ECE352 – Lab 6 Preparation and Quiz (3 marks) Solved

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1. How do you tell the JTAG UART to send read interrupts?
Enable interrupt on the peripheral. (set CSR.bit0 = 1, ERI for UART)
Unmask the IRQ line corresponding to the peripheral on the processor. (set ctl3.bit8 = 1, IRQ8 for UART)
Enable interrupts globally in the processor. (set ctl0.bit0 = 1)
2. How do you tell the timer to send timeout interrupts?
Enable interrupt on the peripheral. (set timer control register.bit0 = 1)
Unmask the IRQ line corresponding to the peripheral on the processor. (set clt3.bit0 = 1, IRQ0 for timer)
Enable interrupts globally in the processor. (set ctl0.bit0 = 1)
3. How do you tell the processor to accept interrupts from both Timer1 and the terminal JTAG
Unmask the IRQ lines corresponding to the peripherals on the processor. (set clt3.bit0 = 1 and clt3.bit8 = 1; IRQ0 for timer, IRQ8 for UART)
Enable interrupts globally in the processor. (set ctl0.bit0 = 1)
4. Write a line of code to adjust ea before returning from the interrupt handler so that the aborted instruction will be re-executed.
subi ea, ea, 4
5. Which registers must you backup before overwriting inside an interrupt handler?
Whichever registers are used inside the interrupt handler. Anything except ea

6. If you want to call a function implemented in C from inside your interrupt handler, which registers must you back up?
caller-saved registers (r2-r15), and ra, since the interrupt handler is the caller
7. Write a simple test program to blink an LED with a period of 1 second using timer interrupts.
.section .exceptions, “ax” handler:
addi sp, sp, -8 # save r9/r10
stw r9, 0(sp) stw r10, 4(sp) movia r9, 0xFF200000 # leds io addr ldwio r10, 0(r9) # read LEDs xori r10, r10, 1 # blink LED0 stwio r10, 0(r9) # store to LEDs movia r9, 0xFF202000 # timer io addr
stwio r0, 0(r9) # clear timer
subi ea, ea, 4
ldw r9, 0(sp) # recover r9/r10
ldw r10, 4(sp) addi sp, sp, 8
.global _start
_start: init:
movia sp, 0x17fff80
movia r8, 0xFF202000 # timer IO addr
movi r2, 1
stwio r2, 4(r8) # enable read interrupt on timer1 wrctl ctl0, r2 # enable interrupts globally wrctl ctl3, r2 # enable IRQ0 for timer1 movia r3, 100000000 # 1 second with 100MHz clock srli r4, r3, 16 # upper 16-bits of r3 are in r4 stwio r4, 12(r8) # store upper bits of period stwio r3, 8(r8) # store lower bits of period ori r2, r2, 0b10
movia r5, 7
stwio r5, 4(r8) # set timer to count mode, automatic restart
fever: # filler code, waiting for interrupt
movia r11, 0xFF202000 # timer io addr
ldwio r13, 16(r11) # read snapshot timer br fever .end
8. Write a simple test program to echo characters on the terminal JTAG UART using read interrupts.
.equ JTAG_UART_BASE, 0xFF201000
.equ JTAG_UART_RR, 0
.equ JTAG_UART_TR, 0
.global _start _start:
movia sp, 0x17fff80 # initiate sp movia r8, JTAG_UART_BASE # UART IO addr movi r2, 1 stwio r2, JTAG_UART_CSR(r8) # enable read interrupt on UART
wrctl ctl0, r2 movi r2, 0x100 # enable interrupts globally
wrctl ctl3, r2 # enable IRQ8 for UART
movia r8, JTAG_UART_BASE # UART IO addr ldwio r2, JTAG_UART_CSR(r8) # read CSR br fever
.section .exceptions, “ax” handler:
addi sp, sp, -12 # save r9/r10/r11 stw r9, 0(sp) stw r10, 4(sp) stw r11, 8(sp) movia r9, JTAG_UART_BASE
ldwio r10, JTAG_UART_RR(r9) # read RR
#andi r10, r10, 0xff # character received, copy lower 8 bits wait:
ldwio r11, JTAG_UART_CSR(r9) # read CSR srli r11, r11, 16 # keep only the upper 16 bits
beq r2, r0, wait # if upper 16 bits are zero keep trying
stwio r10, JTAG_UART_TR(r9) # place it in the output FIFO
ldw r9, 0(sp) # recover r9/r10
ldw r10, 4(sp)
ldw r11, 8(sp)
addi sp, sp, 12
subi ea, ea, 4 # make sure we execute instruction interrupted
eret # return from interrupt
9. Enhance your solution to Lab 5 to display speed and sensor state over the JTAG UART, as described above. Use interrupts both to read from the terminal JTAG UART and to check the Timer for a timeout.
.equ JTAG_UART_BASE, 0xFF201000
.equ JTAG_UART_RR, 0
.equ JTAG_UART_TR, 0
.equ TIMER1_BASE, 0xFF202000
.equ TIMER1_SR, 0
.equ TIMER1_CR, 4
.section .reset, “ax”
movia sp, 0x17fff80 /* initialize stack */ movia ra, _start ret
.section .exceptions, “ax”
.align 2
handler: # PROLOGUE
subi sp, sp, 12 # we will be saving two registers on the stack stw r9, 0(sp) # save r9 stw r10, 4(sp) # save r10 stw r11, 8(sp) # save r11
movia r9, JTAG_UART_BASE
ldwio r10, JTAG_UART_CSR(r9) # read the status register andi r10, r10, 0x100 # is 8th bit 1 because of UART interrupt? beq r10, r0, TIMER_INT # if not then it must be the timer
UART_INT: # changes modes between “s” and “r” via r19 movia r9, JTAG_UART_BASE
ldwio r10, JTAG_UART_RR(r9) # read RR andi r10, r10, 0xff # character received, copy lower 8 bits wait:
ldwio r11, JTAG_UART_CSR(r9) # read CSR
srli r11, r11, 16 # keep only the upper 16 bits
beq r2, r0, wait # if upper 16 bits are zero keep trying movia r11, 0x73 beq r10, r11, S_MODE R_MODE:
movia r19, 1
br epilogue # done, go to the epilogue S_MODE:
movia r19, 0 br epilogue # done, go to the epilogue
TIMER_INT: # gets reading, displays it, r3 = sensor, r6 = speed movia r9, TIMER1_BASE # timer io addr
stwio r0, 0(r9) # clear timer
movia r9, JTAG_UART_BASE movia r11, 0x1b stwio r11, 0(r9) movia r11, 0x5b stwio r11, 0(r9) movia r11, 0x32 stwio r11, 0(r9)
movia r11, 0x4b
stwio r11, 0(r9) # clear line
movia r11, 0x1b stwio r11, 0(r9) movia r11, 0x5b stwio r11, 0(r9)
movia r11, 0x48
stwio r11, 0(r9) # move cursor home
bne r0, r19, SENSOR_MODE # check mode and go to appropriate place br SPEED_MODE
SENSOR_MODE: # r19 = 0, display r3
movia r9, JTAG_UART_BASE # r9 now contains the base address of other JTAG
CONVERSION: add r10, r3, r0
Srli r10, r10, 4
Movia r11, 0xF
# top 4 bits of input into r10
And r10, r10, r11
Movia r11, 0xA
Blt r10, r11, number2
Br letter2
Addi r10, r10, 0x30 Br display2 letter2:
subi r10, r10, 9
Addi r10, r10, 0x40 Br display2 display2:
stwio r10, 0(r9) # Write top 4 bits of r10 to the JTAG
# bottom 4 bits of input into r10
Movia r11, 0xF
And r10, r3, r11
Movia r11, 0xA
Blt r10, r11, number
Br letter
Addi r10, r10, 0x30
Br display
subi r10, r10, 9
Addi r10, r10, 0x40
Br display
stwio r10, 0(r9) # Write bottom 4 bits of r10 to the JTAG
br epilogue
SPEED_MODE: # r19 = 1, display r6
movia r9, JTAG_UART_BASE # r9 now contains the base address of other JTAG
CONVERSION2: add r10, r6, r0
Srli r10, r10, 4
Movia r11, 0xF
# top 4 bits of input into r10
And r10, r10, r11
Movia r11, 0xA
Blt r10, r11, number4 Br letter4
Addi r10, r10, 0x30 Br display4 letter4:
subi r10, r10, 9
Addi r10, r10, 0x40 Br display4 display4:
stwio r10, 0(r9) # Write top 4 bits of r10 to the JTAG
# bottom 4 bits of input into r10
Movia r11, 0xF
And r10, r6, r11
Movia r11, 0xA
Blt r10, r11, number3
Br letter3
Addi r10, r10, 0x30 Br display3 letter3:
subi r10, r10, 9 Addi r10, r10, 0x40 Br display3 display3:
stwio r10, 0(r9) # Write bottom 4 bits of r10 to the JTAG
br epilogue
epilogue: # EPILOGUE
ldw r9, 0(sp) # restore r5 ldw r10, 4(sp) # restore r2 ldw r11, 8(sp) # restore r2
addi sp, sp, 12 # we will be saving two registers on the stack subi ea, ea, 4 # make sure we execute the instruction that was interrupted
eret # return from interrupt
.global _start _start:
movia sp, 0x17ff80 # initiate sp
# interrupt setup
movia r8, JTAG_UART_BASE # UART IO addr
movia r10, TIMER1_BASE # timer IO addr
movi r2, 1
stwio r2, JTAG_UART_CSR(r8) # enable read interrupt on UART
stwio r2, TIMER1_CR(r10) # enable read interrupt on timer
movi r2, 0x101 # bits for IRQ0 and IRQ8 wrctl ctl3, r2 # enable and IRQ0 IRQ8 for timer and UART wrctl ctl0, r2 # enable interrupts globally
# timer setup
movia r3, 100000000 # 1 second with 100MHz clock srli r4, r3, 16 # upper 16-bits of r3 are in r4 stwio r4, 12(r10) # store upper bits of period stwio r3, 8(r10) # store lower bits of period
movia r5, 7
stwio r5, 4(r10) # set timer to count mode, automatic restart
# copy code from previous lab here
Register allocation: r2 – used to help get sensor reading in r3 r3 – sensor reading
r4 – parameter into ACC_CONTROL, sets acceleration to that value r5 – parameter into STEER_CONTROL, sets steering to that value r6 – speed reading
r7 – used to store the UART address
r8 – used to request a sensor reading by writing 0x2 to UART
r9 – used to request a sensor reading by writing 0x2 to UART r10 – used for comparing steering values
r11 – error register (if there is a weird sensor reading) r16 – callee saved registers used in helper functions r17 – callee saved registers used in helper functions r18 – callee saved registers used in helper functions
r19 – global variable, display mode for lab 6. 0 = sensor, 1 = speed */
movia sp, 0x17fff80 # initialise stack pointer
movia r2, 0x0 movia r3, 0x0 movia r4, 0x0 movia r5, 0x0 movia r7, 0x10001020 movia r8, 0x0 movia r9, 0x0 movia r10, 0x0 movia r11, 0x0 movia r16, 0x0 movia r17, 0x0 movia r18, 0x0
movi r5, 0x00 call STEER # reset all regs
call WORLDRESET # reset UART
movi r4, 0x7F # high initial acceleration
call ACC_CONTROL encounters first corner # set an initial acceleration until car
# Main Function Loop ReadSensorsAndSpeed:
# Request a reading
ldwio r8, 4(r7) /* Load from the JTAG */
srli r8, r8, 16 /* Check only the write available bits */
beq r8, r0, MAIN_WRITE_POLL /* If this is 0 (branch true), data cannot be sent */ movui r9, 0x2 /* packet type is 2 (sensor)*/ stwio r9, 0(r7) /* Write the byte to the JTAG */
# Parse the reading
ldwio r2, 0(r7) /* Load from the JTAG */ andi r3, r2, 0x8000 /* Mask other bits */
beq r3, r0, MAIN_READ_POLL /* If this is 0 (branch true), data is not valid
*/ andi r3, r2, 0x00FF /* Data read is now in r3 */
ldwio r2, 0(r7) /* Load from the JTAG */ andi r6, r2, 0x8000 /* Mask other bits */
beq r6, r0, MAIN_READ_POLL2 /* If this is 0 (branch true), data is not valid
andi r6, r2, 0x00FF /* Data read is now in r6 */
# Compare scenarios
movi r10, 0x1f beq r3, r10, AllOnTrack # if sen = 0x1f, br all on track
movi r10, 0x1e
beq r3, r10, LeftOffTrack # if sen = 0x1e, br left on track
movi r10, 0x1c
beq r3, r10, TwoLeftOffTrack # if sen = 0x1c, br two left off track
movi r10, 0x0f
beq r3, r10, RightOffTrack # if sen = 0x0f, br right off track
movi r10, 0x07
beq r3, r10, TwoRightOffTrack # if sen = 0x07, br two right off track
br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
# Scenarios
AllOnTrack: # sensors are 0x1f = all sensors on track, steer straight movi r5, 0x00 call STEER movi r20, 30 bgt r6, r20, OVER movi r20, 20 blt r6, r20, BELOW
movi r4, 100 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
LeftOffTrack: # sensors are 0x1e = leftmost sensor off track, turn right by sending 0x32 = 50 to steering movi r5, 50 call STEER movi r20, 30 bgt r6, r20, OVER movi r20, 20 blt r6, r20, BELOW
movi r4, -60 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
TwoLeftOffTrack:# sensors are 0x1c = 2 leftmost sensors off track, turn hard right by sending 0x64 = 100 to steering movi r5, 127 call STEER movi r20, 30 bgt r6, r20, OVER movi r20, 20 blt r6, r20, BELOW
movi r4, -127 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
RightOffTrack:# sensors are 0x0f = rightmost sensor off track, turn left by sending 0xCE = -50 to steering movi r5, -50
call STEER movi r20, 30 bgt r6, r20, OVER movi r20, 20 blt r6, r20, BELOW
movi r4, -60 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
TwoRightOffTrack:# sensors are 0x07 = 2 rightmost sensors off track, turn hard left by sending 0x9C = -100 to steering movi r5, -127 call STEER movi r20, 30 bgt r6, r20, OVER movi r20, 20 blt r6, r20, BELOW
movi r4, -127 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
movi r4, 127 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed
movi r4, -80 # decelerate to keep constant speed after first corner call ACC_CONTROL br ReadSensorsAndSpeed # Helper functions
WORLDRESET: # writes 0x00 (op-stop) and drains reads. Uses callee saved registers r16-r18
movia r16, 0x10001020 /* r16 now contains the base address of UART*/
RESET_WRITE_POLL: ldwio r17, 4(r16) /* Load from the JTAG */
srli r17, r17, 16 /* Check only the write available bits */
beq r17, r0, RESET_WRITE_POLL /* If this is 0 (branch true), data cannot be sent */
stwio r0, 0(r16) /* Write the byte 0x00 to the JTAG canceling the wait for new packet*/ RESET_READ_POLL:
ldwio r17, 0(r16) /* Load from the JTAG */ andi r18, r17, 0x8000 /* Mask other bits */
bne r18, r0, RESET_READ_POLL /* If this is 1, data is valid, so continue draining */ ret
STEER: # write r5 into packet type 5, uses callee saved registers r16-r19 addi sp, sp, -12 stw r16, 0(sp) stw r17, 4(sp) stw r18, 8(sp)
movia r16, 0x10001020 /* r16 now contains the base address of UART*/
ldwio r17, 4(r16) /* Load from the JTAG */
srli r17, r17, 16 /* Check only the write available bits */
beq r17, r0, STEER_WRITE_POLL /* If this is 0 (branch true), data cannot be sent */
movui r18, 0x5 /* packet type is 5 (steering)*/ stwio r18, 0(r16) /* Write the byte to the JTAG */
ldwio r17, 4(r16) /* Load from the JTAG */
srli r17, r17, 16 /* Check only the write available bits */
beq r17, r0, STEER_WRITE_POLL2 /* If this is 0 (branch true), data cannot be sent */
stwio r5, 0(r16) /* Write the steering value in r5 to the JTAG */ ldw r16, 0(sp) ldw r17, 4(sp) ldw r18, 8(sp) addi sp, sp, 12 ret
ACC_CONTROL: # write r4 into packet type 4 uses callee saved registers r16-r18 addi sp, sp, -12 stw r16, 0(sp) stw r17, 4(sp) stw r18, 8(sp)
movia r16, 0x10001020 /* r16 now contains the base address */
ldwio r17, 4(r16) /* Load from the JTAG */
srli r17, r17, 16 /* Check only the write available bits */
beq r17, r0, ACC_WRITE_POLL /* If this is 0 (branch true), data cannot be sent */
movui r18, 0x4 /* packet type is 4 (acceleration)*/ stwio r18, 0(r16) /* Write the byte to the JTAG */
ldwio r17, 4(r16) /* Load from the JTAG */
srli r17, r17, 16 /* Check only the write available bits */
beq r17, r0, ACC_WRITE_POLL2 /* If this is 0 (branch true), data cannot be sent */
stwio r4, 0(r16) /* Write the acceleration value to the JTAG */ ldw r16, 0(sp) ldw r17, 4(sp) ldw r18, 8(sp) addi sp, sp, 12 ret


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