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Linked Lists
Using the following struct (where ‘NODE’ can be called anything you want, except for ‘Node’)
typedef struct NODE { int value; double key1; double key2; struct NODE * next; struct NODE * sort1; struct NODE * sort2;
} Node;

Write a function that takes in an integer and produces a “random” linked list where for each node:
• produce a random int between 0 and 10 stored in value,
• a random double between 10.0 and 50.0 stored in key1
• a second random double between 50.0 and 90.0 stored in key2 • create a linked list, using the next pointer to link the list.
• Set the other two Node * links (sort1 and sort2) to NULL.

Have a pointer called head pointing to the first node in the above linked list

Create a function that traverses the above linked list, following the node->next links, and prints out a node per line using the following format:
< node->value, node->key1, node->key2 >

Create a function that uses the sort1 Node pointer to link the nodes in ascending order according to key1. To do this create a node pointer called sort1_head initially set to NULL.
Traverse the linked list using node->next and insert in sort order using the node->sort1 link as well as the sort1_head, which should be modified if the node is the smallest found so far. Note: node->next links should be left unchanged;
i.e. if followed, the original list order will be traversed.
Create a function that traverses the above linked list, following the node->sort1 links, and prints out a node per line using the following format:
[ node->value, node->key1, node->key2 ]

Create a function that uses the sort2 Node pointer to link the nodes in ascending order according to key2. To do this create a node pointer called sort2_head initially set to NULL.
Traverse the linked list using node->next and insert in sort order using the node->sort2 link as well as the sort2_head, the latter of which should be modified if the node is the smallest so far. Note: node->next and node->sort1 links should be left unchanged;
i.e. if followed, the original list order, or sort order by key1, will be traversed.

Create a function that traverses the above linked list, following the node->sort2 links, and prints out a node per line using the following format:
{ node->value, node->key1, node->key2 }

To test the above functions, write a main that
• Ask the user for an int greater than 5 to determine the number of nodes to be created.
• Create a ‘random’ linked list as specified above linked to using a Node pointer called head.
• Create a node pointer called sort1_head that holds the head node of the above linked list when following the node->sort1 links, which should be in ascending order according to key1 values.
• Create a node pointer called sort2_head that holds the head node of the above linked list when following the node->sort2 links, which should be in ascending order according to key2 values.
• Print out the linked list using o the next links o then the sort1 links o then the sort2 links
• Traverse the next links and for every third node replace the nodes value by its current value times 10 (do not change key1 or key2) .
• Again, print out the linked list using o the next links o then the sort1 links o then the sort2 links

2. Your source code should be properly formatted and meaningful variable names should be used.
3. Your source code should contain brief comments describing the functionality and the major components of each procedure. Any complex structures should also be commented.
4. If you hand in an assignment that does not compile you will get a mark of zero.
5. All work in this course is to be done independently.
7. You should also submit your source code file (.c and .h files) and a makefile to the L3 submission link in the course website. Note: this is not a substitute for in person grading.


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