Focus: I/O and Exception Handling
In this part, you will implement a load/save feature in your game. Start by downloading the starter_code that comes with this assignment then do as required below.
[25 marks] (A) Farm class:
o Add a method void exit(String filename)
• [+4] The method saves the farm data to a file named filename. Farm data includes at least availableFood and animals (i.e. the array with all animal instances)
• [+1] Once saved, display a message that data was saved successfully.
• [+4] If errors (exceptions) happen during the saving process, the method should print an error message. You should have at least two catch statements (one of them is
• [+1] Make sure your code closes the output stream regardless of whether an error happens or not.
• [+2] Implement any required changes in your code (e.g. in other classes) so that this method works.
o Add a method void load(String filename)
• [+4] The method loads the farm data from a file named filename.
• [+1] Once loaded, display a message that data was load successfully.
• [+3] If errors (exceptions) happen during the loading process, the method should print an error message. You should have at least three catch statements (one of them is
• [+4] If filename is not found: in addition to the error message from the above bullet, initialize the game with default values, e.g. availableFood should be 1000, animals array should have 100 spots and 4 animals: a chicken, a cow, and 2 llamas.
• [+1] Make sure your code closes the output stream regardless of whether an error happens or not.
o [+2] The constructor should take one argument for the filename of the farm data, String filename, and loads this file upon creating a new Farm instance. If the file doesn’t exist, an error message should be displayed and the game should be initialized with default values (similar to the above bullet).
[1 mark] (B) Update the FarmTest class with the code given below.
Farm myFarm = new Farm(“stat.dat”); myFarm.printSummary(); for(Animal a: myFarm.getAnimals())
System.out.println(” Available food before feeding: ” + myFarm.getAvailableFood() + ” “);
System.out.println(” Initial list of animals: ————–“); myFarm.printAnimals();
System.out.println(” Adding a clone of the second animal ————–“); myFarm.addClone(myFarm.getAnimals()[1]); myFarm.printAnimals(); myFarm.feedAnimals();
System.out.println(” Available food after feeding: ” + myFarm.getAvailableFood() + ” “);
System.out.println(” After SORTING: ————–“); myFarm.animSort(); myFarm.printAnimals();
System.out.println(” Farm summary: ————–“); myFarm.printSummary(); myFarm.exit(“stat.dat”);
[2 marks] (C) Run FarmTest multiple times and notice how the number of animals increases. Explain why this happens? (write your answer as a comment in FarmTest class).
For this part of the project, you need to do the following:
1- Create a Java project of with any name of your choice.
2- Create a package with the name P3 and write your code within this package.
3- Zip the package P3 and name the zipped file as: YourStudentID_P3. e.g., “1234567_P3”. 4- Submit the zipped file to Canvas.
Note that you can resubmit an assignment one more time, but the new submission overwrites the old submission and receives a new timestamp.
Data loaded from stat.dat.
The farm has:
– 7 animals (1 Chicken, 4 Cows, and 2 Llamas)
– 779.78 units of available food
Llama2 says: I’m STARVING
Llama1 says: I’m hungry
Cow1 says: I’m STARVING
Available food before feeding: 779.7799999999999
Initial list of animals:
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=72.0
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=12.5
Llama1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=46.6
Chicken1: alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=55.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=54.2
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=62.6
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=6.0
Adding a clone of the second animal
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=72.0
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=12.5
Llama1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=46.6
Chicken1: alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=55.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=54.2
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=62.6
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=6.0
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=12.5
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Llama2 ate 9.0 units
Llama2 says: I’m hungry
Llama1 ate 9.0 units
Chicken1 ate 5.0 units
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Cow1 ate 20.0 units
Cow1 says: I’m hungry
Llama2 ate 9.0 units
Llama2 says: I’m hungry
Available food after feeding: 667.7799999999999
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=21.5
Llama2 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=21.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=26.0
Llama1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=55.6
Chicken1: alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=60.5
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=74.2
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=82.6
Cow1 : alive at (0.0,0.0) Energy=92.0
Farm summary: ————– The farm has:
– 8 animals (1 Chicken, 4 Cows, and 3 Llamas)
– 667.78 units of available food Data saved successfully to stat.dat.
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