Assignment – 24

$ 20.99


Classes and Objects
1. Write a python program to create a user class with 3 properties : name, age, email.
2. Write a python program to create a user class with a method to greet the user.
3. Write a python program to create 2 objects of the user class and assign different values.
4. Write a python program to init default values for user object using __init__ method.
5. Write a python program to delete the age property of the user.
6. Write a python program to create 3 user objects and find the youngest of all.
7. Write a python program to create a Laptop class with 4 attributes (brand, ram, cpu, hdd) and 2 methods (showConfig() to print the values, __init__() to initialize the values).
8. WRT 7th Question, create 3 Laptop objects and add them to the list in the sorted order based on the ram size.
10. Define a class Employee with instance object variables empid, name, salary. Write __init__() method in the class to initialize instance object variables. Also define instance methods to input fields and display field values


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