10601 – Homework 3 Solved

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Decision Tree, KNN, Perceptron, Linear Regression
TAs: Longxiang Zhang, Subhodeep Mitra, Weng Shian Ho, Jiaqi Liu
Submission Template
Please use this template for submission on Gradescope. You can print this file out and manually fill in the answers and rescan your solution into pdf files (make sure to NOT mix up the page order); but we STRONGLY recommend that you modify the provided โ€HW3 template.texโ€ file directly. Examples on how to modify the LATEX code to answer questions are provided in the next section.
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT forget to answer the collaboration questions in the end, itโ€™s not graded but itโ€™s required!
Examples on Using LATEX Template to Answer Questions
In this section, We provide you LATEX code examples on how to change the .tex file directly to answer questions of different types. Remember, you need to read the .tex file to actually see the codes.
Example: how to select choices for multiple-choie questions (circle and squares)
Select One: Who taught this course? Matt Gormley
# Marie Curie
# Noam Chomsky
Select all that apply: Which are scientists?
Stephen Hawking
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
I donโ€™t know
Example: how to fill in written answers for textbox-style questions.
Fill in the blank: What is the course number?
1 Decision Tree (Revisited) [10 pts]
Will your model be able to do a perfect job (i.e., make no mistakes on studentsโ€™ letter grades of current semester) given enough past records?
Why or why not? Explain your reason briefly (you can use mathematical expressions).
NOTE: Please do not change the size of the following text box, and keep your answer in it. Thank you!
It only use homework grade to predict letter grade which will be not correct. Also, there are three attributes: if a student has submitted all homework; if a student has attained maximum score; if a student has scored 0 in any homework. The results of all of the attribute will be binary. So it can only predict eight results, but the number of letter grade is nine. So it must make mistakes.
2. [2pt] Consider the following 4 ร— 4 checkerboard pattern.

What is the minimum depth of decision tree that perfectly classifies the 4 ร— 4 colored regions, using x and y coordinates as two separate features?
What is the minimum depth of decision trees to perfectly classify the colored regions, using ANY features?
3. [3pt] Ensemble of Decision Tree. Say we have a data set shown below. In total, there are 12 data points, with 6 in label โ€-โ€ and 6 in label โ€+โ€. We would like to use Decision Tree to solve this binary classification problem. However, in our problem setting, each Decision Tree has access to only ONE line. That is to say, our Decision Tree would have access to only one attribute, and so has max-depth of 1.
By accessing this line, the Decision Tree could know (and only know) whether the data point is on the right side of this line or the left side. (Unofficial definition: letโ€™s assume the right side of a line shares the same direction with the green normal vector of that line.)
Finally, please use majority vote strategy to make classification decision at each leaf.

(a). If we train only one Decision Tree, what is the best/lowest error rate? Note that we have in total 12 data points. (Please round to 4 decimal.)

(b). If we could use two Decision Trees, what is the best/lowest error rate? Letโ€™s say, if we have two Decision Trees, then each would predict each data point with label like โ€™+โ€™ or โ€™-โ€™. Then we would like to combine these predictions as the final result. If these two all predict โ€™+โ€™, then the result is โ€™+โ€™. The same with โ€™-โ€™. However, if one predicts โ€™+โ€™ while one predicts โ€™-โ€™, then to break tie, we always choose โ€™-โ€™ as the final result.
(Please round to 4 decimal.)

(c). Now letโ€™s train three Decision Trees as a forest, what is the best/lowest error rate? The ensemble strategy is now the unanimous voting. That is, if every Decision Tree agree, then the final result is positive. However, if one of them has a different answer from the other two, then our prediction is negative. (Please round to 4 decimal.)

4. [2pt] Consider a binary classification problem using 1-nearest neighbors. We have N 1-dimensional training points x1,x2,…xN and corresponding labels y1,y2,…yN with xi โˆˆ R and yi โˆˆ {0,1}. Assume the points x1,x2,…xN are in ascending order by value. If there are ties during the 1-NN algorithm, we break ties by choosing the label of the xi with lower value. Assume we are using the Euclidean distance metric. Is it possible to build a decision tree in which the decision at each node takes the form of โ€œx โ‰ค t or x > tโ€ (t โˆˆ R) such that the tree classifies new points in exactly the same way as the 1-nearest neighbor classifier?
If your answer is yes, please explain how you will construct the decision tree. If your answer is no, explain why itโ€™s not possible.
NOTE: Please do not change the size of the following text box, and keep your answer in it. Thank you!
We could set t equals to (X1 + X2)/2 at first time and split the y1 and the rest of data. The branch of the node will be x less or equal to (X1 + X2)/2 and x greater than (X1 + X2)/2. And then we could set t equals to (X2 + x3)/2 and split the y2 and the rest of data. We keep doing the same thing N-1 times to build a tree.
2 K-Nearest Neighbors [27 pts]
1. [1pt] Consider the description of two objects below:
Object A Object B
Feature 1 3 9.1
Feature 2 2.1 0.7
Feature 3 4.8 2.2
Feature 4 5.1 5.1
Feature 5 6.2 1.8
We can reason about these objects as points in high dimensional space.
Consider the two different distance functions below. Under which scheme are they closer in 5-D space?
(a) Euclidean Distance:
(b) Manhattan Distance:
Select one:
Euclidean Distance
Manhattan Distance

2. [3pt] Consider a k-nearest neighbors binary classifier which assigns the class of a test point to be the class of the majority of the k-nearest neighbors, according to a Euclidean distance metric. Using the data set shown above to train the classifier and choosing
k = 5, what is the classification error on the training set? Assume that a point can be its own neighbor.
Answer as a decimal with precision 4, e.g. (6.051, 0.1230, 1.234e+7) 0.2857
3. [3pt] In the data set shown above, what is the value of k that minimizes the training error? Note that a point can be its own neighbor. Letโ€™s assume we use random-picking as the tie-breaking algorithm.

4. [3pt] Assume we have a training set and a test set drawn from the same distribution, and we would like to classify points in the test set using a k-NN classifier.
(4.1) In order to minimize the classification error on this test set, we should always choose the value of k which minimizes the training set error.
Select one:
(4.2) Instead of choosing the hyper-parameters by merely minimizing the training set error, some people would like to further split the training dataset into two parts: training and validation datasets, and choose the hyper-parameters that lead to lower error on the validation set. How do you think of this method? Justify your opinion with no more than 3 sentences.
Select one:
No good
NOTE: Please do not change the size of the following text box, and keep your answer in it. Thank you!

5. [3pt] Consider a binary k-NN classifier where k = 4 and the two labels are โ€œtriangleโ€ and โ€œsquareโ€.
Consider classifying a new point x = (1,1), where two of the xโ€™s nearest neighbors are labeled โ€œtriangleโ€ and two are labeled โ€œsquareโ€ as shown below.

Which of the following methods can be used to break ties or avoid ties on this dataset? (a) Assign x the label of its nearest neighbor
(b) Flip a coin to randomly assign a label to x (from the labels of its 4 closest points)
(c) Use k = 3 instead
(d) Use k = 5 instead
Select one: a only b only
b,c,d b,d d only
None of the above
1 2.2 3.4 45 2 3.9 2.9 55
3 3.7 3.6 91
4 4.0 4.0 142
5 2.8 3.5 88
6 3.5 1.0 2600
7 3.8 4.0 163
8 3.1 2.5 67
9 3.5 3.6 unknown
Among Students 1 to 8, who is the nearest neighbor to Student 9, using Euclidean distance?
Answer the Student ID only.

7. [3pt] In the data set shown above, our task is to predict the salary Student 9 earns after graduation. We apply k-NN to this regression problem: the prediction for the numerical target (salary in this example) is equal to the average of salaries for the top k nearest neighbors.
If k = 3, what is our prediction for Student 9โ€™s salary?
Round your answer to the nearest integer. Be sure to use the same unit of measure (thousands of dollars per year) as the table above.

8. [3pt] Suppose that the first 8 students shown above are only a subset of your full training data set, which consists of 10,000 students. We apply KNN regression using Euclidean distance to this problem and we define training loss on this full data set to be the mean squared error (MSE) of salary.
Now consider the possible consequences of modifying the data in various ways. Which of the following changes could have an effect on training loss on the full data set as measured by mean squared error (MSE) of salary? Select all that apply.
Select all that apply:
9. [3pt] In this question, we would like to compare the differences among KNN, the perceptron algorithm, and linear regression. Please select all that apply in the following options.
Select all that apply: For classification tasks, both KNN and the perceptron algorithm can have linear decision boundaries.
For classification tasks, both KNN and the perceptron algorithm always have linear decision boundaries.
All three models can be susceptible to overfitting.
In all three models, after the training is completed, we must store the training data to make predictions on the test data. None of the above.
10. [3pt] Please select all that apply about kNN in the following options.
Select all that apply:
Large k gives a smoother decision boundary
To reduce the impact of noise or outliers in our data, we should increase the value k.
If we make k too large, we could end up overfitting the data.
We can use cross-validation to help us select the value of k.
We should never select the k that minimizes the error on the validation dataset.
None of the above.
3 Perceptron [28 pts]
1. [2pt] Consider running the online perceptron algorithm on some sequence of examples S (an example is a data point and its label). Let S0 be the same set of examples as S, but presented in a different order.
True or False: the online perceptron algorithm is guaranteed to make the same number of mistakes on S as it does on S0.
Select one:
2. [3pt] Suppose we have a perceptron whose inputs are 2-dimensional vectors and each feature vector component is either 0 or 1, i.e., xi โˆˆ {0,1}. The prediction function y = sign(w1x1 + w2x2 + b), and
1, if z โ‰ฅ 0
sign(z) =
0, otherwise.
Which of the following functions can be implemented with the above perceptron? That is, for which of the following functions does there exist a set of parameters w,b that correctly define the function. Select all that apply.
Select all that apply: AND function, i.e., the function that evaluates to 1 if and only if all inputs are 1, and 0 otherwise.
OR function, i.e., the function that evaluates to 1 if and only if at least one of the inputs are 1, and 0 otherwise. XOR function, i.e., the function that evaluates to 1 if and only if the inputs are not all the same. For example
XOR(1,0) = 1, but XOR(1,1) = 0.
None of the above.
3. [2pt] Suppose we have a dataset , where x(i) โˆˆ RM, y(i) โˆˆ {+1,โˆ’1}. We would like to apply the perceptron algorithm on this dataset. Assume there is no bias term. How many parameter values is the perceptron algorithm learning?
Select one:
N ร— M
4. [3pt] Which of the following are true about the perceptron algorithm? Select all that apply.
Select all that apply: The number of mistakes the perceptron algorithm makes is proportional to the size of the dataset.
The perceptron algorithm converges on any dataset.
The perceptron algorithm can be used in the context of online learning. For linearly spearable data, the perceptron algorithm always finds the separating hyperplane with the largest margin. None of the above.
5. [3pt] Suppose we have the following data:
x(1) = [1,2] x(2) = [โˆ’1,2] x(3) = [โˆ’2,3] x(4) = [1,โˆ’1]
y(1) = 1 y(2) = โˆ’1 y(3) = โˆ’1 y(4) = 1
Starting from w = [0,0], what is the vector w after running the perceptron algorithm with exactly one pass over the data? Assume we are running the perceptron algorithm without a bias term. If the value of the dot product of a data point and the weight vector is 0, the algorithm makes the prediction 1.
Select one:
6. [3pt] Please refer to previous question for the data. Assume we are running perceptron in the batch setting. How many passes will the perceptron algorithm make before converging to a perfect classifier, i.e., one that does not make false prediction on this dataset?
Select one:
Infinitely many (the algorithm does not converge)
( x, if x โ‰ฅ 0
(x)+ =
0, otherwise
Select one:

8. [3pt] Continuing with the above question, what is the gradient of the correct loss function when the current data we are seeing is x ?
Select one:
(โˆ’y(i)x(i), if
0, otherwise.
(y(i)x(i), if
0, otherwise.
9. [3pt] Please select the correct statement(s) about the mistake bound of the perceptron algorithm. Select all that apply.
Select all that apply:
If the minimum distance from any data point to the separating hyperplane of the data is increased, the mistake bound will also increase.
If the maximum distance from any data point to the origin is increased, then the mistake bound will also increase.
If the maximum distance from any data point to the mean all data points is increased, then the mistake bound will also increase.
The mistake bound is linearly inverse-proportional to the minimum distance of any data point to the separating hyperplane of the data. None of the above.
10. [3pt] Suppose we have data whose elements are of the form [x1,x2], where x1โˆ’x2 = 0. We do not know the label for each element. Suppose the perceptron algorithm starts with ฮธ = [3,5], which of the following will ฮธ never take on in the process of running the perceptron algorithm on the data?
Select one:
4 Linear Regression [35 pts]
1. [3pt] Suppose you have data (x(1),y(1)),…,(x(n),y(n)) and the solution to linear regression on this data is y = w1x + b1. Now suppose we have the dataset
(x(1) + ฮฑ,y(1) + ฮฒ),…,(x(n) + ฮฑ,y(n) + ฮฒ) where ฮฑ > 0,ฮฒ > 0 and w1ฮฑ 6= ฮฒ. The solution to the linear regression on this dataset is y = w2x+b2. Please select the correct statement about w1,w2,b1,b2 below. Note that the statement should hold no matter what values ฮฑ,ฮฒ take on within the specified constraints.
Select one:
w1 = w2,b1 = b2 w1 6= w2,b1 = b2 w1 = w2,b1 6= b2 w1 6= w2,b1 6= b2
2. [3pt] We would like to fit a linear regression estimate to the dataset

with x(i) โˆˆ RM by minimizing the ordinary least square (OLS) objective function:

Specifically, we solve for each coefficient wk (1 โ‰ค k โ‰ค M) by deriving an expression of wk from the critical point = 0. What is the expression for each wk in terms of the dataset (x(1),y(1)),(x(2),y(2)),ยทยทยท ,(x(N),y(N)) and w1,ยทยทยท ,wkโˆ’1,wk+1,ยทยทยท ,wM?
Select one:

3. [3pt] Continuing from the above question, how many coefficients do you need to estimate? When solving for these coefficients, how many equations do you have?
Select one:
N coefficients, M equations
M coefficients, N equations
M coefficients, M equations
N coefficients, N equations
4. [3pt] We are trying to derive the closed form solution for linear regression:
In the following, each row in X denotes one data point and Y is a column vector.
First we take the derivative of the objective function (Xwโˆ’Y )T(Xwโˆ’Y ) with respect to w and set it to zero, arriving at equation (โˆ—).
Then after some algebraic manipulation, we get the solution w . What should equation (โˆ—) be?
Select one:
(Xw โˆ’ Y )TX = 0
(Xw + Y )TX = 0
XTXw + Y TX = 0
Y XTXw + X = 0
5. [1pt] Suppose we are working with datasets where the number of features is 3. The optimal solution for linear regression is always unique regardless of the number of data points that are in this dataset.
Select one:
6. [1pt] Assume that a data set has M data points and N variables, where M > N. As long as the loss function is convex, the regression problem will return the same set of solutions.
Select one:
7. [1pt] Consider the following dataset:
x 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
z 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
y 4.0 7.0 8.0 11.0 17.0
We want to carry out a multiple-linear regression between y (Dependent Variable) and x,z (Independent Variables). The closed-form solution given by w will return the unique solution.
Note: The ith row of X contains the ith data point (xi,zi) while the ith row of Y contains the ith data point yi.
8. [3pt] Identifying whether a function is a convex function is useful because a convex functionโ€™s local minimum has the nice property that it has to be the global minimum. Please select all functions below that are convex functions. Note dom(f) denotes the domain of the function f.
Select all that apply:
f(x) = x,dom(f) = R
f(x) = x3 + 2x + 3,dom(f) = R
f(x) = logx,dom(f) = R++ (the set of positive real numbers)
f(x) = |x|,dom(f) = R f(x) = ||x||2, dom(f) = Rn None of the above.
9. [3pt] Typically we can solve linear regression problems in two ways. One is through direct methods, e.g. solving the closed form solution, and the other is through iterative methods, e.g. using stochastic or batch gradient descent methods. Consider a linear regression on data (X,y). We assume each row in X denotes one input in the dataset. Please select all options that are correct about the two methods.
Select all that apply:
If the matrix XTX is invertible, the exact solution is always preferred for solving the solution to linear regression as computing matrix inversions and multiplications are fast regardless of the size of the dataset.
Assume N is the number of examples and M is the number of features. The computational complexity of N iterations of batch gradient descent is O(MN). When the dataset is large, stochastic gradient descent is often the preferred method because it gets us reasonably close to the solution faster than both the direct method and batch gradient descent. None of the above.
10. [3pt] A data scientist is working on a regression problem on a large data set. After trying stochastic gradient descent (gradient is evaluated on a portion of the data set in each step) and batch gradient descent (gradient is evaluated on the entire data set in each step), the scientist obtained the values of the loss function (in the table below) for the two methods with respect to training time. Note that the same learning rate is used in both cases.
Time in hours Stochastic GD Batch GD
1 102.34 120.12
2 80.45 92.37
3 65.23 73.64
4 56.77 58.23
5 52.33 49.21
6 50.74 45.98
7 49.88 43.64
Select all the choices consistent with this table.
Select all that apply:
The table shows, in practice, that stochastic gradient descent can compute a more accurate gradient direction than batch gradient descent.
Within the first 3 hours, the table suggests that batch gradient descent makes more progress in finding the optimum of the objective function than stochastic gradient descent.
In general, stochastic gradient descent does not necessarily take a descent step in each step. However, stochastic gradient descent takes much less time to evaluate per step. In this table, during the first hour, stochastic gradient descent makes more update steps to the weights while batch gradient descent makes less updates. Hence it is reasonable that using batch gradient descent likely results in a higher value for the loss function (worse performance) than that of stochastic gradient descent at the 1 hour time point.
None of the above.
11. [3pt] Consider the following dataset:
x 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 y 3.0 8.0 9.0 12.0 15.0
If we initialize the weight as 2.0 and bias term as 0.0, what is the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weight w, calculated over all the data points, in the first step of the gradient descent update? Note that we do not introduce any regularization in this problem and and our objective function looks like , where N is the number of data points, w is the weight, and b is the bias term.
Fill in the blank with the gradient on the weight you computed, rounded to 2 decimal places after the decimal point. -23.60
12. [4pt] Based on the data of the previous question, please compute the direct solution of the weight and the bias for the objective function defined in the previous question, rounded to 2 decimal places after the decimal point.

13. [2pt] Using the dataset and model given in question 11, perform two steps of batch gradient descent on the data. Fill in the blank with the value of the weight after two steps of batch gradient descent. Let the learning rate be 0.01. Round to 2 decimal places after the decimal point.

14. [2pt] Using the dataset and model given in question 11, which of the following learning rates leads to the most optimal weight and bias after performing two steps of batch gradient descent? (Hint: The most optimal learned parameters are the parameters that lead to the lowest value of the objective function.)
Select one:
Collaboration Questions Please answer the following:
1. Did you receive any help whatsoever from anyone in solving this assignment? Is so, include full details.
2. Did you give any help whatsoever to anyone in solving this assignment? Is so, include full details.
3. Did you find or come across code that implements any part of this assignment ? If so, include full details.


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