PP Task 3.1 Code Tracing Additional Questions
N-roe: Reulace with your name
I. How dees Code Sample 3 illustrate the importance of sequence?
Z. The code mice = 10; is an exam ple of which kind 07 programm ing statement?
3. What actions does the compute’ perform when it executes the statement b = c; from Code Samplc 4? (Hint: Think in terms of what has been taught in the lectures and notes. You do not need to research what happens at the hardware level as that is outside the scope of the unit.)
4. What actions does the computer perform when it executes the statement a = b – a; from Code Sample 4?
o. How would the value of variable i change in the statement = i + 1;?
Variable Values Expression Value Type
Hey yow
= 2;
2.5; b a = 2.5; b = 2;
“Micr,ael ‘ + a +
a = “Doug’ a + Jones’
a = 11 8 “THร” + a
7. What is the most appropriate type to store the following?
Data Type
Number of students in an online chat room
A person’s name
Average age of a group of people
A temperature in Celsius
The name of a unit
Points scored in a soccer game
A student’s ID number
A person’s phone number. including area code
The cost of an item in a shop
KIT 101 Programming Fundamentals Pass Task 3.1 Code Tracing โ Answer Sheet
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