CS2610: Computer Organization and Architecture Lab

$ 24.99


Objective: Designing a cache simulator

Input: Cache size in Bytes; Block size in Bytes; Associativity: 0 for fully associative, 1 for direct-mapped, 2/4/8/16/32 for set-associative; Replacement Policy: 0 for random, 1 for LRU, 2 for Pseudo-LRU; File containing memory traces (each entry containing 8-digit Hex-decimal number).

Output: (to be written into a file) Cache Size; Block Size; Type of Cache (fully associative/set-associative/direct-mapped); Replacement Policy; Number of Cache Accesses; Number of Read Accesses; Number of Write Accesses; Number of Cache
Misses; Number of Compulsory Misses; Number of Capacity Misses; Number of
Conflict Misses; Number of Read Misses; Number of Write Misses; Number of Dirty Blocks Evicted;

Methodology: Note that the cache size and the block size must be in the form 2n, for some n. Given the sizes of the cache and block, compute the number of blocks. Define a struct cacheBlock consisting of tag, valid bit, dirty bit, and pointer to a cache block. Based on the associativity, compute the number of sets. Create a set using a linked-list of cache blocks. In the cache of LRU policy, whenever a cache block is accessed, bring it to the head of the corresponding linked-list, and a block at the end of the linked-list is considered for victim selection. In a set, if there is an invalid block, give priority for it to be selected as a victim block whenever a new block needs to be brought into the cache. To compute the number of capacity misses, consider fully-associative cache only. Note that the most significant bit in an 8-digit Hex number indicates whether the request is a read or write (0 for read and 1 for write).


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