CSE325 – Solved

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Assignment Overview

This assignment focuses on system-level programming in a Linux environment. You will design and implement the C++ program which copies the contents of one file to another file, as described below.

Assignment Deliverables

The deliverables for this assignment are the following files:

proj03.makefile – the makefile which produces proj03 proj03.student.cpp – the source code file for your solution

Assignment Specifications

1. The purpose of the program is to copy the contents of one file (the source file) to another file (the destination file). The user will interact with the program through command line arguments.

a) The program will process the command line arguments from left to right, and it will process all command line arguments before manipulating the source file or the destination file.

b) If an argument begins with the character ‘-‘, it will be processed as an option which controls the behavior of the program. Valid options are “-b”, “-a” and “-t” (defined below).

c) If an argument does not begin with the character ‘-‘, it will be processed as a file name. Exactly two file names must be provided by the user, with the source file listed first and the destination file listed second.

2. The program will use the following functions to manage the files:

int open( const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode ); int close( int fd );

3. The program will use the following functions to perform input and output operations on the files:

ssize_t read( int fd, void *buf, size_t count ); ssize_t write( int fd, const void *buf, size_t count );

The size of the buffers associated with those functions will be determined by the “-b” option.

4. The program will recognize the following options:

a) The option “-b” will be followed by a separate command-line argument which indicates the size of the buffer (in bytes) to be used while processing the source file and the destination file. The default buffer size will be 64 bytes.

b) The option “-a” option will cause the program to append the source file to the end of an existing destination file.

c) The option “-t” option will cause the program to truncate an existing destination file, and then copy the source file into the destination file.

d) If neither the option “-a” nor the option “-t” is selected by the user, an existing destination file will not be altered.

e) The options “-a”, and “-t” will have no impact on a destination file which does not exist when the program begins execution (the program will always attempt to create a destination file which does not exist).

5. The program will minimize the number of calls to function “write”, within the constraints imposed by the size of the buffer.

6. The program will include appropriate logic to handle exceptional cases and errors.

Assignment Notes

1. As stated above, your source code file will be named “proj03.student.cpp” and you must use “g++” to translate your source code file in the CSE Linux environment.

2. The purpose of the program is to copy the contents of the source file to the destination file using the “read()” and “write()” system calls. Consider the following example, where “infile” contains 150 bytes and “outfile” does not exist:

proj03 infile outfile

Since no program options are specified, the defaults will be used (including a buffer size of 64 bytes). The program will call function “read()” four times and function “write()” three times to transfer the 150 bytes from “infile” to “outfile” (reading and writing 64 bytes, reading and writing 64 bytes, reading and writing 22 bytes, reading 0 bytes).

3. As stated above, the command line arguments will be processed from left to right. Consider the following examples, where “fileA” and “fileB” both exist and can be accessed by the user:

proj03 fileA -a fileB -b 256 proj03 –b 256 -a fileA fileB proj03 fileA fileB –b 256 -a

All three commands will have the same effect: the program will use a buffer size of 256 bytes, and will append the contents of the source file (“fileA”) to the end of the destination file (“fileB”).

4. Each command line argument is constructed as a low-level character string (array of type “char”, with a terminating null byte). If you prefer to process a command line argument as a C++ string class object, you should consider converting the low-level character string. For example:

string prog = string( argv[0] );

5. Information about the four system calls you will use for the project is available in section 2 of the “man” utility:

man 2 open man 2 close man 2 read man 2 write
6. The second argument to function “open” allows you to control the behavior of that function. Some combination of one or more of the following might be useful: O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_APPEND, O_TRUNC.

7. The third argument to function “open” allows you to control the file permissions associated with a file which is being created. You would be wise to use S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR (or the equivalent) so that you can examine the contents of any new files which your program creates. Otherwise, you will have to use the “chmod” command with each file to change the file permissions for that file.


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