CS162 – Module

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Compare iterative and recursive implementations of a common algorithm

You will be working with recursive and iterative implementation of Fibonacci Number algorithms. You will be measure the running time of each and compare them.

You do not need to implement the algorithms! Feel free to find the source online, or in a book. Just ensure you cite the source! Here is one site that discusses both versions:


I am not endorsing this site; it is simply the first I found that integrates both.

Before you start write down your expectations.

Then compile and run your program(s). Record your measurements present then with your analysis.

HINT: Start with small values of N.

So far you’ve done double recursion and iteration. At the bottom of this document there is sample code for recursive factorial and tail-recursive factorial functions. Add these functions to your program or write a new program (classes are not required). Insert the timing code and compile and run your program. To take advantage of the tail recursion you’ll need to turn some level of optimization on. Use the man pages on flip or do online research to find out what you need. Compare the results of iteration, tail-recursion, single recursion, and double recursion. Are they what you expected?

HINT: Start with small values of N.

NOTE: An important skill in software development is doing research for ideas or known solutions to problems. In this case the simple searches were done for you. But get in the habit of including citations in the comments for each file! The CodeProject site is a good example of licensing. It is clear that others can use this code as long as they do not claim it as their own. An important point when borrowing code!


Programming style- 10%

Modify the main function to measure the run time of each algorithm- 30%

Save the measured times for analysis- 30%

Analysis and discussion of results- 30%

Code from the slides. Feel Free to use something else.

Not Tail Recursive

public long rfactorial (int n) { if (n == 1) return 1; else
return n * rfactorial(n‐1);

Tail Recursive

public long factorialHelper (int n, int result) { if (n == 1) return result; else
return factorialHelper(n‐1,n*result);
} public long factorial(int n) { return factorialHelper(n,1);


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