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CS2030S Programming Methodology II

1. This assessment paper contains 27 questions and comprises 15 printed pages, including this page.
2. Write all your answers in the answer sheet provided.
3. The total marks for this assessment is 70. Answer ALL questions.
4. This is a OPENBOOK assessment. You are only allowed to refer to hardcopies materials.
5. All questions in this assessment paper use Java 11.
Section I: Java Basics (6 points)
Select the most appropriate answer. If multiple answers are equally appropriate, pick one and write the chosen answer in the answer box. Do NOT write more than one answer in the answer box.
1. (1 point) Consider the following code excerpt:
Building house = new House();
What is the Compile-Time type of house ?
A. Building
B. House C. Object
D. null
E. None of the above.
2. (1 point) Consider the same code excerpt as the previous question:
Building house = new House();
What is the Run-Time type of house after the excerpt above is executed?
A. Building
B. House C. Object
D. null
E. None of the above.
3. (1 point) Which of the following statements is not true about Java?
A. The Java compiler javac compiles Java source to bytecode.
B. Java does not allow multiple inheritance for classes.
C. The Java Virtual Machine executes Java bytecode.
D. Java is a dynamically typed language.
E. All statements about Java above are correct.
4. (1 point) Consider the following code excerpt:
public class A { public int foo(int i) { return i;
public class B extends A { public int foo(int i, int j) { return i + j;
The Java feature that allows both foo in class A and foo in class B to be defined is
A. method overloading.
B. method overriding.
C. method overwriting.
D. method chaining.
E. None of the above.
5. (1 point) Consider the following code excerpt:
Box<String> life = Box.<String>of(“Chocolates”);
The line above compiles without errors. The method of returns a new instance of Box<T> .
Select all terms which correctly describe the method of .
i. A generic method
ii. A class method
iii. A factory method
iv. A constructor
6. (1 point) Consider the following code excerpt:
Point p1 = new Point(1, 1);
Point p2 = new Point(2, 2); Circle circle = new Circle(p1, 3); circle.contains(p2);
What is the target of invocation of the method contains ?
A. p1
B. p2
C. circle
D. null
E. None of the above.
Section II: Polymorphism (8 points)
Consider the following classes:
class A { public void doTask(A a) { }
class B extends A {
public void doTask(A a) { }
public void doTask(B b) { }
class C extends B { public void doTask(C c) { }
class D extends B {
@Override public void doTask(A a) { }
We use the method signature notation doTask(X) , where X is the compile-time type of the parameter, to differentiate the multiple doTask methods defined in a class. Consider the code excerpt:
A a = new A();
B b = new B();
A c = new C();
D d = new D();
7. (2 points) Consider the following code excerpt:
a.doTask(d); Which doTask will be invoked?
A. doTask(A) in class A
B. doTask(A) in class B
C. doTask(B) in class B
D. doTask(C) in class C
E. doTask(A) in class D
F. None of the above.
8. (2 points) Consider the following code excerpt:
b.doTask(c); Which doTask will be invoked?
A. doTask(A) in class A
B. doTask(A) in class B
C. doTask(B) in class B
D. doTask(C) in class C
E. doTask(A) in class D
F. None of the above.
9. (2 points) Consider the following code excerpt:
c.doTask(d); Which doTask will be invoked?
A. doTask(A) in class A
B. doTask(A) in class B
C. doTask(B) in class B
D. doTask(C) in class C
E. doTask(A) in class D
F. None of the above.
10. (2 points) Consider the following code excerpt:
d.doTask(c); Which doTask will be invoked?
A. doTask(A) in class A
B. doTask(A) in class B
C. doTask(B) in class B
D. doTask(C) in class C
E. doTask(A) in class D
F. None of the above.
Section III: Exceptions (4 points)
Consider the following Exception hierarchy and try-catch block:
CException <: BException <: AException
try {
} catch (CException e) {
// Block A
} catch (AException e) {
// Block B
11. (2 points) Which of the above blocks would be executed if method() threw a CException ?
A. Block A and then Block B.
B. Block A only.
C. Block B only.
D. None of the above.
12. (2 points) Which of the above blocks would be executed if method() threw a BException ?
A. Block A and then Block B.
B. Block A only.
C. Block B only.
D. None of the above.
Section IV: Type Inference (6 points)
Consider the following classes:
class Location {} class Country extends Location {} class CityState extends Country {}
13. (3 points) Now, consider the following method:
<T> T largestArea(Array<? extends T> array) {
// method body omitted
Then, consider following code excerpt:
Location l = largestArea(new Array<CityState>(0)); What is T inferred as?
A. Object
B. ?
C. Location
D. Country
E. CityState
F. No possible type satisfies T , it will not compile.
14. (3 points) Now, consider the following method:
<S> S getFurthest(Array<? extends S> p1, Array<? super S> p2) {
// method body omitted
Then, consider following code excerpt:
Location p = getFurthest(new Array<Location>(0), new Array<CityState>(0)); What is S inferred as?
A. Object
B. ?
C. Location
D. Country
E. CityState
F. No possible type satisfies S , it will not compile.
Section V: Type System (9 points)
15. (3 points) Consider the following subtyping relationships:
A2 <: A1
A4 <:
<: A1
A4 A2
A3 A2
A. interface A1 {} class A2 implements A1 {} class A3 extends A2 {} class A4 extends A3 {}
B. interface A1 {} class A2 implements A1 {} class A3 extends A2 {} class A4 implements A1 {}
C. interface A1 {} interface A2 extends A1 {} interface A3 extends A2 {} class A4 implements A3 {}
D. class A1 {} class A2 extends A1 {} class A3 extends A2 {} class A4 extends A1 {}
16. (6 points) Consider the following subtyping between classes B1 , B2 , B3 , and Interface I1 :
<: B2 <: B1
<: I1
Consider the following method in the Box class:
class Box<T> { private T x; private Box(T x) {
this.x = x;
} public static <T> Box<T> of(T t) {
if (t == null) { return null;
} return new Box<>(t);
} } and the following code excerpt:
box = Box.of(new B2());
Give eight possibilties for full marks.
Section VI: OOP Principles (4 points)
Consider the following Java program:
public class BankAccount { double balance;
private void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance;
} }
public class Customer {
BankAccount account = new BankAccount();
public boolean withdraw(double amount) { if (account.balance > amount) { account.balance -= amount; return true;
} return false;
17. (2 points) Does this program follow the principle of information hiding? Explain your reasoning in no more than two sentences.
18. (2 points) Does this program follow the principle of โ€œTell, Donโ€™t Ask?โ€ Explain your reasoning in no more than two sentences.
Section VII: Generics (9 points)
class A<T> {
public T foo() {
return null;
public Object foo() {
return null;
class A<T extends Comparable<T>> {
public void foo(T t) {
public void foo(Object o) {
class A<T extends Comparable<T>> {
public T foo() {
return null;
class B<T> extends A<T> {
public T foo() {
return null;
Section VIII: Method Overriding (7 points)
Inthisquestion, weextendthedefinitionofsubtypingtoatupleoftypes. Giventwotuplesoftypes(S1,S2,..Sm) and (T1,T2,..Tn), we say that
(S1,S2,..Sm) <: (T1,T2,..Tn)
if and only if m = n and Si <: Ti for all 1 โ‰ค i โ‰ค m.
We can treat the types of the parameters to a method as a tuple of types. For example, the types of the parameters of method
void foo(Object o, Number n) { } can be treated as the tuple ( Object , Number ). With the new definition, we can say whether the parameters of one method is a subtype of the parameters of the other methods.
A community of programmers have come together to build a new object-oriented programming language called NeoJava, which follows the syntax and behaviour of Java but, being a new language, NeoJava can forgo backward compatibility constraints that has bugged Java. NeoJava now accepts proposals to change the behavior of the language.
Now, consider the rules of method overriding in the current version of Java. A method m1 defined in class
A is overridden by a method m2 in class B (which is a subclass of A ) if m2 and m1 has the same method signature and the return type of m2 is a subtype of the return type of m1.
22. (5 points) AhKowwouldliketomakeoverridinginNeoJavamoreflexiblethanJava, andwrotethefollowing proposal to the NeoJava Design Committee.
โ€I would like to propose that we relax the rule on method overriding, and allow a method m1 defined in class A to be overriden by a method m2 in class B (which is a subclass of A ) as long as (i) m2 and m1 has the same name; (ii) the return type of m2 is a subtype of the return type of m1, and (iii) the parameters of m2 is a subtype of the parameters of m1.โ€
Ah Kow gave the following example, which would be compile under his proposal:
class A {
void f(A a1, A a2) {
class B extends A {
void f(B b1, B b2) {
The committee rejected Ah Kowโ€™s proposal outright.
Which principle does Ah Kowโ€™s proposal violate? Explain your answer with an example of how the classes written by Ah Kowโ€™s above could be used.
23. (2 points) Undeterred, Ah Kow submit a new proposal, changing from โ€subtypeโ€ to โ€supertypeโ€ in condition (iii):
โ€I would like to propose that we relax the rule on method overriding, and allow a method m1 defined in class A to be overriden by a method m2 in class B (which is a subclass of A ) as long as (i) m2 and m1 has the same name; (ii) the return type of m2 is a subtype of the return type of m1, and (iii) the parameters of m2 is a supertype of the parameters of m1.โ€
Ah Kow gave the following new example, which would be compile under his new proposal:
class A {
void f(A o1, B o2) {
class B extends A {
@Override void f(Object a1, Object a2) {
Does it still violate the same principle as his previous proposal violates? Explain in no more than two sentences.
Section IX: Type Checking (9 points)
Consider the following code excerpt:
class Store<T> { T x; void keep(T x) {
this.x = x;
T get() { return this.x;
Store<String> stringStore = new Store<>(); Store store = stringStore; store.keep(123); // Line A
String s = stringStore.get(); // Line B
25. (3 points) What will happen during run time in Line A? Explain your answer in no more than two sentences.
26. (3 points) What will happen during run time in Line B? Explain your answer in no more than two sentences.
Section X: Stack and Heap (8 points)
27. (8 points) Consider the following Java classes:
class Winner { private int raffleNumber;
public Winner(int raffleNumber) { this.raffleNumber = raffleNumber;
class Raffle { private Winner winner;
public Raffle(Winner winner) { this.winner = winner;
public void changeWinner(Winner newWinner) { this.winner = newWinner;
// Line A
Now consider the following code excerpt from a programโ€™s main method.
int num = 2;
Raffle firstRaffle = new Raffle(new Winner(num)); Raffle secondRaffle = new Raffle(new Winner(2)); num += 1;
secondRaffle.changeWinner(new Winner(num));


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