16824 – HOMEWORK2 Solved

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TAs: Ananye Agarwal, Rohan Choudhury, Murtaza Dalal, Russell Mendonca
START HERE: Instructions
• Submitting your work:
– We will be using Gradescope (https://gradescope.com/) to submit the Problem Sets. Please use the provided template only. Submissions must be written in LaTeX. All submissions not adhering to the template will not be graded and receive a zero.
– Deliverables: Please submit all the .py files. Add all relevant plots and text answers in the boxes provided in this file. TO include plots you can simply modify the already provided latex code. Submit the compiled .pdf report as well.
NOTE: Partial points will be given for implementing parts of the homework even if you don’t get the mentioned numbers as long as you include partial results in this pdf.
1 Generative Adversarial Networks (50 points)
We will be training Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) on the CUB 2011 Dataset.
• Setup: Run the following command to setup everything you need for the assignment:
./setup.sh /path/to/pythonenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages
• Question: Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the gan/ folder to complete the implementation of GANs.
• Deliverables: The code will log plots to gan/datagan, gan/datalsgan, and gan/datawgangp.
Extract plots and paste them into the appropriate section below. Note for all questions, we ask for final FID. Final FID is computed using 50K samples, at the very end of training. See the final print out for ”Final FID (Full 50K): ”.
• Debugging Tips:
– GAN losses are pretty much meaningless! If you want to understand if your network is learning, visualize the samples. The FID score should generally be going down as well.
– Do NOT change the hyper-parameters at all, they have been carefully tuned to ensure the networks will train stably. If things aren’t working its a bug in your code.

• Expected results:
– Vanilla GAN: Final FID should be less than 110.
– LS-GAN: Final FID should be less than 90.
– WGAN-GP: Final FID should be less than 70.
1. Paste your plot of the samples and latent space interpolations from Vanilla GAN as well as the final FID score you obtained.
FID: 98.58848398694346

(a) Samples (b) Latent Space Interpolations
2. Paste your plot of the samples and latent space interpolations from LS-GAN as well as the final FID score you obtained. FID: 81.7076792077882

(a) Samples (b) Latent Space Interpolations
3. Paste your plot of the samples and latent space interpolations from WGAN-GP as well as the final FID score you obtained. FID: 49.37464583949486

(a) Samples (b) Latent Space Interpolations
2 Variational Autoencoders (30 pts)
We will be training AutoEncoders and Variational Auto-Encoders (VAE) on the CIFAR10 dataset.
• Question: Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the vae/ folder to complete the implementation of VAEs.
• Deliverables: The code will log plots to different folders in vae. Please paste the plots into the appropriate place for the questions below. Note for ALL questions, use the reconstructions and samples from the final epoch (epoch 19).
• Debugging Tips:
– Make sure the auto-encoder can produce good quality reconstructions before moving on to the VAE. While the VAE reconstructions might not be clear and the VAE samples even less so, the auto-encoder reconstructions should be very clear.
– If you are struggling to get the VAE portion working: debug the KL loss independently of the reconstruction loss to ensure the learned distribution matches standard normal.
• Expected results:
– AE: reconstruction loss should be <40, reconstructions should look similar to original image.
– VAE: reconstruction loss should be <145 (β=1 case).
– VAE: reconstruction loss should be <125 when annealing β.
1. Autoencoder: For each latent size, paste your plot of the reconstruction loss curve and reconstructions.

(a) Loss: latent size 16 (b) Loss: latent size 128 (c) Loss: latent size 1024

(d) Reconstructions: latent size 16 (e) Reconstructions: latent size 128 (f) Reconstructions: latent size 1024
2. VAE: Choose the β that results in the best sample quality, β∗. Paste the reconstruction and kl loss curve plots as well as the sample images corresponding to the VAE trained using constant β∗ and the VAE trained using β annealing scheme with β∗.

(a) Recon. Loss: constant β∗ (b) KL Loss: constant β∗ (c) Samples: constant β∗

(d) Recon. Loss: β annealed (e) KL Loss: β annealed (f) Samples: β annealed
3 Diffusion Models (20 points)
We will be running inference using a pre-trained diffusion model (DDPM) on CIFAR-10.
• Setup: Download our pre-trained checkpoint for DDPM from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gtn9Jv9jBUol7iJw94hw4j6KfpG3SZE/view?usp=sharing.
• Question: Follow the instructions in the README.md file in the diffusion/ folder to complete the implementation of the sampling procedures for Diffusion Models.
• Deliverables: The code will log plots to diffusion/dataddpm and diffusion/dataddim.
Extract plots and paste them into the appropriate section below.
• Expected results:
– FID of less than 60 for DDPM and DDIM
1. Paste your plots of the DDPM and DDIM samples.

(a) DDPM Samples (b) DDIM Samples
2. Paste in the FID score you obtained from running inference using DDPM and DDIM.
DDPM FID: 31.243336221617994
DDIM FID: 35.01378734353398
Collaboration Survey Please answer the following:
1. Did you receive any help whatsoever from anyone in solving this assignment?
• If you answered ‘Yes’, give full details:
• (e.g. “Jane Doe explained to me what is asked in Question 3.4”)

• If you answered ‘Yes’, give full details:


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