Assignment – 15

$ 24.99


1. Write a python script to create a String in 3 different possible ways
2. Write a python script to Get the characters from the start to position 5 (Given String “iNeuron” using the slice syntax)
3. Write a python script to Get the characters from position 2 to position 5 (Given String “Hello Learners” using the slice syntax)
4. Write a python script to demonstrate String Concatenation adding space in between ( Given Strings a=”Learning” b=”Python” )
5. Write a python script to get the count of total number of characters in String a= “iNeuron”
6. Write a python script to reverse a String. (“iNeuron”)
7. Write a python script to determine whether a string contains a specific substring.
8. Write a python script to check if a string contains only numbers.
9. Write a python script to check if a string contains only characters of the alphabet.
10. Write a python script to convert an integer to a string.


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