CS102A Spring 22 Assignment 5 Chess Description
Questions and Classes Introduction
Question 1 ChessboardPoint [10 points]
Question 2 ChessComponent [10 points]
Question 3 ChessGame1[30 points]
Question 4 ChessGame2 [50 points]
Leader and Overall Design: ZHU Yueming
Source code: YAN Jiaqin
Junit Design: LI Boyan, XIA Qiqi
Document: DU Penghui
Tester: GUO Denghao
Publisher: WANG Ziming
In this assignment, you need to implement a chess game as following description.
Hint: You must implement all the given classes and methods. Beyond that, you can design any classes and methods you need for assistance. Utilize your creativity to finish this game successfully! O(∩_∩)O
Click Here for a brief overview on chess rules.
Question 1 ChessboardPoint [10 points]
public enum ChessColor { BLACK, WHITE, NONE;
This class helps to maintain chess locations in the game.
Variables to Define: x and y for recording chess location:
private int x; // x: Horizontal location of this chess private int y; // y: Vertical location of this chess ᕒݻ /*
For an example, look at the chessboard below
(Just an example for better understanding, not input format)
xy 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 R N B Q K B N R
1 P P P P P P P P
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6 p p p p p p p p
7 r n b q k b n r
Method to Implement: constructor
public ChessboardPoint(int x, int y)
Setting the parameter value to private fields respectively.
Method to Implement: Two getters
public int getX() public int getY()
Method to Implement: toString.
For an instance, if you have a chess at position (4,2), your toString method is supposed to give a string “(4,2)” (without blank space)
public String toString()
Method to Implement: offset.
You are given the coordinate change in x and y directions respectively as dx and dy. What you need to do is Return a new object of ChessboardPoint type to represent the new coordinate after the move. If this leads a point out of chessboard, return null.
public ChessboardPoint offset(int dx, int dy)
Hints: Do not modify or remove any methods or fields that have been already defined. You can add other methods or fileds that you think are necessary
Remind: For question 1, submit class “ChessColor”, “ChessboardPoint”, and other classes you used for assistance.
Question 2 ChessComponent [10 points]
This class is an abstract class
This class helps to represent all the chess components on the chessboard.
This class provides a rough description for all the chess pieces. Abstract methods should be left in abstract form for further implementation, you don’t need to write codes for them in detail. Variables to Define:
private ChessboardPoint source; // Where the chess is private ChessColor chessColor; // What’s the color protected char name; // What’s the name
Method to Implement: constructor
public ChessComponent()
An none parameter constructor should be defined, even though we do not care whether there is any statement in it.
Method to Implement: canMoveTo
This abstract method tells where this chess piece can move to.
If no ChessboardPoint can be moved to, return an reference of empty List instead of null.
public abstract List<ChessboardPoint> canMoveTo();
Method to Implement: toString
Return the name of current chess piece.
@Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(;
Hints: Do not modify or remove any methods or fields that have been already defined. You can add other methods or fileds that you think are necessary
Remind: For question 2, submit class “ChessColor”, “ChessboardPoint”, “ChessComponent”, and other classes you used for assistance.
Question 3 ChessGame1[30 points]
Before you do this task, you need to declare all concrete chesses. All concrete chess component that inherit the super class ChessComponent , including:
This class provides a rough description for running a chess game. Abstract methods should be left in abstract form for further implementation, you don’t need to write codes for them in detail.
Method to Implement: loadChessGame
void loadChessGame(List<String> chessboard);
Method to Implement: getCurrentPlayer
This abstract method returns the current player. ChessColor getCurrentPlayer();
This abstract method returns the ChessComponent object in the given position.
ChessComponent getChess(int x, int y);
In another word:
List<String> chessboard; chessboard.get(0) equals to “RNBQKBNR”; chessboard.get(1) equals to “PPPPPPPP”; chessboard.get(2) equals to “________”; chessboard.get(3) equals to “________”; chessboard.get(4) equals to “________”; chessboard.get(5) equals to “________”; chessboard.get(6) equals to “pppppppp”; chessboard.get(7) equals to “rnbqkbnr”; chessboard.get(8) equals to “w”;
@Override public ChessColor getCurrentPlayer() { return this.currentPlayer;
public String getChessboardGraph()
This method returns the chessboard status. You should return a 8-rows String in the same format with input chessboard. Use to separate 2 rows. For an example:
# Sample return value (String):
________ ________ pppppppp rnbqkbnr
In another word your return String would be:
“RNBQKBNR PPPPPPPP ________ ________ ________ ________ pppppppp rnbqkbnr ”
public String getCapturedChess(ChessColor player);
This method returns all the captured chess pieces. pieces should be sort by the order of “King>Queen>Rooks>Bishops>Knights>Pawns”.
At the begining of a game, the original count of those chess pieces of King, Queen, Rooks, Bishops, Knights, Pawns are 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 8 respectively, so that the captured chesses are those whose have been lost from chessboard.
For an example, Black player(uppercase) lost 1 queen, 2 rooks;
Q 1
R 2
In another word:
String str = “Q 1 R 2 ”
For an another example, White player(lowercase) lost 4 pawns, then you should output:
p 4
In another word:
String str = “p 4 ”
Method to Implement: getChess
public ChessComponent getChess(int x, int y)
private ChessComponent[][]
This method returns the concrete chess component from
in (x, y) location.
Hints: Do not modify or remove any methods or fields that have been already defined. You can add other methods or fileds that you think are necessary
Remind: For question 3, submit class “ChessColor”, “ChessboardPoint”, “ChessComponent”, “ChessGame” and “ConcreteChessGame”, and any other classes you used for assistance.
In this question, we suggest submit all subclasses of ChessComponent.
Question 4 ChessGame2 [50 points]
public abstract
Before you do this task, You should implement the abstract method
List<ChessboardPoint> canMoveTo();
and return all can move points according to the rules in
concrete chess components respectively, which is to make different chess pieces moves in different ways.
If no ChessboardPoint can be moved to, return an reference of empty List instead of null.
For example: EmptySlotComponent is one of the subclasses of ChessComponent , which has no point to move , so that the implement of canMoveTo method in EmptySlotComponent would be
if( else else
@Override public List<ChessboardPoint> canMoveTo() { return new ArrayList<>();
To simplify this question, you can ignore those four special moves :
Capture the passing way Pawn. (ݰᬦ᪠ܒ)
Swap position if King and Rook. (ฃሴ֖)
Pawn promote to Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight. (ݸݒܒ̵̵ፘ̵Ḙ)
King cannot be defeated, and king cannot capture king ᚆӧሴ҅ਖ਼ᤩᚆӧሴҁݰሴ҂
Method to Implement: moveChess
This abstract method returns whether a chess piece at source can move to target.
Detailed method is shown as follows.
boolean moveChess(int sourceX, int sourceY, int targetX, int targetY);
Method to Implement: getCanMovePoints
This abstract method returns all the points that chess piece at “source” point can move to.
<ChessboardPoint> getCanMovePoints(ChessboardPoint source);
All concrete move rules should be designed in concrete chess components, so that you should finish those two methods by using the theory of polymorphism.
More specifically, in following two methods, do not write down the similar code as follows:
chess instanceof KingChessComponent)
if (chess instanceof QueenChessComponent) if (chess instanceof RookChessComponent) ……
Similar code as below is recommended to design. chess is an reference of ChessComponent and instantiated by its subclasses, so that the subclass invokes the canMoveTo() method is determined to the subclass instantiate the chess .
Method to Implement: moveChess
public boolean moveChess(int sourceX, int sourceY, int targetX, int targetY);
This method tells whether a chess at source position can moves to target position. can = true, can’t = false. If the chess can be moved, then move it and switch the player. Of course, the current player is not moving another player’s pieces.
Empty component has no where to move , so that it returns an empty List (which can be instantiated by ArrayList) instead of null.
Introcude of the method:
Check out whether the current ChessCompent (sourceX, sourceY) match the current player.
If the movement is legal, then move it, switch the chess, and return true.
1. Remember to change the location of two chesses (source and target).
2. Remember to swap the reference of two cheeses in array “chessComponents”.
3. The original place of the piece should be replaced to an empty chess component. If the movement is illegal, then return false, and do not change anything.
Method to Implement: getCanMovePoints
public List<ChessboardPoint> getCanMovePoints(ChessboardPoint source)
This method returns the points that a chess at source point can move to. You are supposed to sort all the points in x-y ascending order. for an example: (1, 1) < (1, 3) < (2, 1)
If no places to go, return an empty List (which can be instantiated by ArrayList) instead of null .
The structure of this method should be:
public List<ChessboardPoint> getCanMovePoints(ChessboardPoint source) {
// 1. find chess according to source // 2. as below statement:
List<ChessboardPoint> canMovePoints = chess.canMoveTo(); // 3.sort canMovePoints by x – y ascending order return canMovePoints;
in this case, to calculate which points can be move to conveniently, you’d better pass the reference of private ChessComponent[][] chessComponents; to each subclass of ChessComponent
Extra hint for question 4:
Do not modify or remove any methods or fields that have been already defined. You can add other methods or fileds that you think are necessary
This can be a big assignment(but not so hard). You will find it helpful to code in elegant way, and
name every class & method & variable normatively.
Hints: Do not modify or remove any methods or fields that have been already defined. You can add other methods or fileds that you think are necessary
Remind: For question 4, submit class “ChessColor”, “ChessboardPoint”, “ChessComponent”, “ChessGame” and “ConcreteChessGame”, and any other classes you used for assistance.
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