solution)

$ 29.99


Question 1: Write an assembly program to take a single digit number (1 to 8) from user and verify the factorial of that number in code view
Question 2: Write an assembly program to take two double digit numbers from user and display even numbers in between that range. (e.g. user enters 10 and 20, output will be 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,
Question 3: Write an assembly program to take double digits numbers from user and display the sum of odd numbers in that range. (e.g. user enters 10 and 20, output will be 11+13+15+17+19=75)
Question 4: Write an assembly program to take three single digit inputs from user and sort in ascending order.
Question 5: Write an assembly program take three double digit numbers from user and display the maximum and minimum number.
Question 6: Write an assembly program to take total marks (100) and obtained marks (double digits) of a student for five subjects and display the total marks and percentage (integral part only). [20 marks]
Question 7: A customer went for shopping and bought five different items. You need to write an assembly program to take the prices (double digits) of the items from user then add the prices of all the items and display the total bill of that customer.


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