Goal: This is the third in a series of labs that will build an interpreter for Scheme. In this lab we will add the let special form.
Unit tests: At a minimum, your program must pass the unit tests found in the file lab05-test.rkt. Place this file in the same folder as your program, and run it; there should be no output. Include your unit tests in your submission.
Let: The special form let has the following syntax, with a typical example shown at right. It consists of a list beginning with the symbol let, then a list of symbol-value lists, and finally a single expression. You will expand your evaluate-special-form function to handle this case, and also add code to the special-form? boolean to recognize a let form. No other changes need be made to your interpreter.
(let ((sym1 exp1)
(sym2 exp2)
… )
expr) (let ((x (+ 2 2))
(y x)
(z (* 3 3)))
(+ a x y z))
To evaluate this form, in an environment e1, we evaluate all the forms, exp1, exp2, … in the environment e1. Note that this means y will get the value x had in e1, not 4. Let’s say that in e1x had the value 10 and a had the value 20.
We now have a list of variables, (x y z), and a list of values, (4 10 9). We make a new environment by appending these variables and their values to the front of e1.
The single expression at the end of a let form is now evaluated in this new, extended environment. Thus, the final value will be (+ a x y z) => (+ 20 4 10 9) => 43. Make sure you understand this example before proceeding.
It is also important to understand that this new, extended environment, is only used to evaluate the expr embedded in the let form. After the let form is evaluated, you go back to using the old environment. For example:
(let ((x 10)) (+ (let ((x 20)) (+ x x)) x)) => 50
In this example, we bind x to 10, then create a local environment in which x is bound to 20, in this new environment we evaluate (+ x x) to get 40, and then, outside of the new environment we evaluate x again, getting 10, which is added to 40 to get 50. A slightly trickier example is this:
(let ((x 10)) (+ (let ((x (+ x x))) (+ x x)) x))
What do you think this will evaluate to? Enter it into the Racket interpreter to see if you really understand. Your interpreter should get the same result.
In your implementation, all this tricky scoping will be handled by the fact that the extended environment in the let form is only used to evaluate the included expr. It should not be visible outside of handling the let form.
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