COMP3711 – Assignment2 (Solution)

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Before doing this assignment, you should already know the following things:
• Operator ++, –
• Using for loop and while loop
• Using if and switch
• Array
• How to use cout
Review Questions
(You should write the answers to the following questions in the same file)
1. Write down the output of the program
int j = 0; while (++j < 9) { cout << j++ << endl;
2. Write a loop that will output from 2 to the power of 1 to 2 to the power of 10. The output should look like: 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024
3. Read the following code. Rewrite it without break and continue // you should run this program yourself first to understand it int line = 0; char ch;
// if there’s any char data unread from the console, the loop will run, and each loop will r
// when character ‘Q’ is read, end the loop while (cin.get(ch)) { if (ch == ‘Q’) break;
if (ch != ‘ ‘) continue;
Hint: your code should look like this:
while (conditions) { if (conditions) { line++;
} }
Programming Exercise
In this exercise, you need to arrange an array of integers in ascending order using selection sort.
The selection sort algorithm sorts an array by repeatedly finding the minimum element (considering ascending order) from unsorted part and putting it at the beginning. The algorithm maintains two subarrays in a given array.
For example: we have array arr = [5,10,6,2,3], and integer i indicating the first i elements are sorted. – i=0: find the min of array from 0 to 4 which is 2, then swap it with the element 0. arr = [2,10,6,5,3] – i=1: find the min of array from 1 to 4 which is 3, then swap it with the element 1. arr = [2,3,6,5,10] – i=2: find the min of array from 2 to 4 which is 5, then swap it with the element 2. arr = [2,3,5,6,10] – i=3: find the min of array from 3 to 4 which is 6, then swap it with the element 3. arr = [2,3,5,6,10] – i=4: find the min of array from 4 to 4 which is 10, then swap it with the element 4. arr = [2,3,5,6,10]
So, basically what you need to do is: 1. define a integer to separate the sorted and unsorted array 2. find the min number inside the unsorted array and put it into the sorted area 3. repeat step2 until all elements are sorted.
Please implement the sorting algorithm in exer2_1.cpp according to the above information, such that the program will output the array in ascending order. For compiling and running the code, using the following commend lines:
# compile
g++ -o exer_run2_1 exer2_1.cpp
# run
Additional Exercise
NO BONUS POINTS, just for fun 🙂
The Rod Cutting Problem description
Given a rod of length n and prices pi for i = 1,…,n, where pi is the price of a rod of length i. Find a way to cut the rod to maximize total revenue. For example, n = 4,pn = {2,5,6,11}. For the length of 4 rod, there are the following cutting methods:
– 4 (11) – 3+1 (8) – 2+2 (10) – 2+1+1 (9) – 1+1+1+1 (8)
So, for rod length of 4 the max revenue will be 11
Another example, n = 4,pn = {3,6,7,11}. For the length of 4 rod, there are the following cutting methods:
– 4 (11) – 3+1 (10) – 2+2 (12) – 2+1+1 (12) – 1+1+1+1 (12)
So, for rod length of 4 the max revenue will be 12
How to Solve the Problem
We will use dynamic programming to solve the problem.
Let ri be the maximum revenue obtainable from cutting a rod of length i. Our goal is finding rn.
For a rod of length n, assume the “first” cut length is j, which leaves a piece of length n − j. And the total value would be pj + rn−j. So, for j from 1 to n, the max value of pj + rn−j would be the max revenue.
Then, how to find ri for all i in {0,1,…,n}? Since rn can be drived from
{r1,…,rn−1}, rn−1 can also be drived from {r0,…,rn−2}. And we already know r0 = 0,r1 = p1, then we can get r2,…,rn.
If you need a more detailed explanation, please read this document from COMP3711 (pseudo code inside :o).
Your Mission
Now you know how to solve the problem, please implement the code in exer2_2.cpp such that the program will output the maximum revenue.
We have provided the skeleton code exer2_2.cpp, you only need to complete the missing part, input and output is already done. For compiling and running the code, using the following commend lines:
# compile
g++ -o exer_run2_2 exer2_2.cpp
# run
If you want to know more about compiling with g++, click here


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